My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 123: The ultimate mech!


No one's patent.

Nagato can lurk into the real earth through various means, then the consciousness of the real earth can also lurk into endless chaos through some special methods.

And the Atlantis Lord, Xi, is the identity of real earth consciousness lurking in chaos!

This is a thing enough to shock the entire endless chaos.

Even the golden robe can't help but feel a little surprised.

But it is only to some extent.

The reason is that in some previous events, Nagato, including the entire White Jade Kyoto, doubted the identity of Xi. After all, the other party was too mysterious, and even his appearance was never exposed.

And in all speculations about Xi, there is a possibility that the other party is real earth conscious.

You should know that Nagato can transform the witch master into his own puppet incarnation.

The existence of the real world is far more than that of Nagato, and the real earth consciousness of experience and experience is also more than that of Nagato. There are some unexpected means.

Therefore, in the previous final clearing, Bai Yujing only shot Noah and ignored Xi.

"It's really interesting!"

After knowing that Xi is the other party's latent identity, the interest of the Jinpao boy couldn't help but rise, "I have a layout, you have a layout, and others should also have a layout."

"Haha, let us see, who will win in the final battle."

"The final form of Eternal Nine Seals, Promise Seals!"

At the end of the day, the young man in Jinpao immediately exhibited his strongest move, which is the combination of the eternal nine seals, and evolved into the ultimate horrible move.

Faced with the attack of the golden robe, how can the pure white girl show weakness

"It's not you who has unique tricks, look at me."

"The Gaia Authority-Rebellion of the Universe!"

at the same time

Atlantis civilization.

As a rare super-plane civilization in the science department of Chaos, Atlantis did not sublimate into a single individual like Noah, but to some extent it is also a unity of all beings.

In this civilization, every creature is a screw, and the entire civilization is like a roaring machine.

The above is the description of Atlantis civilization by other forces of Chaos.

But now, this description has become true.

Atlantis at this moment is full of extreme peace, clearly a civilization, but no sound at all, all creatures, including architecture, machinery and even living planets and planes.

Everything is integrated into a whole under the mysterious technology of Atlantis.

If you look down from above, the entire civilization seems to turn into a giant.

A giant who is absolutely the tallest and largest chaos, even the leader of the giant beast civilization that once claimed to be the largest chaotic entity, is as small as a pet in front of this giant.

If it weren't for the confusion outside civilization, this matter might have been known to outsiders long ago.

In the position of the giant's head, there is a palace.

In the throne in the palace, Xi is lying lazily on it. At this time, Xi has no usual cover, showing almost the same as the pure white girl, but more mature appearance.

The slender eyelids opened slightly, and Xi's eyes flashed a terrifying light.

It was only soon that this radiance converged completely and dissipated into nothingness.

"Some, passive!"

Receiving the information from the real earth, Xi's face could not help showing a little distress.

In fact, the guesses of Nagato and Bai Yujing are somewhat incorrect. Xi is not a puppet or incarnation of the will of the real earth. She is part of the real earth consciousness.

The more correct statement is that she is the detached part.

When choosing latent chaos, the real earth consciousness, after careful consideration, divided the part of its will that was not connected to the real earth and placed it in the chaos.

In a sense, Xi is the future of real earth consciousness, with great expectations.

This can be seen from the name she gave Xi.

"It seems that it is time to act in advance!"

Such thoughts flashed in his mind, Xi slowly stood up and disappeared directly in place.

When she appeared again, she was already in the heart of the giant.

This is an oven-like super-large plane.

The space inside the plane is extremely vast, and there is almost no upgrade. Some are only endless light and heat, and the surrounding barriers are inscribed with endless runes and spell marks.

That is used to reinforce the entire super-large plane. With countless blessings, the plane is ten million times stronger than the normal plane.

The reason for this exaggeration is because of the tall figure trapped in the center of the plane by heavy chains.

It was a huge figure as high as 100 meters. At first glance it looked like a sacred statue in a church. Although it was a little embarrassed, the sacred nature of the other party could not be denied.

If anyone else sees this figure, it will definitely be terrified, and it may even be scared to death.

Because this figure is really the Taoist ancestor of Shinto civilization-God Lord!

"Xi !!!"

The appearance of Xi made the God Lord burst into thunderous roar, "You slut, dare to count me, I want you to die !!!"

Facing the wrath of Divine Lord, Xi's face remained unchanged, only a slight disdain appeared.

"Calculate what you can do, it can only count you stupid!"

Lightly speaking, Xi slowly walked to the edge of the plane and continued to add runes, "And I did not lie to you, you can indeed defeat the Lord of Reason"

"As long as you become the energy source of the final mech that I shaped with the power of civilization."


Hearing Xi's words, the Divine Lord could not help but roar repeatedly.

It's just that his roar didn't affect Xi's actions at all. For three days, Xi continued to compose runes, which eventually increased the intensity of the entire plane to 100 million times.

At this point, Xi finally closed his hand in satisfaction, glancing at the God Lord who had not given up when he had given up.

Xi didn't say much, just disappeared in this oven-like plane

At the next moment, Xi's figure appeared in the corner of the chaotic void.

Looking around, she saw her goal—the pure land of bliss chanted by the Buddhas. From a distance, she could also sense the strong incense of incense.

"Then let's get started, it's all for this part, it can only be served!" ..

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