My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 105: Saya and Noah

Just after falling into the sea, Saya presented a gorgeous scenery in front of her eyes.

Sunlight is projected under the tranquil sea surface, as if it is the light that has been twisted and analyzed through the spectrum. It is beautiful. Even the deep-sea creatures such as swimming fish and jellyfish are stained with the sun.

Perhaps because of the special location of this sea area, the deep-sea monsters mentioned in the intelligence are completely absent.

Slowly falling to the bottom of the sea, Saya found his target the first time.

It was a city built entirely of giant corals.

That's nothing else, it's the Hai emperor capital.

Its name--

"Really, interesting!"

A faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and Saya's barefoot lifted slightly, only one step across the space of hundreds of kilometers, and quietly came to this deep-sea civilized central city.

Just standing in the void, Saya felt a strong and unreasonable atmosphere of civilization.

The cities below are home to a variety of sea tribes, numbering millions.

It stands to reason that there should be various contradictions among the sea creatures that have evolved from different marine organisms. After all, their species were different before evolution, and there are various food chain relationships.

But at this time, the girls didn't feel these contradictions at all. The sea creatures in the entire coral city lived in an orderly life.

Obviously, within a few decades, the evolution of deep-sea creatures into a sea civilization has achieved an unreasonable super leap forward and has become a vibrant and active civilization.

"It's incredible, incredible!"

Sighing softly, Saya's beautiful eyes could not help but squint slightly. If it were other people, even the Taoist ancestors, perhaps they could only sigh that the world of thousands of people is unique. The Hai civilization is really a miracle.

It's just that Saya is different from other people. She evolved a long river of souls and she can clearly sense the disharmony in the Haizu civilization.

There seems to be a small part of the souls of all sea creatures that resonate with the entire civilization.

The entire civilization is like a living individual!

Realizing this, Saya was silent for a moment, then his eyes slightly opened

The purple light flashed through the girl's eyes.

Suddenly, her vision changed dramatically.

The part where the soul of the Hai people resonated with civilization turned into a mysterious thin line in Shaye's eyes, and traced back to its source along the thin line. Shaye saw a space that could not be described by words.

Before it was too late to look at this space, Saya immediately confronted a pair of dark blue eyes that seemed a little surprised.

The owner of the eyes is a young girl who looks young, but looks young, but is full of strange charm, as if it gathers all the beautiful qualities of the souls in the world.

If you insist that the girl has any defects, it is that the girl is holding a cookie like a hamster.

Although this gesture is indeed very cute, it does not match the overall image of the girl.

In other words, the style is wrong!

"Amazed, Noah!"

Seeing the girl's astonishment, Saya smiled softly, and then her figure crossed the mysterious time and space, descended into the incredible space where the girl was, and fell in front of her. Yes, Noah!

The girl that Saya discovered was the only mysterious Taoist ancestor in the endless chaos that was sublimated from the entire civilization. According to the information obtained by Nagato, the Taoist name was Noah.

"Actually, I was even more surprised. I didn't expect you to extend your tentacles to the real earth!"

Between words, Saya's hand gently brushed the cookie on Noah's hand, snatching it away at a speed that was too quick to cover his ears, and put it in his mouth, taking a bite in a polite manner.

Immediately, Saya's eyes could not help squinting: "Your taste is pretty good!"

"Uh, my cookies !!"

Noadang, who was stolen by cookies, recovered from the shock. She raised her hand to take back the biscuits, but her hand brushed only a residual image, and the real Saya had retreated to tens of meters away. Biscuit swallowed.

Seeing this scene, Noah couldn't help staring, and the killer burst out of his deep blue eyes.

"Although I don't know what happened to you guy who was supposed to die."

"But there is no doubt that the one who robs me of the cookies, kills no amnesty!"

"go to hell!!!"

Immediately, a powerful force burst out of Noah's petite body, breaking the void!

Just when Saya and Noah met, the city defense area of ​​the ninth college.

The forces of the empire, the federation and the sea tribe have already gathered. The high-level officials are conducting a meeting on how to act. Sasaki stands alone on the high place and seems to be looking into the distance.

Although he held the position of leader of the Urban Corps of the ninth university, he had no intention of attending the meeting.

Fortunately, the empire did not worry about him as a possible dawn member, so he pushed the boat.

At this time, Sasaki is associating with other ideas, and even directly connected to the body.

Countless sparks of wisdom are blooming in the network of thoughts.

"Actually Noah!"

When Saye saw Noah, Sasaki also knew the information. Speaking of this, the surviving Dazuzuri, Sasaki is most familiar with her. After all, Baiyu Jingli also has a civilized sublime Iwas. .

By studying the existence of Ivas, Sasaki knows very much about Noah's information.

Coupled with the information that Saya had just received, Noah still presented everything in front of him.

In the eyes of Sasaki, Noah is the biggest alien among the Daozu!

Yes, alien!

Any Dao ancestors in chaos are actually unique, but in terms of existence, they are more or less a creature, and Noah has to question whether or not a creature is a question.

It is more correct to say that since Noah is an independent being, he is also an interdependent being.

"Then, the reason why Noah can lurk to the real earth is simple."

Sasaki wondered, maybe Noah could break through the boundary between chaos and reality, lurking in quietly without discovering the real earth consciousness, precisely because of the traversal in her part.

Although not specifically confirmed, Sasaki vaguely felt the correctness of his guess.

"Really, any Taoist ancestors dare not look down upon!"

I couldn't help flashing such thoughts in my mind, Sasaki looked up slightly, feeling the information constantly passing through the thought network. ..

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