My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 102: Tony! Haizuzhi!

With the steps, Lincoln went down.

Although he had already scolded him in his heart, he knew that the Empire's Cry Death was a tough, stinky guy, but who knew that this guy would be so arrogant when the two power representatives met.

But on the surface, Lincoln was still smiling, and quietly ignored Step Jingyun, and he kept talking with Jun Xie.

Lincoln was more concerned about the imperial prince in front of him than the startled cloud.

After all, his actions over the years really make people have to care.

The most important thing is that according to the intelligence of the federal spies inside the empire, the news of the advent of the magic disaster was first spoken from the mouth of the prince of the empire. There must be a lot of secrets in him.

Therefore, in the process of communication, Lincoln is also quietly tempting, gathering intelligence.

It's just that the rebirth is not a rookie, how could it be so.

In this way, a big and a small fox contest began.

Maybe it ’s up and down

The other people around me also gathered together in twos and threes and tried.

Fortunately, the federation and the empire are the only two remaining forces of mankind. There may have been various contradictions and even wars at the beginning of the establishment, but overall, the relationship is still good.

At least compared to the papacy in which fanatics are in power, both the Empire and the Federation are more willing to establish diplomatic relations with each other.

Therefore, the whole scene is relatively harmonious, and there is almost no provocation

apart from--

"This buddy, this is Tony!"

A white man who looked extremely unruly went straight to Sasaki and frowned, "How do I call it, and why do I feel uncomfortable when I see you."

As soon as the youth's words were finished, they immediately attracted the attention of others around him, including Jun Xie and Lincoln.

"Well, he is that Iron Man, Tony?"

Jun Xie thought for a while, and finally recognized the name of the person who started to pick things up.

In the rebirth's memory of the future, this Tony is a very important professional in the Federation. Although it is not a peerless arrogance of extraordinary power, his role is not inferior to any arrogance.

In the golden age of the future, Tony immersed himself in research and came up with a large number of inventions, which directly increased the overall power of the Federation by nearly a factor.

But how could Tony provoke Mr. Sasaki for no reason?

Thinking of this, Jun Xie couldn't help but be puzzled.

It's just that when his eyes inadvertently glanced at Ain Hart, Shana, and Kinomoto Sakura around Sasaki, he suddenly felt a little surprised, because in his memory, Tony seemed to be a famous playboy.

Coincidentally, Lincoln also came to a conclusion similar to that of a monarch.

"This Tony will die on the woman's belly sooner or later!"

With the talents of youth flashed in his mind, Lincoln made up his mind that as soon as this matter was over, after returning to the Federation, he must educate the slick boy and make him understand the right way.

Tony did not know the thoughts of Jun Xie and Lincoln.

If he knew it, he would definitely blame him. Although he was indeed a playboy, he was just the posture he showed in his leisure time.

The real Tony does not understand anything, only the willful second ancestor.

On this occasion, he would not have made such a move at the moment. Just as he said, I do n’t know why, obviously for the first time, Tony instinctively felt that the presence of the purple-haired young man in front of him made him feel bored and involuntarily thinking Looking for his trouble.

"Sasaki, Koshiro Sasaki!"

Saying his name lightly, Sasaki's eyes closed slightly, completely ignoring Tony's meaning.

Just in his heart, Sasaki couldn't help secretly feeling the wonder of fate.

Although he didn't perceive it carefully, Sasaki knew how Tony felt about himself at this time, and the reason why he felt so was normal, because Tony's predecessor had a deep hatred for Sasaki.

Like Einhardt, Tony was born from chaos.

His previous life was the Iron Man of the Marvel series.

Tony Stark!

The death of Tony ’s previous life is inseparable from Sasaki, or Nagato, even if he has been reincarnated from chaos to the real earth, the essence has turned into reality, and it ca n’t get rid of this causal influence.

It was under the influence of this cause and effect that he took the initiative to find Sasaki.


With emotion, Sasaki couldn't help but think of what he was going to do soon, which originally required the assistance of the three girls of Einhardt, but now it seems that he has a brand-new substitute.

Hands on this guy in front of him, he doesn't need to worry about overstretching him completely.

"But before that, don't let him harass yourself."

Thinking about it this way, Sasaki directly displayed the power he had just realized not long ago, but he did not see any action. The invisible sword was bluntly cut into Toni's soul without anyone knowing.


A whisper that only Tony and Sasaki could hear appeared out of nowhere.

Not waiting for Tony to be surprised, the inexplicable sense of loss suddenly filled his heart, and then Tony himself was also very surprised, not understanding that he would take the initiative to find someone who had never been masked to pick things up.

Extremely embarrassed emotions can't help but flow into my heart, and Tony suddenly doesn't know what to say.

And at this moment-

"Wow !!!"

Suddenly, the sound of water rang from the distant sea surface, and came from afar, instantly attracting everyone's attention.

The crowd immediately looked at the source of the sound, and then they saw a huge coral palace slowly rising from below the sea level, and waves of waves swayed around it.

"That is"

"Mobile Palace of Hai Clan!"

The high-level leaders of the two parties glanced at each other and came to a conclusion.

——The reinforcements of the Hai tribe have arrived!

After receiving a high-level signal, many young people immediately showed a curious look on their faces. Although the Hai people signed a contract with humans, the Hai people, who had always been exclusive, rarely appeared in human society.

Young people are mostly curious about the appearance of the sea clan, is it like the mermaid in the fairy tale.

Even some young people, such as Tony, are dreaming of a love that transcends race.

Just the next moment--

"I depend!"

When the figures of Hai's reinforcements walked out of the Coral Palace, all the young people with expectations in their hearts changed their faces, and their heads were completely blank. ..

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