My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 119: First sight

What kind of traits does a real powerhouse need?

Qualification, perseverance, perception, luck

Just like a thousand readers, there are a thousand Hamlet. There are many answers. The strong are unique. They all have their own interpretations of the strong.

In Nagato's view, in addition to the above-mentioned qualities, there is another important trait that the strong must have.

That is-a broad perspective and overall view.

Qualifications can be made up with celestial treasures or magical recipes, perseverance can also be cultivated, savvy can also be strengthened or compensated by other methods, and luck can directly plunder all beings in the world.

It's just that if you have a narrow field of vision and don't have enough perspective, you can't be a real powerhouse.

The simplest example is the genius strongman in Chaos who is confined to the birth plane.

Like Ying Qi Shi, Black God Eye Taki, Luo Hao and so on.

You have to know that in the past a long period of time, Nagato was inferior to these geniuses in many aspects, but the ‘plot’ data derived from the real earth gave him a vision and overall situation far beyond theirs.

With the help of such a vision and overall view, Nagato moved forward step by step and eventually surpassed everyone.

This also cultivates the habit of gathering intelligence as much as possible before the Nagato battle.

This time, before the final chaos of Chaos was opened, Nagato and Shaye acted, darkened Chen Cang, and part of his own will came. It was also from this habit to lurk in the real earth.

After several years of incubation and exploration, Nagato has gained a lot, and even vaguely understood the path of real earth consciousness.

Grasping her path, the other party's intentions will be traced.

After all, the path it practices is definitely not deceptive.

But even so, Nagato still does not have a complete and complete understanding of the world in which he lives, including the real universe and endless chaos.

What makes red-haired teenagers most puzzled is why real earth and endless chaos are so powerful.

You have to know that endless chaos is a piece of chaotic void that is built on real earth, and it is nothing more than a planet in the solar system.

The solar system is just a trivial corner of the Milky Way, and the Milky Way is just a small corner of the infinite universe

Compared with the entire real universe, the real earth is really too small to be.

Under such circumstances, the power contained in the real earth and the endless chaos seems to be so powerful that it is a little outrageous, as if the essence of the entire universe has converged into the real earth and the endless chaos.

And when pinning Sasaki, or the five-dimensional cutting edge of Nagasaki's will, he broke a certain line, he understood.

Because at this moment, the will of Nagato came into a mysterious space.

The razor-blade that has shattered everything is directly melted here

The long gate between trances seemed to see the ultimate mystery of the cosmic famine, but it seemed as if nothing had been seen. Everything in the vast world lost its meaning in this time and space.

Destiny does not exist, cause and effect cease, and it seems that everything is the end, but it is like the beginning of everything.

Inexplicably, Nagato felt this space was familiar.

Then he understood how his familiarity came. He had seen countless similar spaces. Those space-times had other names, such as heavenly space, Akashia record, root vortex, etc.

Obviously, this space is the real earth, and even the root of the entire universe!

"It turns out so!"

In the faint emotion, the will of Nagato directly reveals the phantom image of the red-haired boy. "This piece of time and space is very special. It can be called the cause of all things. The supreme existence is called Yuanshi Space."

"I finally understand why the earth is so special and powerful."

Between words, the eyes of Nagato's phantom continued to shine, as if he had seen all the mysteries in the world.

He saw the depths of the mysterious space, with an endless spiritual ocean.

There are two output pipes, one large and one small, at the edge of the endless spiritual ocean. The large pipe is connected to the real earth, and the small pipe is connected to the endless chaos.

"Earth's original space is actually connected to the roots of the universe!"

Looking around, Nagato's gaze finally locked on the pure white girl who didn't know when to appear in front of herself, "More than that, even chaos is connected to it!"

The real earth, endless chaos, and primitive space are connected in pairs.

The Yuanshi space is the most powerful.

But its power will be instilled into the real earth and the endless chaos from time to time, and although the power of the endless chaos from the primitive space is relatively small, it can draw power from the real earth.

"No wonder real earth and endless chaos will grow to such an amazing level."

Such thoughts flashed through his mind, and Nagato also understood how girls, such as Einhardt and Kinomoto Sakura, who were clearly endless chaos, were reborn to the real earth.

They wanted to accidentally fall into the real earth through Yuanshi space.

All kinds of enlightenment flowed through the heart, and the soul of the long door became more and more clear, including the endless chaos and the real universe, and everything in the whole world was presented in his state of mind.

The performance is that even if it is just a phantom, Nagato becomes more detached and comfortable.


Seeing the changes in Nagato's body, he was severely hit by the five dimensions before, resulting in a pale girl with a pale complexion.

As the will of the real earth manifests, what a great existence is the pure white girl.

Just in the blink of an eye, she understood where the changes in the long door came from.

In fact, any existence in this space will be rewarded as long as it can ensure that it is not assimilated by space.

From the standpoint of the enemy, she absolutely does not want to see this change.

But the facts are not shifted by her will. To be honest, the pure white girl really didn't expect that Nagato would actually shoot himself at this time.

And one shot is so horrible, there is no room for maneuver.

and so--


The pure white girl shot.

She didn't say any nonsense, and since Nagato really shot, she must have a back hand.

But the matter has come to this point, it is useless to say more.

Only to put everything into pure power.

In an instant, the immense spiritual power poured out from the ocean of spiritual power, and turned into a giant palm like this, without any hesitation, covering down toward the phantom of the long gate.

Facing the giant palm that had nowhere to hide, the phantom of the red-haired boy was only a slight tick at the corner of his mouth.

Seeing Yuanshi, his purpose has been achieved!

Without the slightest obstruction, the phantom dissipated directly under the slap of the giant palm ..

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