My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 112: Mutant battle situation!

Shenlong bound magic array.

This array was originally a peerless war developed by the Imperial Emperor Jun Wushuang against the Demon King during the last war of demon eradication, and it was revised and improved many times in later years.

Although it is only a trapped formation, it is still called the strongest battle formation of the empire.

Jun Xie never thought that it was a simple matter to fight against the Demon King. It is necessary to know the end of the last Devil Disaster. Human and the Alliance of Civilizations of the Sea Clan lost some unknown strong men in order to seal the Devil King.

Of course, no matter the number of strong men or the degree of civilization, humans and sea clan now exceed the period of the magic disaster.

But even so, it is still extremely dangerous to conquer the devil.

In the memory of the rebirth, in the endless dark future, as the darkest Gaia's strongest minions, the growing demon almost wiped out more than 80% of the life of the entire earth.

Don't let the devil get time to grow-this is one of the important reasons why Junxie presided over crusade.

Among the difficulties of crusade, before going out, Jun Xie prepared a lot of cards according to his future memory and by virtue of the identity and status of the imperial prince.

The Dragon Binding Magic Array is one of them.

"Roar Roar !!!"

Along with the orders of the king and evil spirits and the sounds of the dragon chanting, eighty-one golden dragons shining with golden brilliance bound the devil's huge body and surging flames.

The terror attack that the devil was about to burst out was strangled in the cradle.

The temperature of the entire battlefield suddenly dropped!


Seeing this scene, Jun Xie's face suddenly showed a satisfied look. The reason why he brought the entire Imperial Royal Cavalry Regiment this time was partly for this battle.

With the help of this battle array, at least the attack power of the demon king can be sealed in a short time.

Of course, over time, the devil will also break the shackles.


"Don't be dazed!"

"Everyone, give me the strongest attack!"

He shouted his orders loudly, and the evil flame on Junxie exploded madly, swallowing up a large area of ​​land under his feet, turning into an endless sea of ​​fire, and capsized.

Jun Xie's orders and lead by example made the whole warrior in the crusade feel heartfelt.

"Hahaha, worthy of that guy's breed, the hero is a boy!"

Lincoln immediately laughed loudly, and a terrifying momentum burst out from the determined soldier. "Since this is the case, then I can't keep my hands anymore. Let's expand, my kingdom!"


As the voice fell, a phantom real kingdom appeared around Lincoln.

There is a busy and orderly capital free society in the country!

This is a blessed land derived from the president of Iron Fist after the promotion of the four revolutions. Of course, in federal terms, it is a field. The scene in the field is the goal of Lincoln's struggle.

"Strength, bless!"

The power of the kingdom was madly blessed on Lincoln, which inspired his momentum to the extreme.

The distant sky even showed a huge hole because of this momentum!


Running the explosive terror power in the body, Lincoln waved his most familiar iron fist, as if to crack the horror fist of the whole world and everything, and smash it out to the devil.

Seeing Lincoln's move, Bu Jingyun and the shark leader of the sea tribe were silent, and also exerted their full strength.

Both are extremes of four revolutions, opening up the existence of their own blessed land and realm. Fu Jingyun's blessed land is a vast sea of ​​clouds. Under the blessing of Yun Hai, Bu Jingyun directly stirred the atmosphere of a hundred miles and set off an infinite amount of storms.

"Combined with each other!"

In the innumerable storm, Bu Jingyun exhibited his strongest move, accompanied by the terror will that emerged from his body, the power of the wind and the power of the cloud blended, and a tremendous amount of force was derived.

Its name--

"Moco is infinite!"

Like an endless force, it sprang up and fell down.

But the blessed land of the sharkman chief is very unexpectedly a vast ocean.

It may just be the peculiarity of the sea creatures. When the power of the sharkman's blessing land was revealed, the sea creatures on the battlefield burst out with unspeakable resonance.

The power of all sea creatures is gathered in the blessed land of the sharkman leader!

"Infinite shark, runaway!"

In the low voice, the sharkman's leader burst out of a large sea of ​​water, and then a shark that only formed from the seawater frantically emerged, and the number of sharks reached a terrible five in a blink of an eye.

And this is just the beginning. The strength of the sharkman leader seems to have no end, and the battlefield is completely covered by sharks in the blink of an eye.

The most frightening thing is that these sharks are not ordinary sharks.

At least have the power of a professional apprentice!

The size of the force and the number of horrors, the infinite sharks that ran away, showed the powerful strength of the sharkman leader as a representative of the sea clan, and the infinite sharks surged toward the devil like the tide.

At the same time, seeing Jun Xie and the three strong four-turners shot, the rest also showed their strongest strength.

Immediately, the entire crusade team condensed the strongest power and was about to kill the devil.


"Ha ha!"

Dreamy laughter drifted around.


The demon king bound under the eighty-one dragons suddenly roared loudly, and with his roar, the unspeakable horror erupted from his body.

In an instant, everyone on the battlefield seemed to see a world of complete silence!

An inexplicable sense of trembling flooded everyone's heart!


Then, as never before, the darkest flames emerged from the devil ’s huge body, and the devil ’s entire existence seemed to turn into a huge black sun, burning everything around him.

There was a little trance in the space for the first time.

The eighty-one dragons bound to the demon king gave out tragic roars, and everyone in the Royal Cavalry Regiment hosting the battle array was full of pain, but even so, the battle array still exists!


Such a situation angered the demon king, and the black sun expanded more than ten times.

Three huge columns of inky flames burst out of the black sun, respectively welcoming Lincoln's fist to suppress all things, Mo Ke infinitely struggling and the infinite shark of the sharkman leader.

At the same time, the black sun directly dragged the eighty-one dragons, ignoring the attacks by everyone including the monarch and evil, and with a very brutal attitude, madly impacted the location of the Royal Cavalry Regiment.


In the fierce roar, the world-famous Imperial Royal Cavalry Regiment turned into gray in the dark flames.

The eighty-one dragons that bound the demon king's body also dissipated.

"Roar Roar !!!"

Without the shackles, the black sun turned into a giant surrounded by black inflammation, and excitedly screamed in the sky! ..

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