My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 117: Exile, empower and draw!

The scene fell silent for a while.

Looking at the purple-haired youth and the witch who suddenly appeared in front of him, the pope stopped the pace of progress, and the air pressure around him was slightly uncheckable and low.

Half-sounding, sighing emotions flowing from the pope's mouth

"It's the least desired situation."


I don't want to see it.

Although it has been expected for a long time, if possible, the Pope, or the will of the real earth, still does not want to match the potential of such a long-term existence.

"But this is the way you choose!"

Hearing the words, Zifa Youth Sasaki said lightly, "Going on the path that destroys everything, you are destined to be the result of hostility between you and all creatures."

After years of incubation and exploration, he has affirmed the path of real earth consciousness.

It was a way of detachment that broke the bounds of Senrow and broke the shackles.

At the end of its path, there is only endless end and destruction!

It is bound to become the enemy of all creatures and even the universe.

"You know a little bit more."

After a moment of silence, the pope's face couldn't help but reveal a dangerous look.

With his will, endless murders emerged, flooding every corner of the world, like absolute zero cold, seeming to freeze the entire time and space.

When the purpose is known, it means to fall into a passive position, and the Pope who understands this point, the murderous opportunity has burst to the extreme.


"The battlefield is not here!"

It was the witch floating in the void.

Although she was modeled on the **** betrayal witch Medea as a template, she is not an ordinary existence as the idea avatar of Nagato.

Not seeing what she did, she heard a loud noise from the void.

That was a crack in the foundation of the entire demonic spacetime.

"not good!"

Perceiving all this, the pope's face changed dramatically.

He realized that his previous calculations might also be in the calculations of the enemies in front of him. I am afraid that the stage he had carefully built had already been eroded from the beginning.

Thinking of this, the pope was shocked and angry.

It was just waiting for him to do something, and the time and space where the foundation was broken was reconnected with the earth.

The ubiquitous rule power appears out of thin air and acts on it.

The endless but powerful repulsive force directly destroys the stage of this real-world consciousness at the cost of the fall of a devil.

The chaos of time and space appeared in the void, and the pope was directly involved in the chaos.

Seeing this scene, the youth and the witch will catch up.

"and many more!"

Just then, a sudden voice sounded.

That was the cry of the imperial prince.

The rebirth at this time is holding his dying father emperor, looking at the young man and the witch with a very complicated look, "Tell me, what is going on?"

The constant experience of twists and turns made Jun Xie's emotions out of control, but he did not lose his mind.

A little dialogue between the youth and the pope made him understand one thing.

That is, oneself and others seem to be completely chess pieces.

This makes Jun Xie difficult to accept. Of course, even if there is no dialogue between the youth and the pope, the monarch can detect some strange things, such as the youth in front of him and his disciples suddenly disappeared in the previous battle of extermination, but No one noticed.

Another example is the witch, who was not any one who participated in the battle of extermination.

All kinds of things make the rebirth doubts in the heart.

He needs a reasonable explanation.


"Oh, take care, rebirth!"

Speaking lightly, but let Jun Xie completely dull words, the young man and the witch were transformed into two streamers, and instantly disappeared into the gradually shrinking time and space chaos.

After the two left, Jun Xie spent half a ring to recover from the shock of his identity.


Just then, Jun Wushuang coughed violently.

There was a lot of blood at the corner of his mouth.

The breath is constantly weakening.

"Father Emperor!"

Seeing the situation of his father and emperor, Jun Xie suddenly felt a panic.

But he quickly calmed down.

"You hold on again, I will take you immediately"

"No, no more!"

Jun Wuxun's words were interrupted with difficulty. Jun Wushuang raised his right hand, directly grabbed Jun Xie's collar, and dragged it in front of himself, looking directly at his eyes.

"I understand my situation, I am afraid my life is over."

Speaking of which, Jun Wushuang paused slightly, took a breath, and then continued to say, "After going back, you will inherit the position of the emperor, but this is not the point I want to say."

"The point is, your rebirth is probably not a secret, there is a level in the world that you and I don't know."

"Leave the arrogance of the reborn, explore with humility, and continue to grow stronger!"

"Then give the high-end guys a nice look!"

"Also, this is for you!"

In words, Jun Wushuang's left hand showed a crimson cluster of light. "When the Devil King was wiped out before, he took the opportunity to collect it. The Devil King's origin, you need it."

Seeing the origin of the devil in Jun Wu's hands, the look of Jun Xie is extremely complicated.

The starting point of all these twists and turns today is the origin of this group.

If it were not for the monarch to build a perfect foundation for himself in order to obtain the devil's origin, I am afraid that there will not be so many casualties, and even the loss of his father's life.

Therefore, after seeing the origin of this group of demons, Jun Xie could not help but hesitate a little.

It's just that Jun Wushuang obviously has no time to hesitate.

This dying lord of the empire directly drove this group of demon roots into the body of the monarch evil, and then directly burned his own roots and reconnected the sky,

He turned everything into a pure and incomparable force, and at the same time injected it into the body of the monarch.

"Everything about me will become your step forward."

And just when Jun Wushuang empowered Jun evil.

In the chaos of time and space, the battlefield reopened.

The youth and the witch who immediately caught up with the pope attacked without hesitation while the power of the rules on each other's body had not dissipated and there was not much resistance.

The witch burned herself directly, and turned into an invisible prohibition, covering the pope.

In addition to controlling the opponent's resistance, this prohibition can also restrain the spirit-falling will in the pope.

In other words, the goal of the youth and the witch is the spirit will from the beginning.

And the young man knocked out his knife

All of a sudden, the knife was arbitrarily slashing through the void! ..

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