My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 144: Eternal robbery

In an instant, Nagato came out of endless chaos.

But he does not appear in the real universe, but at another latitude above reality and chaos. Here, all normal perceptions, even super-perceptions, are meaningless.

Only the special perception carried by the realm of the eternal can see and intervene here.

Slightly bowed his head, the red-haired boy clearly saw the collapsed chaos, the empty and quiet real universe, the world opened by the Tao of the Long Gate, and

The primordial space where fierce battles are taking place.

Without much hesitation, Nagato entered the Yuanshi space directly from the mysterious dimension.


Sudden ripples instantly stopped the ongoing battle.

The faces of the warring parties are different.

The face of Jinpao Longmen flashed a relief look. After a long battle, he was not as good as the real earth consciousness. In fact, he was already tired.

The arrival of the deity gave the golden robe boy a sigh of relief.

In contrast, the pure white girl's face is extremely ugly-seeing the appearance of the Nagato deity, she knows that another part of her plan should have failed.

Thinking of this, a lot of emotions sprang up in the heart of the pure white girl.

Horror, anger, and even a little madness.

You know that she paid too much for this, and even violated the path she should follow as a planetary consciousness, but ended up experiencing such a major failure.

She could not, and she was absolutely unwilling to accept it!

The first time, the pure white girl wanted to break out.

But she knew that in the face of the existence of two of the same level, she had absolutely no chance of winning. Under the madness, the pure white girl immediately went to the extreme, ready to die.

Yes, all the same!

If it is normal, the girl does not have this ability, but it must be known that this is the primitive space, the starting point of truth and chaos, the most important source of the entire universe.

And she has stayed here for some years, and she has already put a lot of backers.

Among them is the setting that detonates the entire Yuanshi space.

and so--

"Let's die together!"

With such words in her mouth, the girl will start her own settings.

"This kind of madness is really similar!"

The long gate under the eternal realm naturally saw the various arrangements of the girl, and after feeling the fact that she and Xi were indeed the same person, the teenager's right hand gently waved.


The power of the invisible mind burst out suddenly.

The power of the eternal soul far beyond the level of the Taoist ancestors was transformed into an invisible imprisonment, and the pure white girl was imprisoned in a way that the Taoist ancestors simply could not understand.

Not only is it imprisoned, Nagato even cut the connection between the girl and the earth.

At the next moment, Nagato took a tetrahedron out of nowhere.

That is the tetrahedron that seals Xi.

Manipulating the power of the mind, the red-haired teenager directly sealed the pure white girl into the tetrahedron at the same time, and strengthened the tetrahedron with the power of the soul of the eternal level.

The whole process was in the blink of an eye, and the pure white girl was sealed. put away the tetrahedron, and the long door looked at the golden robe.

Consciousness resonates in an instant, the power of the eternal level of soul runs through each other, and the momentum of the golden robe boy instantly recovers to victory, not to mention even further.

The two nodded each other and disappeared into Yuanshi space.

The next moment, the two appeared in an infinite world.


The whole world instantly responded, and the Jinpao Boy instantly resonated with it. At the same time, the endless chaos that gradually collapsed finally ushered in its own end.

Originally intertwined with the power of silence, the entire chaos began to collapse and condense.


Until the end, the entire chaos turned into an indescribable magnificent flow, and then directly across time and space, came to this infinite world that is resonating.

Immediately, the entire infinite world burst into unprecedented cheers.

"Time is up!" X3

The same voices are spoken from the long door deity, the golden robe boy who is resonating with the world, and the looming white robe boy between the magnificent stream.

The eternal power runs through the deity of the long gate, passing me and saying me!


Under the violent resonance, the golden robe was directly channeled between heaven and earth, and the entire infinite world seemed to have lived, and the laws between heaven and earth became closer and stronger.

The white robe boy disappeared for the second time and completely merged in the grand flow.

And the magnificent flow formed by the condensing of the entire endless chaos is transformed into the endless power of creation and absorbed by the infinite world. In an instant, the infinite world began to expand extremely crazy.

Twice, four times, eight times, sixteen times

In the wild expansion of the infinite world, Nagato's deity turned into endless brilliance, scattered between the world that is expanding wildly, and instantly generated hundreds of millions of souls.


With the deity of Nagato, the death of me and the disappearance of Tao, the whole world finally broke through the limit.

The whole world instantly expanded thousands of times, and turned into a first-class universe.

At the same time as the universe formed, Nagato appeared again.

There is no harbinger, no energy condensed, the figure of the red-haired boy walks directly out of the forest of Vientiane, walks in the void, without any power, like dust.

But Nagato at this time knew that he was completely different.

The infinite universe that intercepted the entire chaotic creation and the achievements of the entire infinite civilization has completely become the eternal supreme foundation of the red-haired boy's advanced eternity.

With the continuous growth of the universe, the body, soul and state of Nagato are constantly improving.

Until a certain boundary, he will condense the imprint of eternity and completely incarnate into eternity.

And the most important thing now is-

"Spend this time!"

With such a word softly in his mouth, Nagato narrowed his eyes slightly. The more he reached this critical time, the more he knew that he couldn't carelessly.

And he knew that he had one last disaster before he achieved eternity.

That is the answer given by the eternal mind in the midst.

as predicted--


Suddenly, the ripples of space swayed in the infinite universe, and the face of the long door changed. At this moment, he had lost contact with the universe he created by himself! ..

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