My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 100: The path of spiritual practice in this world

Soon, Medea left.

Of course, this is only temporary. You must know that the arrival of Medea is to assist Sasaki. After all, Sasaki has made a lot of achievements in attack, but other aspects are unremarkable.

Medea, who is good at many magics, is definitely Sasaki's best logistic assistant.

The witch's departure is just to prepare some casting materials.

After Medea left, Sasaki began to practice.

His practice is very special.

It is also very simple!

It's neither meditation, tuna nor training, but just put the unnamed long knife that you carry with you on your knees and meditate.

With the passage of time, Sasaki's thoughts in his mind were cut off one after another.

There was only a whispering sword in his mind.

In the silent silence of meditation and meditation, he felt his knife and his way a little bit!

This is the path that Sasaki walked out in the past few years.

As described in Jiang De's intelligence, before becoming the idea of ​​the long-door avatar, Sasaki was just a mediocre professional swordsman, regardless of the prospects and current combat strength are extremely mediocre.

Although when he became the idea avatar of Nagato, there will be no small expansion of his career path.

But this expansion is ultimately limited.

The degree of expansion depends on the strength and the basis of the body used to expand the career path.

The former does not need to say much, while the latter is like Sasaki's swordsman career. It can be expanded into double swordsman, magic swordsman, big swordsman, etc., but it can't become a **** of swords in one step.

But Sasaki's situation is more painful. When he won the house, the predecessor just happened to repair the fire and fell into the devil.

Therefore, the power carried by Nagato's idea can only be used to make up for the origin after winning the house.

Sasaki's career is still the most common public swordsman!

In such a difficult situation, Sasaki can only take a different approach. He abandoned his constitution, strength, speed, and even the practice of various knife skills, only one knife.

It is this practice that allowed Sasaki to reach the present level in just a few years with the most mediocre qualifications and occupations.

As the outside world has rumored, he has broken the threshold of four turns.

Only for the purpose of precipitating and accumulating oneself, there is no promotion.

After all, the road above four turns cannot be so extreme.

After all these years of experience and insights, Sasaki has already deduced the practice of the world to the point of six revolutions, two revolutions higher than the current strongest professional on earth.

The professional system begins with the spirit son as the core, and the road is shaped as a prototype.

One of them turned into a psionic organ, and a second turned professional gave birth to his own life field. The existence of this field allowed the professional to completely open the dimension of dimensionality with mortals.

The life fields of the three-turn professionals are merged with the psionic organs, interweaving mileage-style professional supernatural powers.

At this point, the career path has reached the extreme of people.

The next road is another level.

According to the deductions of Sasaki's thought avatars, the life fields of the four-turn professionals will be released outside, eroding the surrounding world, and this erosion will lead to a field similar to the blessed land.

The five-turn professional will turn the blessed land into a cave on the basis of the four-turn, and become the master of the cave.

As for the so-called six-turn, it is obvious.

That is--

Turn one side into the real world!

It can be clearly seen from here that the so-called professional system is the way of the world.

However, there are thousands of avenues, which will eventually lead to the same goal. It is not surprising to have such a result. After all, if you are born between heaven and earth, if you want to be extraordinary or even detached, you naturally have to learn from heaven and earth.

And is there a better way to learn than creating another world?

The answer is no!

By the way, the Infinite Divine Kingdom is to some extent equivalent to the five-turned professional's cave, and after these years of development, the Divine Kingdom is already a fairly mature and perfect large cave.

As long as the subject consciousness asleep in the core of the infinite kingdom of God is awake, it is a powerful five-turn professional.

Of course, it is equally difficult for the Infinite Kingdom to advance from Dongtian to the world.

The reason is very simple, the birth time of Dongtian is too short, and the accumulation is insufficient!

The topic returned to Sasaki.

Sasaki, whose realm is already high enough to be able to reach the four-turn professional at any time, actually gets rid of his knife accident, and its real power is probably not as good as some ordinary three-turn professional.

Although he can be promoted to four turns, his future is probably an ordinary four-turn professional.

Perhaps such an achievement is already remarkable in the eyes of others. After all, there have been more than 20 four-turn professionals since the extraordinary age, and the number of four-turn professionals in today's world is less than two hands.

Even if it is the golden age of the future, the professionals who have truly reached the four-turn realm may be rare.

But in Sasaki's eyes, if it was like that, his avatar would be meaningless.

However, if you want to become the four-turn powerhouse that opens up the blessed land, Sasaki will condense the heart of the world, and the so-called heart of the world is the result of the fusion of the professional life field and the laws of the world.

If you want to condense the heart of the world, you need to meet a strong life field, enough avenue perception and law experience.

Dasao's feelings and rules are something that Sasaki is definitely not lacking!

But his mediocre life scene dragged his feet.


"If you want to go further, you need to make up for your shortcomings and strengthen the life field."

Such thoughts flashed in his mind, and Sasaki's thoughts changed sharply. In fact, it is not difficult to strengthen the life field. As long as there is enough time and resources, Sasaki can do this by himself.

But the problem is that he has no time, after all, no one knows when the final battle will erupt.

Thinking of this, Sasaki suddenly had a decision in his mind.

He is ready to take a risk!

And just after he made such a decision, the communication network possessed by the idea avatars suddenly became lively, and the voice of discussion kept thinking in the network, and all avatars expressed their ideas.

These ideas or suggestions, or discussions, or assumptions, but without exception, all support Sasaki.

Obviously, the other avatars also care about the risk Sasaki is about to take.

"Since that is the case, let the next knife come to try!"

Thinking so, Sasaki closed his eyes again and seemed to continue to meditate.

"Boom !!!"

However, his knife was completely heated, and a faint echo sounded in the empty room, and the professionals in the entire defense area felt an inexplicable chill.

An extremely small number of strong men even vaguely saw it, a long knife that seemed unable to wait to get out of the sheath! ..

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