My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 120: The world is here, the way is now!

Time goes forward ten minutes

Yingzhou, a mountain peak.

Einhardt's consciousness slowly awakened from the darkness, and at the first sight saw his companion and best friend, Kinomoto Sakura's smiling face appeared quiet and gentle.

Then she realized that she was pillowing on the other person's knee for short.

The cheek unconsciously turned red, and the girl wanted to get up.

Then she felt weak and weak.

Physical and mental fatigue

"Don't make trouble!"

Kinomoto Sakura's right hand lifted up and adjusted the bangs of Einhardt, gently soothing, "Your consumption is a bit large, you need to take a good rest."

I have to say that Kinomoto Sakura is indeed very affinity, even the overlord girl can't help but be addicted.

Fortunately, Einhardt was determined, and soon changed the subject:

"What about the others, Shana and Master?"

Looking around, Einhardt found that they were in a ruined temple. The traces of dust and moss everywhere showed that the temple had not been inhabited for a long time.

"We are here!"

The answer was not Kinomoto Sakura, but Shana who came in from the door.

Behind Shana, Zifa's youth was erratic.

Seeing the two coming in, Einhardt was about to say something, and then she was stunned. At that moment, she noticed a sudden illusion of her master's figure.

"Master, you"

"Uh, it seems that time is coming."

Regarding the situation in his body, the young man with purple hair seems to have expected, "No need to care, this body is just a photo that can't even be thought of."

"My deity seems to have started a war with a strong enemy."

Speaking of this, Zifa Youth looked at Einhardt, Kinomoto Sakura and Shana, a smile appeared on his face, "I'm leaving, and the next day will be yours."

"Relax, Master!"

After being silent for a while, Einhardt spoke slowly, and at the same time the girl raised her right hand and made a fist, "The next time I meet, I will become the real overlord!"

"Me, me too, I will definitely become the **** of punishment !!"

Seeing Einhardt's position, Shana, who was not very mature, also announced loudly.

Kinomoto Sakura just nodded slightly, his face full of tenderness and firmness.

"Ha, then I look forward to it."

With that said, Zifa's youth turned into a dream bubble

Federal, New York.

Chukulin, who was singing in an underground bar, suddenly stopped his singing, and the whole person suddenly burst out a crimson blaze, and his body became a streamer.

Not only Chuchurin in New York, but also Hercules, who is fighting the barbarian herd, researching and inventing Edison

Almost at the same time, the members of Dawn scattered all over the world turned into streamers.

These streamers cut through the sky and converge at one point.


"boom!" In the violent roar, the streamer directly penetrated the void and returned to the infinite kingdom of God.

Although the idea avatar at dawn has not yet produced a five-turn-level professional, almost every idea avatar has a professional level of almost four turns, opening up the realm of happiness.

The power of the streamer convergence of the more than 600 strong four-turners who have opened up the field cannot be underestimated.

You know, even if the four-level powerhouses of the entire planet ’s intelligent civilization may not add up at dawn, it is definitely a terrifying force.

In this vast, even great power, change began.


The first to respond was the Supreme Pearl, which was bred in the center of the Kingdom of God.

This orb originally condensed by the strength of the will of the Nagato, after years of cultivation by the Infinite Kingdom of God, has long been transformed into a god-born child that fully conforms to the laws of the real universe.

And after getting feedback from many idea avatars, the spiritual birth of the gods was directly transformed.

The many roads and various experiences practiced by the mind avatars have been transformed into the resources for the growth of the gods, making the path of the true cosmic practice clearer.

At the same time that the Taoist fetus transformed, the infinite Kingdom of God, blessed with many forces, also began to expand.

The sky is gradually rising, and the earth is expanding, thickening, and even deriving everything.

The spiritual webs spread all over the kingdom of God also expanded as the kingdom expanded.

Not only that, the Ling Web is constantly adjusting itself.

Everything is transforming at a terrible speed. In less than a moment, the entire Kingdom of Infinite God has expanded tenfold, and this is not the end.

"Boom! Boom! Boom !!!"

Until a certain moment, the heart-like beating sound came out from the gods.

At first, it was only a slight sound, but with the continuous expansion of the Kingdom of God, the sound became louder and louder. When the Kingdom of God expanded to a limit, the heartbeat sounded like thunder.

And at this moment, the will of the Nagato deity came.


The deepest resonance occurs between will and Dao, and even the Kingdom of God. Dao ancestor-level will adds all the information and insights that Sasaki saw in Yuanshi space.

The accumulation of red-haired teenagers has crossed a bottleneck stage, showing a leap.

It is not an essential sublimation, but it is also an improvement that cannot be underestimated.

In this process, the spirit of Nagato finally grasped the opportunity of my birth from the endless destiny and the future that he could not trace for a long time.

That is the future choice of red-haired teenagers, an eternal beacon.

The eternal light shines in the heart of the long door.

The sword of wisdom condenses in an instant

"Tell me, cut!"

The void echoed with a light drink from beyond time and space.

At this moment, the Kingdom of God completed the change from the sky to the world, and it expanded by a hundred times in an instant, and the gods born in the center of the Kingdom of God even bloomed directly.

The red-haired boy with the golden robe turned up in the air.

This is a teenager who is difficult to describe in words, and is sacred to the extreme.

His eyes opened slightly, the sacred golden light flashed through, it was a lofty to the ultimate divinity, the young man's breath of gold robe even from scratch, filled the entire kingdom of God.

As if responding to his own master, the entire Infinite Kingdom trembles as if it laughed with joy.

It only took a moment for the golden robe long door to take full control of his own strength.

"So, next"

Slightly looking up, the eyes of the long robe of the golden robe seem to penetrate the endless void, seeing nothing, saying nothing, walking a little at the foot, the whole person disappears in place. ..

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