My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 122: your name

be cheated!

Seeing this scene, such thoughts flashed in the mind of the pure white girl.

No one needs to explain, the girl knows that the new pipe is not connected to anything else, it is a new world opened up by the enemies in front of her.

Obviously, the other party attacked desperately from the beginning, just to cover up this channel.

Although it was only a short period of time, she knew that a large amount of spiritual power had been stolen by the other party through the speed of the girl ’s visual engulfment.

Thinking of this, even with the girl's state of mind, I was extremely annoyed.



No longer insisting on waiting until the other party is exhausted, and ignoring his injury has not been fully recovered, the pure white girl directly burst out her strongest power and turned into a fistful punch.

Even with the strength of the Yuanshi space, there are many cracks.

This punch was not only blasted towards the Golden Robes, but also to the third spiritual channel. In the face of such a terrible attack, the Golden Robes did not confront directly, but stepped back.

Although in that way, the channel of spiritual force will be destroyed, but it does not matter.

The golden robe has collected enough spiritual power, whether it is to perfect the world of the kingdom of God that has just been born on its side, or to fight a protracted battle with the enemy in front of it.

Under such circumstances, the young man in golden robe lightened up instead.

Looking far away at the shock wave destroying the channel of spiritual power, the golden robe boy suddenly said, "After all, how did you go on this shattered Shura Road?"

Speaking of which, the Golden Robes are indeed very curious.

You know, the other party is essentially a planetary will.

In the endless chaos, Nagato has seen countless planetary wills, but he has never seen a planetary will that wants to destroy all living beings, even destroy his own planet.

Although detachment is the pursuit of all beings, for the will of the planet, there are other options.

"It's not your chaos!"

Immediately after the destruction of the Lingli pipeline, he heard the inquiry from the Nagato, and the pure white girl suddenly became angry.

The whole person turned into a mad warrior, bursting into a stormy attack.

The sky of fist punched a crack in the void.

People can't help but see some toothache.

The Jinpao Longmen was rather embarrassed to evade the attack of the pure white girl, and she was somewhat aware of the other party's choice. As she said, it was indeed chaotic.

The existence of chaos has caused the birth of real earth consciousness many years later.

So much so that the illusory world of endless chaos is big.

Seeing that endless chaos is about to become a fake, the pure white girl who is a real earth consciousness naturally demands life, and the easiest way is to become a true eternal.

As long as the eternal mark is condensed, it can survive the future disaster.

However, she is too deeply connected with the real universe and does not exist independently.

Under such circumstances, it is impossible to condense the mark at all.

In fact, as the consciousness of the earth, the pure white girl has another Kangzhuang Avenue, that is, using the earth as the starting point, it will continue to expand and erode other planets, and eventually become the cosmic consciousness.

But this road is too long, and she has no such opportunity at present.

As a last resort, pure white girls can only choose a broken path.

At the moment of destroying one's own body, the eternal mark is condensed.

This is an almost gambling method, but it is also a helpless choice, but in the eyes of Long Gate, the girl in front of me may have planned everything. If it ’s not her own existence, she can almost achieve her goal.

Coincidentally, when Nagato thought of this, the pure white girl also thought of it. Immediately, when she looked into the eyes of the golden robe boy, her anger grew stronger.

"Go to die!"

The killer burst to the extreme, the void was cold, as if frost and snow had started.

The nearly infinite spiritual power evolved into an endless blade of ice and snow, mixed with extremely cold killing intentions, strangling from all directions towards the golden robe boy from various angles.

Faced with such an attack, Jinpao Longmen was completely afraid to carelessly.

Although at first glance it looks like an ordinary ice-freezing blade, it should be known that there is absolutely no so-called moisture in the primitive space, so where do these ice and snow blades come from.

Quite simply, it was derived from the combination of the pure white girl's killing intention and Dao jurisprudence.

The teenager was sure that if he was injured, it would be very troublesome.

and so


The Eternal Nine Seals are launched again.

Because there is no need for acting, the young man in golden robe directly draws spiritual power from his own world. Sufficient spiritual power has given him an unprecedented power.

The so-called Liuhe, up and down and the east, west, south and north, namely the heaven and earth.

Similarly, the Liuhe refers to the world or the universe!

In the name of Liuhe, this seal is truly extraordinary. With a palm print, the golden robe directly evolved into a vast universe, and completely protected itself in the universe.


The violent collision echoed in the space

The attack of the pure white girl did not break the defense of the universe, but caused a huge wave in Yuanshi space.

"not good!"

Perceiving this scene, the girl's face changed slightly.

The perception suddenly extended, and the girl sensed it for the first time. The spiritual shock that would have appeared on the real earth later in the year burst out at this moment.

The real earth has entered a more intense and brand-new evolutionary era.

This is not good news for her.

After all, the more the earth evolved, the harder it was for her to break away. Thinking of this, the girl was going to weaken the outbreak of spiritual power, but the young boy in the gold robe, who was also looking at her, stopped her.

"Step aside!"

"I reject!"

In simple words, the two started an extremely violent battle.

A variety of moves are displayed in the hands of the two, and countless invitations are coming. The terrible shock continues to echo in the Yuanshi space, one after another.

"give up!"

In this way, the Golden Robe showed the Eternal Nine Seals continuously, "I will haunt you here for ten, one hundred, thousand years, no problem!"

"You bastard!"

Hearing the words of Nagato, the pure white girl was burning with anger, and he also made a lore.

The battle between the two continued, as if to spread to the end of time, but at a certain moment, the young robe who had just repulsed the girl and asked the ghost

"Speaking of it, I haven't asked yet, what is your name, what is it!"

"Xi, my name is Xi!"

"" ..

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