My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 109: Battle of Demon

Where the meteorite fell!

The origin of the magic disaster twists the nests of monsters.

After the devastation was destroyed a few days ago, the entire devil's nest was in a state of silence, just like the tranquility before the storm, and people could not help feeling a sense of suffocation.

When the crusade team led by Junxie came, the Devil's Nest immediately responded.



"Jin Jie!"

As the black light burst out of the devil's nest, a fierce breath rushed to the sky, and in a flash, like a tsunami, many bodies rushed out of the presence of a terrible breath.


Like a dark red meteor, countless lights emerge from the darkness, drawing bright fireworks.

The extremely distorted atmosphere raged and re-enacted the scene a few days ago. The strange monsters opened their fierce fangs, glared at the bloodthirsty eyes, and straightly hit the crusade.

"The Royal Cavalry Regiment, charge !!"

"Freedom fighters, kill!"

"Warriors, battle battle battle !!!"

Facing the madness of monsters, there is only one choice for the crusade.

That is, face the enemy head on.

The elite warriors who gathered the three forces showed their strong side, and various attacks staggered out, madly strangling the endless monsters like the tide.

Perhaps there are other reasons for the forces, and the attacks of the crowd cannot be perfectly coordinated.

But the excellent attack power makes up for this shortcoming.

The mighty demon tide suddenly stopped!

Behind the crusade, Sasaki stood quietly.

Because of his professional characteristics, Sasaki was promised to participate in the final battle against the devil before the war. Prior to this, he had only one task, which was to recuperate and recharge.

Also being rejuvenated are Bu Jingyun, Lincoln, and the leader of the sea force, William the Sharkman.

In a sense, this arrangement almost treats Sasaki as a four-turn professional.

Others may be flattered.

But Sasaki was calm.

In such a posture, even if he is so proud, he has to look at him differently. Lincoln is even more interested. Only William, the strong man of the sea family, feels inexplicable.

Due to time and ethnic barriers, the Hai people have not received more information from Sasaki.

But in the current war, the Sharkman leader did not say much.

In this way, time slowly passed.

The tragic battlefield is like a meat grinder, not just monsters, human and sea warriors also began to sacrifice, but the morale of the entire crusade team has never been higher.

The endless evil flame of the monarch, the infinite domineering of Einhardt, the steel corps of Tony The outstanding performance of the Tianjiao made all the fighters feel a surge of emotions, so that the entire crusade team burst out of extraordinary combat power, constantly pushing the magic tide in reverse.

Seeing that the whole magic wave was about to collapse, suddenly, Sasaki's mouth showed a smile of interest.

He could feel that there was an invisible and obscure will in the void.

That was the original will born out of this earth underfoot!

"She, are you going to shoot?"

Such thoughts flashed in his mind, and Sasaki felt a little funny in his heart. He glanced at the monarch who was a pioneer in the distance. "It seems that this reborn person puts a lot of pressure on her."

"However, the reborn, I think it is more and more possible."

Just as Sasaki was thinking, the mighty coercion spread out in all directions centering on the devil's nest, and everyone in the crusade felt a suffocation and weakened.

Even those arrogant people feel that they have been inexplicably weakened for a while.

On the contrary, the monsters seem to have received blessings. Their fierce and powerful levels have increased by at least 50%. The magic wave that was about to collapse will be restored again, and even the power will be doubled, which will increase the pressure of the crusade team!


Looking at the situation in front of him, the steps at the back were shocking, and Lincoln and William all frowned a little.

They have not foreseen such a situation. In fact, in the past, they have experienced this coercion more than once. Without the interference of this mysterious coercion, the devastation of the mob will not be so great.

Only in the past, this coercion appeared when the complete demon appeared.

Never thought that this time the Demon King had not appeared, coercion appeared.

"Are you going to shoot?"

The first one to speak was the Lincoln of the Federation. I saw that the Tekken President could n’t help but frown and said, “Although I really want to keep the power to deal with the Devil, but it ’s not good if I lose too much before that.”

Just waiting for others to respond, the battlefield situation will change again!


I saw that the front of the crusade team also burst out like a real coercion.

That's the domineering color domineering Einhardt on the front line!

It turned out that the overlord girl who was suppressed under the pressure of the Devil's Nest felt extremely unwilling. After all, the girl is the best at this kind of coercion. Being suppressed in the best is a shame for the girl.

Under such circumstances, the girl exploded the potential hidden deep in her body.

That was the power of the divine body after being assimilated by the will of the Nagato for more than ten years.

The terrifying overlord's domineering power seems to be endless. It is released with the girl's petite body as a carrier. It has a positive collision with the coercion burst out of the devil's nest, and even triggered the shock of the void!

"How can it be?!"

In an unknown mysterious place, Miss Real Earth Consciousness was shocked to watch this scene through endless time and space.

You must know that the pressure that burst out of the nest at this time is in a sense its own pressure. Although it has been weakened a lot, but at her level, this pressure is not something that the creatures of the earth can resist.

Thinking of this, Miss Real Earth Consciously couldn't help staring at Einhardt reflected in the virtual image in front of her eyes.

The perception is fully expanded, and I feel the powerful coercion of the other party carefully.


"Long! Door !!!"

Almost gnashing her teeth, Miss Real Earth consciously said a name that surprised her a lot, "It's actually that guy's power, how is it possible!" ..

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