My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 127: Guild Wars and Discovery

The big battle is over, and the void is shocking!

The terrible battlefield suddenly came to the central fairyland, and immediately set off immense waves. The sentient beings of the fairy road civilization realized the strangeness and gathered towards the battlefield.

But at this time neither the fairy lords nor the witch lords care about these things, their eyes are fixed on the jade dish of making.

It is more correct to say that their eyes are fixed on the imprints on the jade plates of the chemical industry.

The former's eyes are full of excitement, while the latter is horrified.

"Eternal Mark No, it's just branding!"

As the incarnation of my long dead, the witch master immediately realized the essence of the brand imprinted on the jade plate, which was a brand imprint of the eternal.

But today's real universe and endless chaos have no eternity at all.

Then the question is coming. Since that is the case, how does this brand come from?

Countless possibilities flashed through my mind. After excluding those impossible options, the witch master vaguely realized that in fact many things, as long as you think about it, it will be clear at a glance.

It is possible that the real universe originally existed in the Eternal, and even wars between the Eternal may have erupted.

Of course, the specific situation is still uncertain.

But there is one thing, the lord is sure.

"Can't make him successful!"

Such thoughts flashed in the brain, the witch master immediately communicated the origin of chaos in the underworld, and endless power emerged from within his own body, activating other puppet puppets.


A puppet of a Taoist ancestor burst into an endless flame.

The coercion brought by the eternal brand is constantly being dispelled.

Seeing this, the Immortal Master could not help frowning.

But there was no slight confusion in his eyes. After showing the eternal brand that he had achieved from the moment he had achieved Taoist ancestor, he stood beside him.

You know, that is the mark left by an eternal person who surpassed the real universe.

What impressed the Immortal Master most is that the path of this eternal man is very similar to the Immortal Dao. The Immortal Master is very suspicious. The imprinted master may be the true origin of the Immortal Dao civilization.

It is with this brand that the Immortal Lord is not confused about his future.

He is confident that he can get rid of the shackles of chaos through this brand!

Of course, that is the future.

And now--


Accompanied by the will of the Immortal Lord, the forged jade dish inspired the eternal brand on his body.

In an instant, the surrounding space turned into a huge universe that seemed to be illusory, and the immortal master himself seemed to be standing at the center of the universe, and the jade dish of decay hung hundreds of millions of glory.

At this moment, the puppet puppet masters broke through the shackles and launched the charge.

It was the puppet of the devil that first hit the deity.

Facing the old rivals in the past, the Immortal Lord just raised his hand gently, and took out a simple Taiji figure directly from the billions of brilliances, throwing it away at will, and turning it into a sky-covering curtain, suppressing the demon puppet.

The whole process seems extremely understatement, let people have a pleasing feeling. It ’s just that all this is not so beautiful in the eyes of the witch master.


After issuing his own orders, the witch master secretly manipulated the puppets to attack jointly.

The joint attack of the six Taoist puppets made the entire void change color. If it was not the suppression of eternal branding, this phantom-like universe might have collapsed long ago.

It's just that even if it didn't collapse, the universe showed a doom-like scenery.

However, in the face of all this, the fairy's expression remained indifferent.

I saw that he lifted his right hand slowly, first of all, he took out a pagoda in the color of mysterious yellow from the billions of brilliances hung from the jade dish, and thrown it at random, it turned into a 33-story black pagoda.

The immense barrier of the imperial yellow gas directly blocked the attack of the six Taoist puppets.

This is more than that, the air of the mysterious yellow that spilled over the entire universe also stopped the collapse of the universe. This kind of near-most source and powerful mother gas directly strengthened this universe.

Afterwards, the Immortal Lord directly took out several treasures from that brilliant waterfall.

Simple little streamer, four small swords, one small tripod

Also, a twelve-grade green lotus.

These treasures have been enlarged hundreds and thousands of times after the immortal master threw them out. The primitive little streamers are filled with horrible chaotic sword gas, like streamers and axes, with the terrifying lethality.

The four small swords turned into four giant pillar-like swords, condensing endless grief and disaster.

At first glance, it looks like four horrible sword demons walking on the road to end.

Xiao Ding also turned into a huge dung like a sky, and it seemed that a huge universe was condensed in it, and the puppet of the master of the most huge beast civilization was covered in the Ding inner universe for the first time.

Qinglian is directly rooted in the center of the universe, manipulating the universe and launching various attacks.

Under the joint attack of these treasures, the puppet puppet masters fell into the disadvantage.

These treasures are not so much weapons, but rather another form of Taoist puppet, but they seem to be more spiritual than the puppets created by the witch master.

It is this unique spirituality that allows these treasures to gain the upper hand in the battle with the puppet puppet masters.


"I'm not the one to sit dead!"

With such words in his mouth, the witch Lord immediately called for power from the origin of chaos.

In an instant, almost endless power emerged out of the witch's body out of thin air, and through the connection between the witch master and the puppet, the puppets' body and combat power were strengthened crazy.

Immediately, the puppet puppets of Taoism who had been at a disadvantage had burst out with stronger power.

Although it was impossible to suppress the enemy, it also brought the situation back to balance.

Seeing this scene, Immortal Lord's face changed slightly.

The renewed outburst of the witch lord completely surpassed his expectations. According to his observation, the witch lord absolutely does not have such an explosive ability, just like someone is helping him.

"Wait, someone is helping him ?!"

Such thoughts flashed in my mind, and the eternal power inspired by the jade dish was instantly blessed in the eyes of the fairy master.

The eternal brilliance flashed through, and the eyes of the Immortal Lord seemed to penetrate through the vast world.

The first time, he saw the essence of the witch master!


"It turned out to be just a puppet!" ..

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