My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 133: The annihilation in advance!

Dark Void.

This is an unknown dimension of time and space.

There is an infinite will in the silent darkness, which is the highest from the beginning, and above this will, there is a stream that seems to guide everything to the absolute nihilism.

At this time, the long-lost Buddha in the endless chaos is sitting above the void.


Suddenly, Lord Buddha moved slightly and opened his eyes.

There was an unspeakable wave suddenly flashing in those lonely and hollow pupils. The Lord Buddha had sensed that his former master, the life breath of the Immortal Lord had dissipated.

The memory of himself and the other person flashed in his mind, and the Buddha couldn't help but sigh.

In the long past, the Lord Buddha was once the most proud apprentice of the Immortal Lord. They are all determined seekers who are each other's Taoist companions, supporting each other and constantly pursuing the ultimate of Tao.

But since the immortal master achieved the status of Taoist ancestor, he gradually lost his heart for seeking Tao.

The celestial lord who is high above is no longer a buddhist companion of the buddha, but an obstacle on his way.

At that time, the incarnation of real earth consciousness found her.

The other party showed him a promising road.

Its name-silence!

The origin of this road originates from the annihilation of the chaos during the transformation of the chaos. That is the disaster set by the avenue in the underworld. As long as the Lord Buddha can join the annihilation of the annihilation, he can definitely reach an incalculable state.

Of course, Lord Buddha also understands that the other party's purpose is to allow himself to promote the silence and the destruction of chaos.

But he does not care, as long as it is for his own avenue, he does not care about everything.

Therefore, the Buddha Lord at that time

The reason of Immortal Lord, plus that he originally took the path of the end class, so he did not hesitate too much, and soon betrayed Immortal Lord, opened up the civilization of Buddhism and Taoism, and became the ancestor of Taoism.

Not only that, he is vigorously developing Buddhism and Taoism, and letting all beings support themselves in the way of ten thousand Buddhas.

Until now, he has been the awakener of the realization of death!

And this is just the beginning. If you want to truly join in the silence, you need to wait for the appearance of the silence, and at the same time you must count all the causes and consequences in your body and completely break away from your destiny.

Prior to the destruction of the Pure Land of Bliss, it was not only the promotion of the real earth consciousness, but also the Lord Buddha's own cause and effect in order to cut off his own cause and effect.

But in addition to the pure land of silence, he also has a cause and effect.

That is the master-student cause and effect between him and the immortal master, and the later cause and effect of betrayal involves the Taoist ancestor, so that there is not much way for the Buddha master.

But all of this, with the passing of the Immortal Lord, is completely broken.

Thinking so, the last feelings of the Lord Buddha dissipated.

To put it more accurately, there is no longer the slightest red dust emotion in his heart, and he is truly stepping into a ruthless environment, and his body and mind have reached the perfect fit with the way of perdition.


The subdued resonance in the dark void instantly resonated in a moment, as if it had the backbone, and began to gather, condensing into an unimaginable force.

The infinite will that permeated in the void suddenly suffered great damage and began to riot.

On the other side, the battlefield transformed by the central fairyland.

The white robe long door stood alone on the dead earth, watching a special mark appearing on his right hand. That was the eternal mark of the detached who was left after the death of the immortal master. After all, it is the imprint of the eternal realm, but it is only a rough perception, and the white robe boy has a lot of perceptions.

The eternal realm that had been in sight from the beginning was instantly clearer.

However, he didn't wait for the white robe boy to realize it carefully, and his spiritual consciousness suddenly moved.

As the perception spreads out, the teenager clearly perceives that the whole endless chaos is trembling, and all the souls inexplicably raise a strange sense of crisis, as if any disaster is coming.

And through his consciousness of occupying the origin of chaos, the young man in white robe can feel the fear of chaotic instinct more.

There are a lot of planes that are directly destroyed by the collapse of the world!

Indistinctly, the teenager seemed to see the shadow of silence that enveloped the entire chaos.

"It turns out that it is a ruin!"

"It seems that Chaos is going to enter the ninth Nirvana in advance."

Secretly pondering for a moment, the white robe boy realized the special circumstances through the various messages he received, leading to the end of the endless chaos ahead of time.

But the white robe boy was not surprised at all. Baiyu Kyoto had made all plans.

The advancement of the annihilation will not affect the execution of the plan.


"I still continue to feel it!"

Such thoughts flashed in his mind, and the attention of the white robe long door refocused on the eternal brand. Although the effect might not be too great, but he could accumulate a little more, he would never mind.

At the same time, the chaotic starry sky.

Perhaps this is the safest place for chaos now.

The glory of infinite civilization enveloped the entire chaotic starry sky, sheltering all living beings and planes, even the premature death robbery would not affect here.

At least, this is the situation at this stage!

Bai Yujing, the central hall.

The long-door deity in a purple robe slowly rose from his throne.

The faint killing and stern fighting intentions spread from his body, and the battle between death and Dao completely reflected in my heart, so that the young men's fighting intentions loomed.

And when the Nagato deity rose, three figures appeared almost in unison.

That's not anyone else, it was Saya, Stardust and Noah.

At this point, all Baiyu Jingsi Avenue ancestors gathered!

"Brother Nagato!"

Looking at the red-haired teenager who was looming in the war and killing intentions, Saya in the white gauze slowly said, "The entire Baiyu Kyoto is ready to complete the plan at any time!"


Hearing Saya's words, a smile appeared on Nagato's face.

The plan mentioned by the girl is the key to the success of Nagato's series of plans. As long as he has that plan as the bottom card, he will be invincible no matter whether the subsequent development will be smooth or not.

Now that there is a final guarantee, the determination in Nagasaki's heart is even stronger!

"So, let's go!"

Many thoughts flashed through his head. Nagato looked at Saya, Stardust and Noah, and then walked out of the hall first. "Endless chaos, real earth, it's time to end all these disputes."

"I'm waiting in front of you, there is no enemy!" ..

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