My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 110: Dread and shatter

Regarding Nagato, real earth consciousness is more than familiar.

Since the other party's previous life, she has been paying attention, witnessing the other party's gallop from weak to strong, and even in the past, she has also established a covenant with the other party.

Of course, when the covenant was first established, the girl was not very kind.

Her purpose is very simple, is to use long doors to attract the attention of chaos.

To cover up some of her secret arrangements and actions.

Nagato was indeed not disappointed. Although he was attracted by other Dao ancestors, he finally stood on the opposite side of the other Dao ancestors. The entire chaotic eye was attracted by Bai Yujing.


"Now it seems that it's more than just taking care of it!"

He secretly gritted his teeth, and the real earth consciousness lady at this time was already clear. It was n’t anyone else who guided the twisted will of the abyss to the real earth. It was definitely a long door.

And that mysterious daybreak organization is not a reason for doubt.

It's exactly his handwriting!

The man had surpassed her calculations unconsciously and reached a point of unpredictability. No one knew what he had done or wanted to do.

Thinking in this way, there was a strong fear in the heart of Miss Real Earth Consciousness.

"It seems to be more than just the rebirth!"

As the saying goes, the girl's perception has expanded to its limit, and through her connection with the earth, countless messages have suddenly appeared in her mind and are known to her.

The operation of thinking reaches its limit in an instant, and the girl seems to see a torrent of destiny above everything else.

"Fateful, turning point?"

Reading the information I received from the torrent of destiny, the innocent girl looked at the war in the virtual image in front of her inexplicably, her eyes flickered and did not know what she was thinking.

At this time, the Devil's Nest battlefield.

The outbreak of Einhardt made the war into a subtle stagnation. The collision between domineering and coercion stirred the ripples in space, and also caused creatures including monsters to temporarily retreat.

Faced with sudden resistance, the void of the battlefield filled with a discontented will.


The horrible coercion enough to suppress all sentient beings was raised again.

But even so, the situation remains unchanged.

Einhardt is in a state of extreme mystery. The traces of the road that belong to the long gate inscribed in his body are constantly manifesting, and he is truly beginning to complete the unity of the girl's body and mind.

The road traces that originated from the Dazu ancestors continue to expand the girl's own way of overlord.

In less than a moment, the girl's dominance also increased at a rate visible to the naked eye.

The stalemate collision continues

Such a scene shocked all other creatures except monsters on the battlefield. Even the reborn Jun Xie could not understand it. After all, although the former Einhardt was powerful, it was not strong enough.

Several strong four-turners at the back of the crusade also showed surprise, even horrified looks.

Bu Jingyun and Lincoln, who experienced the last magic disaster, are very clear about the overbearing and unbelievable coercion that burst out from the nest. The essence is so high that there is no solution at all.

Even if the empire and the confederate, the two existences at the apex of humanity cannot offset the weakening of coercion.

But now, there is an existence that can resist coercion with its own will.

Such a situation has completely surpassed the common sense of Bu Jingyun and others. However, what they do n’t know is-

This is just the beginning!


The collision between the soaring coercion and domineering quickly reached a limit, and the space of the ripples burst into a soft sound, showing an unknown crack.

With the exception of Sasaki and the monster, all human and sea creatures have fallen into complete stagnation.

At this moment, Einhardt had just completed the perfect unity of body and mind.

The omnipotent feeling pervades the girl's heart.

But she knew it was just an illusion.

Illusion after soaring power!


"This is also an opportunity!"

Such thoughts flashed in the brain, Einhardt acted decisively, consciousness and roads resonated, and the surging life field in the body instantly appeared through the body and interacted with all things in the world.

The so-called unity of heaven and man is nothing more than that!

The blend between the soul and the heavens and earth makes the essence of the girl's life transform in an instant.

She easily broke into the realm of four turns.

Not only that, taking advantage of the opportunity of life transformation at the advanced stage, Einhardt also achieved a four-turn extreme by virtue of his own resonance and the deep heritage brought by the fusion of the traces of the Longmen road.


The power in the body increased geometrically, making Einhardt unbearable.

In a low whisper, the girl gathered all the power of the riot in her body into her right hand with the most overbearing will, stepped out with her left foot, and was domineering all over the body.

Raising his right hand and making a fist, Einhardt broke out his strongest strength.

"Overlord breaks his fist!"


The domineering unparalleled fist is like a lion breaking through the shackles, tearing some cracked spaces in front of the girl directly into pieces, and the violent space suddenly appears, and all the monsters and the ground are crushed into scum.

In an instant, the entire battlefield was silent, and almost all humans and sea clan were in a blank state.

Even the coercion that filled the void of the battlefield appeared slightly stagnate.

Einhardt felt emptiness in his body.

But there was a smile on the girl's face.

Because she clearly sensed that after throwing the punch of the broken void, the life field in her body began to transform again, and its core was gradually transforming towards the egg of the world.

As long as the conversion is completed, the girl can truly embark on the professional path!

Blessing the land, turning the sky into the world

Thinking so, Einhardt's consciousness gradually went away.

The sudden explosion and promotion, as well as the blow that exhausted the whole body's strength and shattered the void, let the girl reach the limit completely. After relaxing, she naturally couldn't support it.

Seeing the girl was about to fall, Sasaki's figure suddenly appeared behind her.


Giving a light embrace to the unconscious girl, a smile appeared on the face of Zifa Youth, "I can do this step, but if I do it well, I am a disciple!" ..

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