My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 128: Fusion! Pseudo eternal

The voice of anger rumbled across the universe.

That was the roar of the immortal master who was out of control. He really could not believe that the witch master who almost forced him out of the hole was just a puppet incarnation.

For the immortal master who is recognized as standing at the forefront of the Taoist ancestors, it is simply hitting his face.

Faced with such a situation, the fairy's heart could not help but filled with anger.

It was only soon that this anger turned into dread.

As the level of Taoist ancestor, Immortal Lord can naturally control his emotions, and after excluding the effects of anger, his heart can't help but show unlimited fear.

Some people can refine the witch master into his own puppet without the knowledge of the other Taoists.

Such developments have made the Immortal Lord have a sense of ruin of the Three Views.

The silence was half loud, and the Immortal Lord suddenly made a determination.

Since getting the eternal brand, the future of the fairy lord is completely called the heavenly road. As long as there is enough time, he can understand the brand by observing and condense his own eternal mark.

Even the boundary between truth and chaos can't stop his path.

This is also the reason why the Immortal Lord has always been detached in chaos. He is very confident that no matter how other people calculate, the future winner will eventually have his seat.

Only now, the Immortal Lord suddenly discovered that the chaotic water is really deep and deep!

Deeply aware of his predecessors in the Taoist ancestors, they are a bit unclear.

Xiandao has its own fortune-telling technique.

This technique involves the mystery of the cause and effect of fate. If some things are not known at all, then there is no natural insight, but if some clues are known, this technique can perceive the general context.

It is through the difference between the sorcery technique and the witch lord that the immortal lord noticed that the chaos and the truth opened at the same time.

Indistinctly, the Immortal Lord saw the terrifying collision between the two behemoths on the huge chess game.

As for the third party in the game, all of them dissipated in the collision.

The sense of crisis was so intense that it burst into the heart of the fairy.

The celestial lord knows that his original future is indeed glorious, but it is a pity that he does not have enough time to move towards the best future in his plan.


"You can only retreat next!"

In this way, the eyes of the Immortal Lord turned to the jade dish of fortune, or the eternal brand on the jade dish of fortune.

In fact, there is a shortcut-like path before the immortal master, that is, through the fusion of the eternal brand in front of him, he will directly become the heir of the eternal person who is detached from the universe.

Although this way, the future road will be more difficult and difficult to go, but it is better than the future disappeared.

Immortal Lord needs to use this shortcut to gain enough power to break the game.

Yes, break the game!

In the eyes of the Immortal Lord, the entire endless chaos and the real universe have been transformed into a global chess game, and the players have all prepared their own arrangements and are ready to start fighting.

As a third party on the board, his future is almost dark.


"Merge it!"

Along with the order, the forged jade dish fell directly and merged with the fairy master.

As the celestial treasure of the fairy lord, everything he created was a little bit of creation, and in theory can achieve the most perfect fusion with the fairy lord.

But all this is different after the eternal brand appears. The eternal brand is the mark left by the detached eternal, contains the path of the eternal, although the path of the eternal is very similar to the fairy road, and may even be the prototype of the chaotic fairy road .

But the road of the Immortal Lord and the branded road are different after all.

In the process of integration, different avenues began to repel each other.

The result is a decline in the power of many treasures.


Seeing this scene, the Witch Lord will naturally not waste opportunities.

As an incarnation of the existence of his own eternal path, he could vaguely guess what the Immortal Lord was doing, and that kind of heartfelt crisis made him know that he could not sit still.

Nearly overdrawing all his power, fully inspiring the puppets' strongest power.

Under the circumstances of this trade-off, the puppet puppet masters immediately prevailed.

If the defense of the Xuanhuang Pagoda is really strong, the puppet puppets can even break through the heavy defenses and directly come to the side of the Immortal Lord to interrupt his fusion process.

But even with the protection of the Xuanhuang Pagoda, the impact of the Taoist puppets can't be underestimated.

The guardian barrier of the Xuanhuang Pagoda soon appeared a small crack.


Although he is in the process of fusion, the celestial lord is not completely unaware of the outside world. He knows that he must accelerate the fusion, otherwise the result will be unimaginable.

Thinking so, a deep indifference flashed deep in the eyes of the immortal master.

Then he saw him waving his sleeve directly.


The chaotic screams burst out of his sleeve, and then he saw an endless stream of blood flowing out from the sleeve of the fairy master, blending into his body and accelerating the fusion.

Looking at this scene from afar, the witch master's face slightly changed, revealing an amazed look.

As the master of the Wudao civilization, the witch master naturally knows what the Immortal Lord did just now. He actually sacrificed many Taoist apprentices in his sleeves to his own.

It is through the blood and soul of these Taoists, and even the Avenue as a medium, that fusion begins to accelerate.

At the same time, under the direction of the witch master, the puppets also began to attack at no cost.


After three consecutive minutes of continuous attacks, the defense of the Xuanhuang Pagoda was finally broken.



The unprecedented pressure began with the fairy ’s body as the starting point, spreading in all directions, and at the same time flew the puppets who wanted to approach the fairy.

Several treasures returned to the Immortal Lord, guarding them.

"Your action is a little late!"

Saying so, the eyes of the Immortal Lord are filled with extreme indifference. At this time, he has completed the initial fusion and has become a pseudo eternal person comparable to the real earth consciousness.

As long as it takes some time after the battle is over, the final advancement can be completed.

"So I am going to end this battle!"

At the moment when the words just fell, the figure of the Immortal Lord appeared directly in the center of many puppet Dao ancestors, and all the treasures were inspired.

The top of the heaven and earth stands in the center, the Xuanhuang pagoda stands in the sky, and the twelve-grade green lotus mobilizes the power of the universe.

All the treasures resonated in an instant and evolved a great party!


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