My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 139: Daoist

For a moment, the river of Tao dispersed like a phantom.

The long door raised his right hand, spread his palms, and there was a little ripple in the void. The tetrahedron that had sealed Xi was reduced to the size of a table tennis ball, and fell into his palm.

Holding the tetrahedron, he felt that Xi had been forced to sleep, and the red-haired boy couldn't help but feel emotion.

If Xi had n’t lost his mind, the battle would never end easily.

"Save a lot of effort."

Secretly murmured, the long door straightly closed the tetrahedron, and then his gaze was slightly deflected, looking at the chaotic void in the distance.

It ’s not just him, Saya, Noah and Stardust.

The gaze of the ancestors caused ripples in the void.


With the passage of time, the ripples did not dissipate, but intensified, and soon, a figure of a gray robe walked out of the undulating ripples.

The robbery that filled the surrounding voids was boiling up at this moment.

As if welcoming your master.

When I saw the coming people, including the Nagato, the four Taoist ancestors looked slightly dignified. Although the appearance changed a bit, everyone recognized the identity of the coming person.

He is no one else, it is the culprit that broke out in advance, Lord Buddha!

In the case where Xi has lost, the Buddha Lord at this time is the last enemy of Bai Yujing's Taoist ancestors, and there is absolutely no room for compromise.

Therefore, when the other party appears in front of everyone, a fierce battle is almost inevitable.

Just before that-

"Why didn't you wear your golden shrouds?"

The red-haired boy's eyes flickered slightly, and he looked at the gray long hair of the gray robe Taoist.

"Senlow everything, everything is vain, I am the Taoist in silence!"

The icy to nothingness words were spoken from the gray robe Taoist, or the Daoist Dao population, and the next moment, the Daoist Daoist stepped out one step at a time, and the chaotic void began to move toward the ruin.

The ferocious annihilation frenzy emerged out of thin air and swept straight towards the four men of the long gate.

Obviously, the ruined Taoist at this time belongs to a type with few words.

"Huh, what the hell!"

Facing the action of the Daoist Daoist, Noah's most emotional personality was suddenly uncomfortable, and he stepped out in the same step, slender small hands clenched, and the vague fist was completely inspired.

The fists of the living creatures of the broken void are again launched from the girl's hands.

It seems that because of the existence of a Taoist ancestor, that is, the life of the Divine Lord as a sacrifice, Noah's fist of all beings has evolved unprecedentedly, raising more than one level.

The horror engulfing in the air collapsed under the fist of the overbearing sentient beings of the girl and dispersed.

Not only that, but after defeating the horror of horror, the terrible punches directly hit the horror Daoist. Before the other party had responded, he threw it up and down hundreds of thousands of miles.

Finally, the trend of flying backwards was stopped, and half of the body of the Taoist Dao almost collapsed.

Although he absorbed the vain of the surrounding void in time to recover himself, the breath of the Taoist Dao was obviously weakened and obviously seriously injured.

"The effect is so good!"

Having achieved such a result, Rao Shi Noah was a little surprised.

Just blinking, she understood the reason, her fist of all sentient beings is based on the interpretation of the way of civilization, and its essence is the shouting and fighting spirit of the endless sentient beings that make up civilization.

However, in this endless chaos, the strength of sentient beings is nowhere near as great as Taoist ancestors.

Dao ancestors are all ants, almost a chaotic truth.

But when Noah buried a Taoist ancestor with the fist of sentient beings, this truth was broken, and the fist of sentient beings that condensed the will of the sentient beings improved by more than one step.

"So it turns out, haha, let that guy give it to the old lady!" To understand his situation, Noah ’s self-confidence has greatly improved. Looking at the ruined Taoist in the distance, his eyes are shining, and he wants to kill another Daozu, try Can you sublimate again.

Just when her words fell, she saw two vortex-like ripples swaying from the distant Taoist people.



Along with the ripples, the two figures walked out of the vortex.

Those are the same two in gray robes, completely dead, even with the same appearance and breath as the Dao Dao, or they are indeed Dao Dao.

In a blink of an eye, the enemy changed from one to three, and Noah, who had just released her brazen words, was suddenly dumbfounded.

"I suddenly felt that it was better for everyone to come together!" The girl was silent for a moment, and the girl looked at her companion and said awkwardly.

At this moment, the three silent Taoists moved at the same time.

The flames of silence exploded, and the three silenced Taoists directly transformed into three grey silence madnesses, which at first glance seemed like three horrible evil dragons that silenced chaos.

I saw the evil dragon passing by, the chaotic void vanished, and all the worlds were dead!

Faced with the attack of the three wicked evil dragons, the four men of Nagato shot at the same time.

"Fist of all beings!"

"Chaotic Zhoutian Star Formation!"

"True Spirit Shockwave!"

"Sword of Law!"

The Daozu-level moves are carried out without any reservation. Under the terrifying destructive power, the three attacking evil dragons only resisted for a moment, then flew out and fell apart.

The three mortal Taoists collapsed directly, and the two respected the wounded.

But even so, the faces of the four Taoist ancestors did not have the slightest look of happiness.

On the contrary, their expressions were dignified to the extreme.

Because almost at the same time, the surrounding chaos and anger rose to an extremely terrible level, and vortex-like ripples appeared in the void.

A venerable Daoist walked out of the vortex ripples, and the number reached a hundred in a flash.

"Come on, what a joke ?!"

Seeing this scene, Noah's mouth twitched slightly, although she also felt that although the so-called Daoist Daoist had some moisture, their defense power did not seem to be high.

But there is no doubt that they do possess Taoist-level attack power.

Hundreds of Taoist ancestors, there are not so many in the entire chaotic history!

And looking at this posture, the number is more than that

"What about this ?!"

"Cold salad!"

The answer to Noah was Saya, and the girl in white gauze narrowed her eyes slightly, "I understand that these dead Taoists are incarnations, and the true deity is entangled with the origin of chaos."

"You know, but what about that?"

Hundreds of silenced Daoists spoke at the same time, and their voices were filled with cold death.


At this moment, a faint smile appeared in the corner of the long door, and he said, "There is only one thing to tell you. It is not only you who can touch the origin of chaos."

Hearing the words, the faces of hundreds of Daoist Taoists changed slightly at the same time.

Wait for them to react-


Thick and unspeakable roar suddenly echoed in the hearts of all the creatures in the endless chaos, and there was a trace of stagnation directly in the chaotic anger of the entire chaos.

The body of the hundreds of Taoist people showed a trace of obvious weakness. ..

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