My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 104: Saya

For a long time, the cloud sold rain

In the hall where chaos gradually spread out, the figures of Nagato and Saya reappeared, and the two snuggled up against each other, facing each other with their eyes moving, feeling each other's existence.

The atmosphere in the whole hall looks very warm.

Both of them have a wonderful feeling, whether it is Saya, who has just returned from the eternal battlefield, or the long door that has been laid out in the future, their hearts have renewed their vitality.

It was half loud, and the long door spoke softly, and said in a gentle and decisive tone:

"Saya, it's up to you in this world!"

The red-haired boy has the only will, and the ideas of the thought avatars are exactly what he thinks. Although Sasaki thought about the problem of the sea clan, although it is not impossible to let other idea avatars go, but since Saya came back, it would naturally be her.

Nagato's trust in Saya is absolute.


Feeling the trust of Nagato, the girl responded gently.

He slowly rose from the arms of the red-haired boy and said with a smile, "Please rest assured to me, Brother Nagato, Saye I will rule out all possible accidents!"

The faint words are filled with endless utter desolation and coldness, which makes the beautiful girl add a demon.

Nagato stared at this mysterious beauty alone, couldn't help but kiss the girl's lips again, and then said: "until now, everything is almost clear."

"Nothing can stop us from moving towards that infinite future!"

As soon as the words fell, the long door stood up, taking a slow and firm step, and walked out of the hall.

Now that Saya still hides his own existence, Nagato needs to pretend to be the appearance of the great advancement of the master who just killed the giant beast civilization, so that the girl can better act in secret.

At the same time, it is also to preside over the operation of Bai Yujing, No, infinite civilization, in order to meet the advent of the final battle.

Quietly watching the figure of the long door disappear in his own eyes, the figure of Saya suddenly disappeared.

At the next moment, the girl's figure appeared directly between the real and the chaotic.

In the years when the girl refined the behemoth civilization, this special space has already become her own reserve, and she can enter and leave at will, without waiting for the opportunity of the eternal battle.

Standing in the void, Saya can clearly feel how close the real universe is to himself.

If other Dao ancestors are here, as long as they are not from the real earth, or get the help of the real ancestors, I am afraid that they cannot come across the gap to the real universe.

But Saya is not.

Although it is also not a Taoist ancestor from a real universe, Shaye is very special in Taoist ancestors.

The girl who transformed herself into a 'Schrodinger's cat' in her early years reinforced this trait between existence and nonexistence to another dimension when she achieved the ultimate existence of Chaos.

To be more precise, she is no longer an ambiguous existence, but she has emerged from it.

At this time, Saya neither exists nor does not exist.

She is above the existence and non-existence!

There is nothing that can hinder such a girl-as long as her heart moves, she can come everywhere. The so-called avenue law is forbidden and the formation method is hidden, and it has no meaning in front of her.

From this point of view, Saya has surpassed all Taoist ancestors including Nagato. Perhaps the combat power is not the highest, but her ability to survive and move is definitely the strongest. It is unclear how specific it is, but it is likely that the impact of Chaos ’transformation will not be wiped out.

If he wishes, Saya can completely escape the endless chaos dispute alone.

It's just a pity that even with this ability, Saya never thought about it.

All her thoughts are tied to Nagato, and she does not want to be alone at all. Perhaps this whole-hearted attachment and attachment makes Saya the most special and important position in Nagato's heart.

"True, here I come!"

In light words, Saya took a step barefoot, and the world around him changed.

In an instant, the girl came to the stars of the real universe.


At the first time, Saya felt that his almost omnipotent power of Taoist ancestors appeared a lot of restrictions. Obviously, the laws of the real universe are more perfect and stronger than endless chaos.

But with the exploration and analysis of Nagato in the real universe, she quickly adapted to this limitation.

Not only that, the girl also adjusted her own strength a little bit to adapt to the real universe.


"Still can't adapt perfectly!"

Feeling that there was a little unfitness between his own power and the universe, Saya couldn't help frowning, "Does it need to be completely transformed into the so-called professional system to be a perfect fit?"

Such thoughts flashed in his mind, and Saya quickly gave up this method.

Even if it is not converted into a professional system, the slightest gap with the real universe will not have a great impact on Saya, and at the current level of Saya, the aura to be consumed by transformed professionals will definitely attract the attention of the real earth consciousness.

"Speaking of real earth consciousness, where is that guy?"

Suddenly thinking of this problem, Saya secretly perceived the surroundings for a while-did not start sensing, but only passively received information, but even so, the general information of the real earth still fell into the category of girls' perception.

But even so, she did not discover the true earth consciousness, only the residual breath she left behind.

"That's it!"

A slight arc appeared in the corner of his mouth. Saya passed the information of the Hai family given by the long door in his mind. The crystal feet lightly tapped in the void. At the next moment, the figure of the girl in white instantly moved over the Pacific.

The whole process was completed in an instant, quietly and silently, and did not attract any attention of the creatures.

Not just creatures, even the fine dust in the air, the airflow has not changed at all.

It seems that a girl above the sea is simply non-existent.

"According to intelligence, the Hai emperor is in this position."

Looking around a little bit to determine where he is, Saya can feel that there is indeed an area beneath the surface of the sea that contains a lot of life and the breath of civilization interwoven by life.

In this vibrant civilization, there is a hint of incongruity.

If it is not intentional, I am afraid that Saya will ignore this uncoordinatedly.

"Fun, let me see, what is it!"

By saying so, the girl seemed to lose her support, and the whole person fell straight into the sea

-Still not causing any waves and noise. ..

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