My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 118: Five dimensions cut!


As soon as the knife came out of the sheath, the void began to break.

Already the savings have been brewed to the extreme savage intentionally pouring out from Sasaki's body, permeating like a breeze and drizzle, but also like the extreme cold, freezing everything.

Time and space turbulently flowed into an empty void battlefield.

The first pope felt the unspeakable trembling for the first time.

It's not about reason, it's just instinctive fear!


Almost instinctively, the Pope burst out all his momentum without reservation, and intuitively told him that he must avoid the long-awaited attack of the enemy in front of him.

It was only that his momentum had not burst out to the extreme, but he was oppressed and counteracted by the invisible prohibition around him.

The prohibition of the witch's burning self is extraordinary.

Although it could not be completely blocked, it made the pope's actions slow for a moment.

And at this moment

"Point Lock!"

The indifferent words spit out from the mouth of Zifa Youth, accompanied by the vast will that penetrates through time and space, and an extraordinary phantom appeared faintly in the void.

A silver-haired strongman with a magic sword, a unique warrior galloping in the sky, a violent hound intertwined with magic guns

These phantoms are none other than people. It is the idea avatar that Nagato created with the historical hero as its prototype. Their appearance means that all the will of Nagato will come.

The surrounding sword intentions are based on this will, intertwined and condensed, and locked the pope!

"not good!"

The extremely unpleasant feeling burst out in my heart. The endless outburst of the pope finally broke free from the witch's prohibition. The whole person turned into a streamer and fled wildly.

Every moment, he ran hundreds of millions of miles away.

What made the Pope unacceptable was that no matter how far he ran out, the lock of perception in the spirit still existed.

This is a matter of course. Do n’t look at Sasaki, or that Nagato has only a few days from the decision to do it now, but the real preparation is far beyond this time.

The deity in the endless chaos also participated in the preparation, and has learned for hundreds of years through the time difference between chaos and reality.

Combined with the rules of the real earth, hundreds of years of insights have taught Nagato a supreme sword method.

This knife technique is based on the slash attack, and it is famous: five-dimensional slash!

Among them, the starting method is point locking.

As the name implies, the lock is accurate to the origin. In front of this type of lock, unless it is avoided at the beginning, even if it escapes to the end of the world, it cannot be escaped.

"One-dimensional broken string!"

At this moment, the still indifferent voice rang in the pope's ear across a long distance.

Then I saw a knife and a sword coming through time and space.


Daoman didn't cut the pope's body, but he seemed to cut a certain rule in the world, and then the pope was shocked to find that his distance from the young man with purple hair disappeared.

To put it more correctly, he returned to the other party inexplicably.

"Distance cut off?"

Just like this thought flashed in my mind, Zifa Youth's second sword waved out

"Two-dimensional broken surface!"

The blade of the broken void did not directly target the pope. Under the huge blade, the entire void battlefield was broken, and time and space were destroyed.

In an instant, the pope was in a wonderful state where space and time did not exist and could not move.

Subsequently, the young man with purple hair cut out the third sword to be truly killed!

"Three-dimensional extermination!"

Unlike the previous two slashes against the rules, Sasaki's sword burst out an endless killing opportunity, gathered the will and power of the whole dawn, and slashed **** the pope's body.

The Pope, who could not avoid it at all, suffered a beheading, and his body finally began to be destroyed.

But even so, Sasaki's attack is still not over.

After all, the body of the pope is only a carrier of consciousness, and its truly powerful is precisely the great consciousness derived from the real earth and its contained legal principles.

If you really want to kill the enemy, you must first break the other party's legal principles.

Therefore, Sasaki wielded his fourth sword!

"Four-Dimensional Breakthrough!"

This knife contains the infinite truth of Sasaki, or Nagato!

Its killing is no longer limited to the material level, but crosses the material and spiritual boundaries, while further destroying the body of the pope, at the same time slashing to the real earth consciousness jurisprudence.

"Boom !!!"

There was an unprecedented shock on the level of nothingness.

Perhaps Nagato and the real-world consciousness of Dadao are almost the same. The collision between the two is difficult to separate the results, but the active attacker always has an advantage over the passive defender.

As a result, the sword with infinite truth bluntly broke the legal defense of real earth consciousness.

Real Earth consciousness has been traumatized for the first time since birth.

Although the injury was not serious, it made him completely ignorant.

"Not finished yet!"

Slashing the enemy did not allow Sasaki's spirit to be slack. The more correct statement is that Sasaki's spirit is more concentrated, and the power in the body is out of desperation.

What is really powerful in the five-dimensional slash is not the starting hand and the first four knives, but the fifth knives.

What Sasaki did before was to shoot the fifth sword!

Its name-five-dimensional chaos!

This is an unprecedented knife. It contains unspeakable truth. It is the highest crystallization of Nagato ’s infinite truth. As the name suggests, the knife reverses the rules of this real universe.

At the moment of wielding this knife, Sasaki's body collapsed, and his spirit was intertwined with the sword.


The colored swords cut through the void, tearing the boundaries between matter and spirit, cutting through time and space, and even the obstruction of nothingness, and directly striking the consciousness of the real earth.

The unprecedented power tore the defense of the real earth consciousness and gave her the biggest damage since awakening.

But all this is not the most frightening and angry thing for real earth consciousness.

What really made her feel panic and anger was that the rebellious power contained in the sword's awns, after reinventing her will to come, even followed a certain connection in the Ming and directly hit her body.

She was so badly hit that she couldn't stop it from happening.

at last--


Deep in time and space, Daoman broke an unknown barrier

ps: Five-dimensional cutting is just borrowing a name ..

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