My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 131: The Millennium War!

Thousands of years passed by in a blink of an eye.

I don't know when to start, the atmosphere of the catastrophe has completely shrouded the chaos.

The powerful empire is dying, the terrorist organization is suddenly collapsed, the supreme kingdom of God is suddenly destroyed in different planes, and the old order is constantly being destroyed.

This is a very normal thing. The destruction of the old order and the establishment of the new order are precisely a kind of reincarnation of chaos.

Only now, there is a problem with this kind of reincarnation, and the new order has not been established.

Sadness, resentment and endless disputes.

Performed repeatedly!

Unconsciously, the endless chaos has come to a dark age full of chaos and disorder.

But again, this is the most exciting era in chaotic history.

It is the so-called heroes in troubled times!

The collapse of the old order symbolizes the redistribution of luck.

Therefore, one after another the son of luck who was born to uphold luck.

The so-called children of luck are usually not descendants, their existence is driving the collapse of order, all kinds of storms swept the entire chaos!

It's just that all these things can't affect the two great existences of Baipao Longmen and Immortal Lord.

For thousands of years, the fighting between them was still fierce.

The once vast immortal civilization has disappeared, and the central immortal world has been transformed into a very ruined life exclusion zone in the battle between the two.

Not only that, the aftermath and wreckage of the battle even diffused into chaos, causing countless shocks in the surrounding planes.

Some planes have reversed their original history because of some wreckage containing mysterious powers, and have opened a whole new evolution, taking the mysterious path from the original path of science and technology.

Some planes, due to the influence of aftershocks, mutate the plane consciousness, incarnate into the world, and attempt to bury all beings.

More planes have caused countless dark disturbances due to the blood erosion of the Daozu.

All kinds of outsiders can't affect Baipaochangmen and Immortal Lord.

It is more correct to say that after thousands of years of fierce fighting, these two have only each other's eyes, and they only have the will to bomb the other in their minds.


In another violent collision, the void just restored collapsed again.

Immortal Lord and Baipao Longmen tacitly separated by the force of collision.

There was a momentary pause in the fierce battle.

The two stared at each other breathlessly, while competing to recover their own consumption at the same time, a large piece of essence emerged from the void and gathered around the two to be swallowed by them.

At this time, the celestial master has long lost the past style.

The robe has long been broken, the robes circulated, the various treasures that have been summoned have been broken in the past battles, and the pale face and the blood spilled from the corners of the mouth reveal its weakness.

But even so, the spiritual will of the Immortal Lord has become more active.

The shining eyes of the divine light stared tightly at the front of the same embarrassed, red-haired boy in white clothes and blood, the heart of the immortal master was filled with unprecedented fighting spirit.

Among the many methods of spiritual practice, there is a method called "bringing war with war"!

Although Immortal Lord is not very good at this way, but the thousand years of fierce battle has allowed him to grow a lot, and the fusion between himself and the eternal brand has unconsciously promoted to an amazing level.

If the immortal master thousands of years ago is only one line away from eternity, then now the door has been pushed open. The eternal way is close at hand, as long as you work harder, you can do it!

Thinking of this, Immortal Master is even more spirited, and simply does not wait for his own recovery to be complete. Immortal Master launches an offensive again, just stepping out, that is, the void is distorted and the dimensions collapse.

The immense amount of immortal light bursts out, and the immortal lord blasts towards the white robe boy.


Facing the enemy's attack, the white robe long door showed no weakness.

You should know that the battle intention of the white robe is also not weaker than that of the celestial lord. It is not only the celestial lord who has grown in the past battles. The white robe has also grown absolutely.

In essence, the Baipao Longmen is differentiated from the Longmen body, and is located in the upper reaches of the long river of time.

The reason why he does not belong to this point of time is entirely the result of the sacrifice of the entire wizarding civilization, and his body is the product of the fusion of endless sacrifices and blood.

Although this flesh has extremely powerful power, it also has great flaws.

The strength is not high in nature, with a lot of impurities, without exercise and so on.

In the final analysis, the strength of the white robe long door is more reflected in his will and avenue fused with the origin of chaos. The body is just a carrier for him to stay at this point in time.

But even if it is just a carrier, this body that gathers the power of a super-civilized creature's blood sacrifice is not a mere thing after all.

It has a supreme potential that far surpasses any **** body or Taoism body in chaos.

In the past millennium, the **** battle between the white-robed boy and the immortal master was like a grand tempering, which made up for all the defects of the body of the blood sacrifice, and the potential was fully tapped.

The body released by the potential cooperates with the supreme will and the avenue, and the combat effectiveness of the white robe boy has soared.

Not only that, he also vaguely grasped his direction in the fierce battle.

Therefore, in the face of the attack of the Immortal Lord, the youth burst out of boundless light.

Without any dodge, the white-robed boy also punched out.


In the fierce roar, Xianguang and Shenguang interweave, forming a beautiful scene.

But in this beauty, there is a peerless murder!

In every ray of light, there are the spirit gods of the two ancestral ancestors of the Immortal Lord and Baipaochangmen, as well as their avenues. As long as people who are not their peers set foot here, they will be completely wiped out by this scattered light.

The mutual blows did not result in a victory or defeat, but this did not surprise the two.

In the past time, they don't know how many punches they have blown.

And now, they will continue to fight!


No secret techniques have been performed. Since the battle, both of them have been exploited to the extreme. No mysterious secret techniques can be out of nothing, making them greatly increased in strength.

During their battles, there is no change in skills, and some are just duel again and again, the confrontation between strength and heart!

In the constant touch, the will of both of them is changing slightly.

Until a moment


Immortal Lord's body first radiated a magnificent eternal light. Under this radiance, everything of the Immortal Lord was colliding and merging. Whether it is tangible or intangible, it began to merge at this moment.

Seeing that the Immortal Lord will truly achieve eternal time-


The harsh voice rang in the void! ..

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