My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 113: Final hole card

In a blink of an eye, it turned upside down.

Since the beginning of the war, the Demon King has finally manifested the power of the natural disasters he has, tearing the earth, breaking the void, and the rising dark flames as if to burn all the gods in the world.

The terrifying to terrifying power swept the entire battlefield, triggering a wave of panic.


Jun Xie's face was blue, and he was vaguely suspicious.

In the future memory of the rebirth, although the Demon King is so powerful, it must grow up after a certain period of time, and now the King of the Flame Demon has just just formed.

Unless there is any external help, the Devil will never be so strong.

"Sure enough, Dark Gaia !!"

Thinking of external forces, Jun Xie looked up at the sky for the first time, a flash of anger flashed deep in his eyes, "Damn guy, one day, I will make you pay a heavy price!"


As if feeling the idea of ​​Junxie, the King of the Flame Demon, who was originally looking up at the sky, immediately turned his head to look at Junxie, and the grim blood basin had a big mouth, which was a roaring shock mixed with black inflammation.

The attack of the devil is very abrupt, but the monarch is also not to be underestimated, so he can defend instantly.

The roaring evil flame spewed out of his body and turned into a protective barrier.


The moment when the black roaring impact collided with the guardian barrier of evil flame stirred up a large amount of dust. Between the roars, the guardian barrier wrapped around the king and evil blasted back hundreds of meters, leaving a deep gully on the ground Block the impact.

But even if the impact was blocked, a large crack appeared on the guardian barrier, and Jun Xie felt even weaker.

No matter how talented, Jun Xie is only a three-turn professional.

At this moment, the second attack of the Flame Demon King suddenly came, still a roaring shock mixed with black flames. The seemingly simple attack brought a deadly threat to the evil.


The pupils of the rebirth contracted violently, almost forcing overdraft force to defend.

At a critical moment, Bu Jingyun's figure appeared in front of him.

"Chongyun Deep Lock!"

With the blessing of the power of Yunhai Fudi, the endless clouds are reappearing like a shield and a chain. While being blocked by the incoming roaring shock wave, they are weakened.

For a moment, the huge cloud and the hot shock waves canceled out and dispersed.

Bu Jingyun himself also took three steps backwards under strong impact.


Seemingly very dissatisfied with his retreat, Bu Jingyun gritted his teeth, Yun Haifudi's power was extracted to the extreme, deducing Moco infinite, and then condensed to an extreme in an incomprehensible way.

Stepping out, Step Jingyun launched with his right palm, bursting out the strongest move of his life!

Its name-Heavenly Promise!


Facing Bu Jingyun's Promise of Heaven and Earth, the Devil gave a roar resounding through the clouds, and the unimaginable energy was gathered, condensed, changed in his mouth, and then sprayed out.

The devil is a very simple attack, but it contains at least a hundred times more terrifying power than the previous roaring shock wave.

The dark beam of light pierced the space, distorting the void, leaving a scorching mark.


Soon, the dark pillar of light collided with Tiandao Promise.

Under the deafening violent sound, the horror shock that seemed to overturn the whole world and the earth collapsed, accompanied by the energy of the wanton deprivation of life on the battlefield.


"Damn it!"


The few strong men who could not be affected in the aftermath of the collision had their faces drastically changed.

Especially the leaders of Lincoln and Sharkmen.

Now that the Royal Cavalry Regiment is completely destroyed, the largest number in the entire crusade is the Federation and Sea clan fighters. In this aftermath, the most dead are also the Federation and Sea clan fighters.

Although they were prepared for the sacrifice of the subordinates when they led the team to the crusade, they could not accept this kind of death.

Therefore, these strong men could not help but anger rose.

While angry, their eyes were still fixed on the center of the battlefield, and then they saw Bu Jingyun's figure flying out of the endless smoke and smashed a huge crater on the ground.

Although he quickly jumped out of the giant pit, anyone could feel it, Bu Jingyun's weakness.

Immediately, all the surviving strong men couldn't help but sink in their hearts.


At the next moment, the devil in the center of the collision made a roar, dispersing the dust, and the dark flame spreading in all directions around the devil.

With the spread of black inflammation, everything is burned, and even time and space and laws have changed.

The sense of extreme danger suddenly appeared in everyone's heart.

"not good!"

"Do it all!"

"Don't let the black inflammation continue to spread!"

Very tacit understanding, all the surviving strongmen all shot, especially the two four-turn level strongmen of Lincoln and the Sharkman leader, they extracted their blessing power to the extreme, and shot out.



At this moment, the king of the flame demon showed a speed beyond imagination, even directly avoiding the attack of all the powerful, and then turned into a deadly hunter, rushing towards each enemy in a brazen rush .

In just a moment, some three-turn-level professionals directly fell.

This even included President Jiang De of the ninth college.

In the whole process, it is difficult for professionals to make some counterattacks. The speed of the Flame Demon King is too fast and too fast. The most desperate thing is that with the spread of the dark flames and the changes in the surrounding space, the Demon King The breath is growing at a rate visible to the naked eye.

Faced with this situation, as the leader of the crusade, Jun Xie knew that he must act.

Before going on expedition, Jun Xie made a lot of preparations for various possible issues, and as far as the current situation is concerned, most of the preparations have no meaning, but Jun Xie still has a final hole card.

It's just that if you can, Jun Xie doesn't want to use this hole card at all.


"No problem!"

A strong sense of crisis emerged in his sensitive intuition. Jun Xie knew that the next goal of the Demon King was himself. In the face of such a situation, if he didn't want to die, he could only open the card.

Sighing secretly, Jun Xie instantly appeared beside Lu Yan and directly grabbed Lu Yan's right hand.

The spirit of Lu Yan who was caught in the wrist was shocked, and the strength of the two resonated instantly.

"Boom !!!"

There was a ripple above the two.

A bronze door with a height of about ten meters appeared in the sky. With the slowly opening door, a strong and domineering atmosphere flowed out, so that the devil did not prohibit his own hunting action. ..

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