My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 137: Seal of Chaos!

God Lord, dead

Noah's fist completely dies.

The huge heart space also collapsed with the death of the Divine Lord, as if burying it.

From a certain point of view, the Divine Lord also created a precedent. As the ultimate existence of chaos, he died in the hands of another existence of the same level in an instant.

If the endless chaos has a future, the Divine Lord will definitely be nailed to the stigma of history.

On the other hand, it can be seen that Xi is fierce and powerful.

Actually tinkered a Taoist ancestor into that fragile posture.

Thinking of this, Noah could not help but sigh.

After personally ending the life of a similar person, the girl felt for the first time that she became a member of Bai Yujing seems to be a very good choice. If not, maybe she will also step into the footsteps of the god.

Thinking so, the girl's figure began to trance, and then the final mech was directly escaped.

As the Chaos Void appeared, Noah saw the mech that was starting to collapse.

And the long gate and stardust floating in the void.

The three looked at each other, nodded, and stood quietly in the chaotic void, not long after, they saw the final mecha that was constantly collapsing directly in a violent roar, and the head burst.

Then I saw two rays of light appear in the sky, interweave, collide, and then separate.

The light dissipated, revealing the figures of Saya and Xi.

"Sure enough."

Looking around slightly, Xi's face could not help but show a little bit of frustration and gloom.

The development of the matter to this point was completely beyond Xi's expectations. The final mech, which was based on his great hopes, was actually scrapped. Such a development made Xi's mood extremely heavy.

Originally in her plan, her final mech would sweep everything, eventually destroy chaos, turn it into food and grow further.

Then she will control the final mech to come to the earth and help her other half detach from the universe.

Eventually they will reunite, destroy the universe, and come out.

As a result, the plan was completely invalidated as soon as it was launched.

Xi once again felt the fate of fate, just like when she was first born, if it were not fate, she would not split, which would lead to the birth of endless chaos.

Without all this, she must be the most qualified planetary will. How could she come to this step?

Thinking about it, Xi's eyes gradually became scarlet.


The raging and crazy blaze burst out of Xi's body without using any Atlantis scientific creations. At this time, the girl burst out with a terrifying power, like a evil spirit who ate others.

Seeing the change of Xi, the four men of Nagato glanced at each other and sighed secretly.

They knew that Xi at this time had already lost some sense.

However, they can understand that they can feel the grief and indignation in Xi's heart as long as they think differently. But even if they can understand, their approach will not change in the slightest.

"let's go!"

Many thoughts flashed through his head, and the long door said slowly.

As soon as the words fell, the red-haired boy directly turned into the long river of truth, and the long river of endless truth hung across the chaotic void, directly sweeping the entire battlefield, and countless chains of laws were interwoven, trapping Xi.

If it is normal, Xi will display various means to circumvent the blockade and siege of the law.

But the girl at this time is in a crazy state, the so-called reason, does not exist.

Failing to escape the attack of the chain of law, the girl chose a frontal breakthrough, and the flames exploded again and again, just like a beast in trouble, struggling blindly, trying to break free.


In the end Xi is the half body of the pseudo-eternal, and his strength cannot be underestimated.

Even the crazy state can break the chain of law constantly, but she has broken a lot of chains, but the chains from the siege are more, the constant power of truth law has emerged from the long flow of truth and turned into a chain.

Faced with this situation, Xi seemed to be trapped like a beast.

"I will come too!"

Seeing that the Nagato successfully trapped Xi, Saya's eyes lit up, and he directly transformed into a long river of soul, intertwined with the long river of truth, and the power of countless souls sprang up wildly, interweaving with the power of law, and blending.

With the blessing of soul power, the chain of law becomes more terrible and terrifying.

Seeing this, Stardust and Noah glanced at each other.

The two girls nodded one after another.

Also transformed into a long river.

What the stardust turns into is the long river of stars. That is the manifestation of the chaotic way of stars. The long river of endless stars contains endless power of stars. Every drop of star river water is a star power that has undergone all kinds of hard work.

And Noah turned into a long river of red dust.

The river, as its name implies, is the transformation of the vast red dust-civilization is bred between the vast red dust. Realizing this, Noah has begun to slowly detach from the limitations of the civilizations in a certain sense.

With the addition of two new rivers, the power of the chain suddenly increased hundreds of times.

With such power, Xi's resistance is getting weaker and weaker.

Until the end, completely submerged in the chain.

In the void, four long rivers are interwoven and flowing, and the figures of the four longmen appear on their respective long rivers.

Originally expected by everyone, there will be a fierce battle between them and Xi.

I just didn't expect the girl to fall into this crazy state.

But this is also a good thing.

Save a lot of effort.


"How to deal with her?"

Such a problem appears in the minds of four people.

To know that killing a Taoist ancestor is not a simple matter-the Divine Lord is the exception. Even the crazy Taoist ancestors have to spend a lot of time and energy.

During the exchange of thoughts, everyone quickly reached a consensus.

They control their respective rivers and run their own strength with all their might.


Wonderful resonance sounded among the four great banks of the river.

That was the most beautiful voice in the world, just like the original ballad, and in this ballad, the will of the four men of Nagato reached an agreement, and their power was interwoven and condensed in the void.

Then it was derived into a tetrahedron, which directly wrapped Xi.

"Chaotic Seal!" X4

In a whisper of unison, the tetrahedron transformed by the resonance force directly becomes the most powerful seal.

The irresistible Xi was directly sealed in the tetrahedron. ..

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