My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 143: Unlimited completion!

On this day, Bai Yujing high-level gathering.

In the scattered gardens of cherry blossoms, Nagato and many lovers, daughters, and some ambiguous girls held up wine glasses, tasted food, and told each other's hearts.

At the end of this chaos, it will be a little late to say a lot of things.

Nagato wandered among the many girls-he promised a wish to all the girls, as long as the girls put forward and the desire has the possibility to complete, then he will definitely complete.

As a result, most girls, especially the lovers of Nagato, hope to have a serious relationship.

This made the red-haired boy grin bitterly and acted in his early years.

It ’s just that Nagato will not regret it, because that ’s his style.

-I will never regret the past!

Of course, not regretting or not regretting, this does not prevent Nagato from earnestly answering the seemingly small girls, but it makes him feel heavy from the bottom of his heart and feel the desire to be serious.

In addition to the desire to fall in love, there are other interesting and even absurd wishes.

For example, the wishes of the two girls Remilia and Franluto do not want to continue to be a daughter. In the face of this desire, Nagato endured the contempt around him and smiled bitterly.

Another example is Gaia and Alaya ’s desire to be a creature.

Despite some surprises, Nagato answered with a smile.

Another example is Nakamura Yuri ’s wish to rebel against Nagato ’s rule-this wish Nagato certainly cannot agree to, and the red-haired teenager grabbed the **** the spot and took a good lesson.

The wish question and answer session took more than two hours to end.

Keeping all the girls ’wishes in mind, Nagato raised the glass and enjoyed drinking with the girls, enjoying the flowers, talking, and even dancing together under the cherry trees.

Until the end, everyone was drunk, and all murmured and hugged each other into the dream

The next day, Chaoyang had just risen.

The long gate that had long awakened from the dream stood quietly on the hill among the gardens, bathed in the initial sunlight, and his body and mind were all emptied, and he felt the world and the world.

Gradually, the teenager felt that there was more movement behind him.

No need to look back, he knew that it was the girls' awakening.

"Brother Nagato!"

Saya stepped barefoot on the lush grass and walked to the long door. He said softly, "It's almost time, do you want to start that directly?"

Hearing Saya's inquiry, the long door turned and looked at the girls standing behind him.

Looking at the smiling face, the long door opened his hands:

"Saya, let's get started!"


With the girl's words, drastic changes started.


The three worlds of heaven and earth that make up the chaotic starry sky are working madly. The network of the law of heaven, the network of dragon veins and the sea of ​​human spirit have the chaotic starry sky.

The heaven, the earth and the people are intertwined and fused into one, turning into a large array with Bai Yujing as the core and covering the entire starry sky.


As time went by, the large formation slowly and firmly began to operate.

The entire chaotic starry sky seemed to condense into one.

At the same time, all the creatures living in the chaotic starry sky were shocked, and inexplicable messages emerged from the bottom of my heart. All creatures immediately understood the current status of the chaos at this time and the inevitable end. At the same time, they also heard the voice of the master of chaotic starry sky, the master of infinite civilization.

"My subjects, entrust everything to me."

"I will lead Ru to detach, as well"

"rebuild home!!"

Hearing the voice of the lord, all creatures sprung up like expressions of fanatic believers. They shouted "Your Majesty Eternity" and all turned into streamers, converging into a large array.

Hundreds of millions of creatures are hundreds of millions of streamers, and the entire chaotic starry sky is suddenly dazzling.

In this bright light, Nagato's eyes still looked at the girls in front of him quietly.

"Come on, Master Hujun!"

"Goodbye our new world, remember your promise."

"Humph, don't think you can catch me at will in the future!"

Along with all kinds of farewell words, the girls all turned into streamers, but unlike other people who merged into the big formation, they directly integrated into the body of the long gate and turned into part of him.

With the integration of each streamer, Nagato felt a figure in his soul.

When all the streamers made by the girls are fully integrated, Nagato suddenly has a wonderful feeling, that is, he is complete at this time, more than any time.

"Just not enough!"

After taking a few deep breaths, Nagato looked at the three remaining Daozu girls.


"give it to you!"

"let's go!"

Seeing Nagato's gaze, the girls smiled and nodded, and then turned into a long river of soul, stardust river and red dust river, and wrapped the door.

Nagato's body seemed to turn into an endless black hole, directly absorbing all three long rivers.

In an instant, there were three more figures in the soul of Nagato.


Almost at the same moment, a large array covering the entire chaotic starry sky moved.

After absorbing all the souls, this large formation condensed by the heavens, the earth and the people centered on the long gate, contracted frantically, and instantly condensed on the teenager, turning into a brand mark on its purple robe.

In an instant, Nagato seemed to be endlessly blessed.

His mental power soared rapidly, reaching a terrifying point.


In a trance, his mind seemed to cross the boundaries of Taoism and jumped directly to another level, and Senro Vientiane seemed to have become an illusion in his eyes.

More than chaos, so-called real universe.

Everything except self is illusory.

"This is"

"Is the realm of the eternal?"

With the help of the infinite civilization and Bai Yujing's many girls, Nagato made its mind break through the limit and enter the level of the eternal in a similar way.

Feeling his state slightly, the red-haired boy turned his head slightly, looking out of chaos.

Stepping out, the figure of the teenager disappeared in place

ps: I am not very satisfied with the writing ...

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