My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 134: Prologue to the final battle

Void and gloom breed robbing qi.

The figures of the four Dao ancestors of Nagato, Sayaka, Stardust and Noah suddenly appeared, and the huge sense of existence revealed without any cover oppressed the dimension of time and space and stirred the wave of chaos.

Feeling the roaring anger that kept growing around, the four Daozu's brows moved slightly.

They can clearly sense that the spread of the catastrophe is accelerating.

"It seems that there is not much time left for us."

Such thoughts flashed through his head, and Nagato's eyes looked far away, and the plane group named "Atlantis", hidden by the endless puzzles, vaguely exudes a cold and extremely breath.

His eyes opened slightly, and his invisible gaze instantly turned into a blow enough to penetrate the barrier of the plane.


Like ripples on a calm lake, there are waves of waves in the infinite puzzle. The aftermath caused by the collision has rolled up the surrounding chaos and reached the end of the field of vision.

But even so, the confusion still exists, and it seems that it has not suffered much harm.

"It seems that ordinary attacks do not have much effect."

Seeing that his attack did not break the puzzle, the red-haired boy did not care much. After all, it was just the power of his eyes, but in this way, he also discovered a situation:

"Xi guy, it seems that he has made up his mind to stick to it."

"Then let me blast her out!"

It was Noah who spoke, as the existence of the chasing Xi, at this time Noah still felt a little bit about Xi fled under the sniper attack of himself and Shaye, and immediately stood up.

I saw the girl trotting forward a few steps, slender little hands fisted out.

It was a punch that ordinary creatures absolutely could not understand. Obviously it looked like an ignorant girl waving a small fist, but it made people feel the roar and roar of endless beings.


A heavy sound appeared in the void, and the terrifying punches tore the chaos and bombarded the maze, instantly triggering a violent turbulence in the entire maze, ripples, and intensified with time.

Until a moment


The inexplicable harsh sound appeared, especially in the roaring and violent sound.

Then I saw a spider web-like crack spread on the puzzle.

"Ha, let's punch again!"

Seeing that his attack was working, Noah's face showed a bright smile, and his feet trot forward again, still a fist held by a white and slender little hand, slamming forward.

The fist of tearing chaos roared out again with the will of the endless beings.

However, I still have to wait for the fist to slam into the puzzle.


The violent sound echoed throughout the chaos, and a huge crack directly broke through the infinite confusion surrounded by the Atlantean civilization plane group.

At the crack, a steel giant fist beyond imagination came out.

It was a huge fist that transcended common sense.

The usual unit of measurement cannot be used to describe the size of the fist. If you want to use it as a reference, it is the master of the beast civilization that was the largest chaos. I am afraid that it is not comparable to this fist.

In other words, this is a terrifying giant punch with absolutely ten or more plane sizes.

Noah's terrifying boxing power hit the wall directly in front of such a giant boxing.


The infinite hurricane that burst out with the giant fist wave directly set off a wave of terrifying chaos, directly swept and covered the area where the four people of Nagato were.

Noah, who bears the brunt, was forced to step back a few steps during the bombardment of the frenzy.


Stopping the trend of her backwards, Noah's face flashed unpleasantly, but beyond that, her eyes narrowed slightly, and a little dignity rose in her heart.

Although Bai Yujing knew a lot of secrets, especially Xi and the real earth consciousness were originally integrated information.

But in Noah's heart, their expedition this time was simply within reach.

After all, they are four Taoist ancestors, and there are two perfect Taoist ancestors. Such a lineup makes Noah never think of any possibility of failure. Even now, she still has a belief in victory in her heart.

But at the same time, she also vaguely understood Xi's power. This battle seems not easy to win.

"It seems that you should understand something!"

Suddenly, a voice sounded in Noah's ear, and I saw the figure of Nagato who didn't know when to appear beside her. "Don't care, our enemies are real earth consciousness after all."

As soon as the words fell, the red-haired boy waved his hand violently, and the purple robe hunted.

The sweeping chaos frenzy completely subsided in an instant.

Then his eyes turned to the front.

It ’s not just him, Noah, Saya and Stardust all looked forward. The steel giant fist beyond everyone ’s imagination had a new movement. I saw the giant fist open and pressed the edge of the chaotic crack .


In the fierce tossing, the huge crack was enlarged hundreds of times again.

The maze, which was originally covered with many spider-web-like cracks, collapsed directly in such a drastic change, and the pieces of debris scattered and rolled up the chaotic waves of Dao.

In the endless waves, the main body of Steel Boxing appeared in the vision of several Taoists.

Cold, horrible, trembling, even ridiculous

For a time, many adjectives flashed in the minds of Nagato and others. To be honest, as the Dao ancestor, even the youngest Stardust can be regarded as well-informed, but they have never seen such a terrible existence. .

As far as its appearance is concerned, it is a steel giant filled with infinite coldness and destruction.

The problem is that this giant is too huge.

If we compare the entire chaos to a planet, then all beings are nothing but microorganisms living on the planet, and this giant is definitely a super-large creature on the planet.

Such a huge form flooding into the field of vision is a huge deterrent to anyone.

Especially when looking at the joints of the steel giants, the mechanical parts transformed by the plane, including the long gate and Saya, the corners of the mouth of the four Daozu couldn't help but twitch slightly.

But after all, the four of them are not ordinary existences. After a lot of battles, they quickly adjusted their mentality.

Subsequently, Ling Xian's war intentions and killing opportunities slowly emerged, filling the void of hundreds of millions of miles.

"So, it's war!"

With such words from Nagato, the final battle of chaos has begun! ..

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