My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 132: Immortal Lord

Time seemed to stagnate at this moment.

Listening to the extremely piercing cracking sound, the Immortal Lord lowered his head slightly, looking at the unclear time in his heart, like a spider web-like crack, and his eyes were blank.

Opening his mouth, the immortal master wanted to stop talking, at this time his mind was blank.

"What's wrong with me"

It took a long time for the immortal master to have some difficult openings, and his slightly hoarse and weak voice was filled with endless doubts. He didn't understand why he was clearly about to climb to the top.

It seems that an exquisite machine has made a mistake in a certain link, causing the entire machine to be directly paralyzed.

No, it's not just paralysis, the machine at this time is a little bit of a collapse.

The speed is very slow, but it can't be stopped!

"Simple, you are done!"

The answer to the Immortal Lord was none other than his enemy.

The white robe long door is not surprised by the situation of the fairy lord or that the fairy lord will have such a situation, he vaguely expected, and secretly pushed the other party to this step.

At the beginning of the war, the white robe boy did not expect such a development.

His purpose is also to interrupt the opponent's promotion in battle.

It's just that with the passage of time, he continues to make progress and comprehension in the battle, especially the object of his engagement is still an existence that incorporates the imprint of eternity, and his understanding of eternity is getting deeper and deeper.

Although he has not really set foot on that level, the teenager has understood the conditions required to set foot on that level.

The so-called eternal way is both materialistic and idealistic.

Absolute power and perfect soul are indispensable.

Really eternal, not tolerate half of the flaws!

It is precisely because of this enlightenment that the teenager understood that the immortal master's method of fusing the eternal imprint seems to have no problems at first, but in fact it is a path of self-defeating.

If you want to integrate the eternal brand, you must distort your own will to cater to the road contained in the brand.

If an ordinary person gets the eternal mark, he can be transformed into eternity through fusion. After all, the ordinary person is like a piece of white paper, which is extremely malleable and can be written on.

But Immortal Lord is a Taoist ancestor, an ultimate strongman with his own path.

In essence, his life has already written too much.

No changes are allowed!

Under such circumstances, the higher the degree of integration between the Immortal Lord and the Eternal Brand, the greater the loopholes on the spiritual level, and once fully integrated, then naturally only the result of collapse.

Talking about his understanding lightly, the white robe looked at the ever-distorted face of the fairy master.

With a sigh, he slowly spoke-

"Actually, you should have understood this."


Hearing the words of the teenager, the expression of the fairy was still at a loss.

"If you are still the devout seeker of the past, you will not fail to understand the consequences of the fusion brand."

With a sigh, the young man in the white robe couldn't help flashing a touch of regret and luck. As he called himself a confidant, he had won a lot of battles. From a very early age, Bai Yujing paid great attention to collecting intelligence from the ancestors.

Although there is a lot of information that is false, but as time goes by, after all, there are so little gains.

There is quite a lot of information about the fairy.

In the past, the celestial lord was a devout seeker. In the era when the gods were in power, the celestial lord who could easily embark on the path of the gods started from scratch, went through all the hardships, and finally opened up the path called the fairy.

If the immortal master still has the attachment to the Tao, he will not choose to merge the eternal brand.

Only after the achievement of Taoist ancestor, the attachment in the heart of the immortal master disappeared inadvertently.

He is no longer a seeker, but a high fairy.

He lost the most important heart!

The words of the white robe boy seemed like a fierce thunder struck in the ear of the fairy, the developer of the fairy road suddenly lost the ability to think, and countless memories burst out in his mind.

In a trance, he seemed to see a figure walking in the mountains and rivers in a coarse robe.

No one needs to explain, the celestial master also knows, that is the past self, the most devout seeker.

"Yeah, if it's you in the past, you don't want to merge any eternal brand."

For a long time, this kind of emotion flashed through the mind of the fairy lord who had finally recovered some thinking ability. Then he sighed for a long time, as if he wanted to sigh all the flavors of his heart.

And at this moment, the sound of a crisp crack broke out again from the body of the immortal master, and a small amount of particles began to diffuse around his body.

Sensing the change in himself, Immortal Lord was slightly silent, and suddenly said aloud:

"Oh, okay, I lost!"

In words, the eyes of the Immortal Lord also looked at the white robe boy, "You won this battle, you also saw my situation, I don't like this kind of death, give me a ride, use your strongest Moves. "

"it is good!"

After listening to the fairy lord's words, the white robe boy was slightly silent, and then said, "Is there any last words?"

"The last words, really not yet."

Hearing this, the Immortal Master froze for a moment, then said, "It's a pity, I don't know what true eternity is like, but since it has failed, then I also recognize it."

"After all, there is a big reason for this failure because of myself."

"Oh, there is something to remind you a little."

"what's up?"

There was a little curiosity on the white robe's face.

"That's my disciple, Lord Buddha!"

A complex feeling flashed across the fairy ’s face, and he slowly said, “He is a true seeker, and now he wants to come, he will betray me completely because he found that I have lost the most important heart.”

"You should know that he is missing, but if it is him, it should not be a problem."

"My death should make him completely break all the bonds."

"At that time, you have to be careful."

"Thank you for reminding!"

After listening to the fairy lord's words, the white robe boy was slightly silent, and then said thankfully.

Lord Buddha is a Taoist ancestor who had been in contact with the teenager for a long time. He has always had a low opinion of the Lord Buddha. He just listened to these words of the Lord Lord. He suddenly realized that he seemed to underestimate the other party.

"As a thank you, let me give you a ride, say goodbye!"

Along with such words, the white robe boy burst into a terrifying flame.

The dazzling divine light burst out and filled the entire battlefield!

In the fierce roar, Immortal Lord fell! ..

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