My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 121: Darkness

Yuanshi Space

After extinguishing the ghost image of Nagato, the pure white girl didn't seem so happy.

She knew that the real battle had just begun.

To be honest, the development of this step is really beyond the girl's expectations. The chaotic Taoist ancestors and girls have had detailed analysis and even made various preparations.

One-on-one, pure white girls can even hang them all.

It's just that if the Dazu ancestors are feared, or even a joint attack, even if the girl is powerful, she may not be able to bear it, so she can only count through heavy calculations.

Nagato was originally just a target she placed in front of many Dao ancestors.

But the facts told her that this target was too good.

Obviously, he hasn't experienced much suffering, but his smooth growth has made him the perfect person among the Taoist ancestors, which directly smoothed the gap between himself and his predecessors.

Later, without knowing it, he lurked to the real earth and launched a war.

Thinking of this, the pure white girl closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths.

The spiritual power that permeated the entire Yuanshi space madly flowed, all integrated into the girl's body, repairing the five-dimensional cut she had suffered before.

Half of the time, most of the injuries recovered.

The girl opened her eyes and saw ripples in the space ahead.

The golden robe walked out of it.


He raised his right hand and greeted him. A cold awn flashed on the face of Jinpao Longmen, and then he saw his raised right hand turned into a hand knife and came straight out.


Obviously it was just a hand knife, but it burst out a knife gas enough to tear the time and space.

Between the electric light and the flint, the dreadful knife spurred the girl.


Seeing Dao Qi, the pure white girl remembered the five-dimension chop, a flash of displeasure flashed on her face, and the girl's slender little hand waved like lightning, cutting off Dao Qi.

Yes, cut off!

The pure white girl showed a knife path no less than that of the long door.


Seeing this scene, although the young man in Jinpao was somewhat surprised by the opponent's knife level, he was not surprised that she could take her own attack.

After all, it was just a simple tentative attack.

"Come again!"

With that said, the Long Gate of Golden Robes finally launched an attack.

As the root of the real universe, Yuanshi space is absolutely the strongest level of the entire universe, and can fully carry the battle between two people.

Therefore, the golden robe long door also did not have any convergence, and the golden light of the whole body shone, showing the strongest means of this body.

That's when the Dao cut me out, and clearly figure out the way to come when the future road signs are understood.

Its name-Eternal Nine Seals!

At this time, the golden robe shows the first seal of the eternal nine seals.

"Kaitian Yin!"

Along with a light drink, the young man in the golden robe printed out with a palm, like a bright light in the infinite darkness, and like an axe from Pangu in the endless chaos.

It's a symbol of hope, opening up the true meaning!

"boom--!" Suddenly received an attack of this intensity, the aura of the pure white girl was like a tide, but in the blink of an eye, thousands of protective barriers evolved.

But in front of Kaitianyin, these protective barriers seemed to be paper-shattered and shattered.

The girl also flew tens of thousands of miles directly under this blow.

And at this moment, the golden robe boy caught up

"Two instruments printed!"

Without any hesitation, the teenager directly exhibited the second seal.

The yin and yang qi appeared out of thin air around the golden robe boy, and instantly turned into a huge grinding disc, as if to wipe out everything in the world.

In the face of such an attack, the pure white girl who lost her opportunity can only continue to resist.

Fortunately, Yuanshi Space is her home in a sense.

The endless spiritual power added, so that her combat power is not reduced.

Not only is the fighting power unabated, as time goes by, the injuries he suffered have recovered, and the combat effectiveness of the pure white girl will also show a certain surge.

"San Caiyin!"

"Four Seals!"

"Five Elements Seal!"

Afterwards, the attacks of the Golden Robes continued, and the Eternal Nine Seals came out one after another.

The increasingly tyrannical attacks kept the pure white girl from escaping.

While secretly angry, the girl realized that it was wrong.

Regarding the real-earth professional system, the pure white girl has also been thoroughly researched, and even understood the structure of this road even before Nagato.

The moment the golden robe boy appeared, she understood the level of the other party.

The sixth turn of the professional, also known as the world!

This is a terrible state. Professionals who have a world as a backing can already call it the true god, crossing the universe's void, traveling the sun, moon and stars are a breeze.

But in the eyes of Daozu and the pure white girl, this power is still not enough to see.

If it were n’t for the Golden Robe, it ’s a perfect Taoist

The girl can slap it to death!

Because in the deduction of girls, the seventh change of the professional system is no longer a professional system, but another level of existence.

Above the realm of the world is the realm of the eternal of the real universe.

This realm will condense the legendary eternal mark, brand the void, and control part of the authority of the real universe. Even if the real universe is destroyed, as long as the eternal mark is not destroyed, it can be reborn.

Taoist ancestors and real earth consciousness are actually no less powerful than the eternal ones.

It is just that the Taoist ancestor and the real earth consciousness have not condensed the eternal mark. The former is separated from the real universe by an illusory chaos, while the latter is born with too deep contact with the universe, and there is no way to escape.

In a sense, Taoist ancestors can be called half-step eternals, while real earth consciousness is pseudo-eternal.

But no matter what, Taoist ancestors and real earth consciousness are all transcending the world.

The gap between the two is still very obvious!

Under such circumstances, a short burst of gold robe teenagers may suppress the girl, but for a long time, it will inevitably fall due to energy consumption

On this point, the young man in gold robe must understand.

So, why did he break out of himself so desperately?

"not good!"

Thinking of this, the girl's spirit was shocked.

Suddenly, the perception spread out, and soon the girl discovered the strangeness in Yuanshi space, which was located above the spiritual ocean deep in the space, and there was actually a new channel.

The endless stream of spiritual power is being swallowed crazy by that unknown existence from that channel.

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