My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 130: Deadly battle begins!


At this time, only such thoughts in the mind of the Immortal Lord.

Since ancient times, the strong have basically stepped on the throne with their skeletal bones. Almost all the strong people have been more or less stained with blood. Among them, there are lunatics who kill the evidence.

But in front of the sacrifice in front of him, any kind of killing became an axe.

That is beyond the concept of nation, planet, and universe, with planes as the unit, thousands of trillions of planes, and an almost uncountable horrible number of total sacrifices of souls.

The countless beings of a whole civilization are all offering sacrifices.

The total number of endlessly chaotic creatures is directly reduced by a terrible amount of at least one-twentieth, even the self-proclaimed cold and ruthless fairy lord cannot do this.

The chaotic instinct that was originally mysteriously suppressed even showed a slight reaction.

Throughout the endless chaos, all planes with certain self-awareness directly responded, such as blood rain in the sky, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and so on.

It was the sadness and anger of the chaotic instinct.

I don't know how many strong people in the chaos even startled at this moment.

The celestial lord certainly did not pay attention to this. From the initial surprise and horror, his thoughts began to work. If possible, the celestial lord would definitely interrupt the sacrifice in front of him.

He has already passed the so-called **** period, as long as he can achieve his purpose, he will not care about the means.

It's just a pity that this is impossible.

In such a large number of sacrifice ceremonies, the condensed power is naturally beyond imagination. These energies may not be comparable in quality to the power of the fairy lord, but the quantity has thrown it a few streets away. .

Too big a gap, so that the celestial master did not even try to stop the idea.

He knew that he could not stop the sacrifice.


"Then fight!"

The thought flashed through his mind, and the fairy began to adjust his posture.

Although the blood is no longer there, the self-confidence of the Immortal Lord as the strongest man has never been lost. It is still engraved in the bones. Under the circumstances that can not stop the sacrifice, he never fears a battle.

At the same time, his eyes were fixed on the sacrifice ceremony in the distance.

After all, it is a ritual that shakes the foundation of chaos. The realm of the pseudo-eternal allows him to continuously draw resources from it to accelerate himself into the real eternity.

With the passage of time, the red blood of the sacrifice gas rushed directly to the river of time.

The red light of blood gas turned against the river and traced back to the origin of the long river.

This blood red light seems to contain a wonderful infectious power, directly dyeing a red road on the river surface of the long time.

Suddenly, the Immortal Lord saw that an illusory figure was slowly coming from the beginning of time.

Light footsteps rippled on the river of time.

An inexplicable sense of depression appears in the heart of the fairy

He could not help showing a little surprise.

It should be known that the Immortal Lord is only one line away from eternity at this time. Such a noble nature makes him have the confidence of victory in the face of any enemy. It is reasonable that there will be no such situation of mental depression.

Unless facing the same, even a stronger presence!

Thinking so, Immortal Lord's dread! As the figure continues to move forward, the blood red light on the river of time has converged on the figure, the illusory body gradually condenses into reality, and the breath of terror begins to diffuse. .

Gradually, the Immortal Lord saw the true face of that figure—

At first glance, it looks like a teenager. The red hair like a burning flame is slightly raised. The deep purple eyes seem to contain all the origins, and people can't help but indulge in it.

The white robe has no decoration on it, it is simple, but it gives a kind of ancient and noble that no one can match.

"It's you!"

Seeing the appearance of the comer, the heart of the fairy was full of surprise.

Just surprised, he was inexplicably a little taken for granted, "Also, other Dao ancestors, except Xi and my disciple, only you are the most unpredictable."

At the same time, he also understands why his own soul is suppressed by the people in front of him.

The realm of the pseudo-eternal made him clearly see that the other party had reached a perfect unification with the origin of chaos. On the upper reaches of time, he became the master of chaos.

In other words, the enemy the immortal master is dealing with is the chaos of the past!

Faced with this existence, the depression of the mind is still good.

Without the fusion mark, he didn't even have a chance.

Now, the odds are only 50%.

But that is enough!


"I'm puzzled, how did you do this step!"

After pondering for a while, Immortal Lord asked this question. For a long time in the past, Immortal Lord was very addicted to the road of amalgamation, trying to replace the consciousness of chaos.

But then he gave up, because the existence of chaos is too huge and perfect.

He could not find any chance and method to seize the power of chaos.

Hearing the question of the Immortal Lord, Baipao Longmen first glanced at him lightly, and then said with a sigh, "I have no interest in explaining, I can only say that this is the foreshadowing left by my previous life."

Immortal Lord was silent, he suddenly felt that the change of fate is really impermanent.

Regarding the past life of this lord of reason, Immortal Lord knew a lot of each other's growth process and also received many inheritances that he secretly left behind, which was originally considered to be a member of Xiandao civilization.

However, the immortal master did not accept the other party, but instead pushed it towards the road of death, becoming a sacrifice of chaos.

It's just a cycle of cause and effect, bad retribution, but the fortune left by the man has become his own robbery.

"It seems that if you want to be truly detached, you have to survive this robbery!"

The thought flashed in my mind, and the fairy master converged all his thoughts.

The majesty of war suddenly burst out, and the mighty power of the Immortal Dao Yuanshen burst out, dispersing the surrounding large formations, and activating all the treasures in formation.


Under the pressure of terror, Baoguang drove indiscriminately.


Seeing this scene, I didn't say much about the long robe of the white robe, or the death of the long robe. The flame of terror suddenly burst out, and it directly collapsed the void of tens of thousands of square meters.


The violent roar completely exploded in the central fairyland, and instantly collapsed the foundation of this large world, and the terrible shock continued to spread toward the void in all directions.

The death battle at the level of Taoist ancestors begins here.

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