My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 101: The reinforcements arrived 【上】

Time rushed, and in a flash came the third day after the war.

Earlier, Sasaki's intention to sweep across the entire defense zone suddenly increased his reputation to a terrible point, so that from that day on, Sasaki was only able to thank the customer.

Because as soon as he goes out, he will be intercepted by all kinds, some will sign for a group photo, some will ask for guidance from the teacher, and some will challenge.

But no matter what they say, in Sasaki's eyes are just a bunch of troublesome guys.

If it weren't for his current identity, he would definitely draw a knife.

Since he couldn't do it, Sasaki had to choose to avoid it.

It was only on this day that Sasaki, who was behind closed doors, had to come out of his room because the reinforcements sent by the Federation and the Hai tribe were about to arrive here.

As the upper-level leader of the defense zone, even if he is not known, Sasaki must come to meet him.

In addition to his three female disciples, there were also high-level senior officials in the defense area headed by Jun Xie, and a cold-faced man carrying a black sword.

This is a strong man called indifference and arrogant temperament all over his body, and his cultivation practice has already taken four steps.

And it is not an ordinary four-turn strong, but a strong in the four-turn level.

Sasaki is sure that the other party has definitely united the heart of the world.

Immediately, Sasaki became interested.

You should know that even after years of exploration, Sasaki and other idea avatars have never seen such a strong man, so that they were wasting a lot of time when they first practiced the practice system.

Even if there is a practice system now practiced, if there is a sample of the top four players, it is sure to prove many problems.

Just to do this, I am afraid to help other ideas, and to pay some price, and then think of what he will do soon, Sasaki can only temporarily put this plan on hold.

"Mr. Sasaki!"

On the way to the meeting place, it seemed to feel Sasaki's attention, Jun Xie introduced to Sasaki, "You must have heard this one, his name is Bu Jingyun."

"Uncle Jingyun, this is Mr. Sasaki Kojiro who cut off the incomplete devil."

"You are very good!"

It was Bu Jingyun who was speaking, his voice was a bit stiff and cold.

Along with his words, there was a faint darkness, although it was not intentional, but as long as people with sharp senses were a little trance, as if they saw an infernal hell.

The spiritual consciousness of everyone on the scene was very good, so everyone could not help but be silent.

"Long Admiration!"

Sasaki was not affected, but only slightly stunned. He glanced at Jiang De and said lightly.

Although the tone is a bit too indifferent, Sasaki is really not perfunctory. Although he has n’t met, he knows that the other party is the mysterious pillar of the kingdom within the empire category, and he does n’t cry to death.

By the way, Sasaki and other thought avatars in the empire in the past also explored the information of Bu Jingyun.

After all, his title and name are exactly the same as a protagonist in a comic named Fengyun in the old era, so they all thought that this is a similar existence to Einhardt.

It's just that Bu Jingyun seems to be holding a position on the dark side of the empire, and doesn't show his head outside.

Except for the name, other information is rarely revealed.

As a result, Jiang De was drunk and bragged about what he said in the past, completely messing up Sasaki. At that time, Jiang De said this: "Sasaki, do n’t look at the four revolutions of the empire. Except for the junior and the master, the other people are either amused or mad."

"It's like the one called Bu Jingyun, which is completely a secondary disease."

"Do you know S2 disease, it means paranoia, that guy has always imitated the cloud in the old era Fengyun comics as an idol, and constantly imitated it. In the end, S2 really regarded himself as that character."

"It's true, every second and second disease is actually stronger than me, ah, so unwilling!"

Looking back at the memory, Rao Sasaki's complexion was also slightly abnormal.

Fortunately, Bu Jingyun didn't notice it. In fact, even if he noticed it, he probably wouldn't care. Perhaps Sasaki's attack power is amazing, but it's still not worth paying too much attention in the eyes of Death God.

Bu Jingyun, who has opened up a blessed land, understands how amazing the gap between the fourth and third revolutions is.

In this way, after a simple conversation, everyone moved on.

Their destination is an empty beach.

The gentle sea breeze came from the distant sea and sky, gently baptizing the guests on the beach, which made people feel that the mind was open and relaxed for a while, and the influence of the **** breath was also dissipated.

In the process of waiting, everyone also chatted from time to time, among them Jun Xie even found Einhardt.

Although the overlord girl was a little reluctant, the imperial prince was still struggling.

Many senior officials saw this scene with thoughtful expressions.

Before long, the federal reinforcements arrived.

It was a 100-meter spaceship.

The hull showed the color of sterling silver, and the star-strip symbol unique to the Federation was depicted on it. With the spread of heat waves and slight impacts, the spacecraft landed on the beach.

Soon, the gate of the spacecraft opened suddenly, and dozens of figures strolled out of it.

Headed by a slightly thin white man with some beards, he has no long body, but his spirit is very high, as if he is fighting every day, and with his footsteps, the world seems to be active.

The man's name is Lincoln, and he is a strong four-turner of the Federation, and he is also the President of the Federation.

Because his profession is good at Tekken, he is called Tekken President!

Unlike Bu Jingyun, Lincoln often showed his head in public, so at the moment he appeared, many people in the Empire were shocked and inexplicable. They didn't expect Lincoln to come forward in person.

But as long as you consider that there is a former president in the Federation with the title of free will, it will be slightly understood.


Watching Lincoln approach, Bu Jingyun snorted and took a step.


There seemed to be an invisible shock in the void.

All of a sudden, there seemed to be a world where two parties collided in the perception of each other. One of them was the heaven of the human world cheered by all beings, while the other was the infernal **** where all sentient beings fell.

Lincoln's footsteps moved forward a little, and then his invisible contagion around him dissipated.

But there was no slight displeasure on his face. Instead, he stepped forward with a laugh and raised his right hand. "You are still so annoying, dear death!"

Who would n’t cry to death but did n’t seem to see the other person ’s hand.

The scene was extremely embarrassing in a flash.

Fortunately, the next moment, the prince of the imperial prince responded extremely quickly. He took a step forward and took the white man's hand. >

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