My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 145: The shady end!

Time turned back before the long gate came out of chaos.

The real universe, the earth.

At this time, ten years have passed since the battle of Yingzhou's extermination of demons. In this decade, the form of the entire earth has changed dramatically.

With the arrival of the third Aura Impact, many forces on the planet have completed the shuffle.

The Holy See supported by the real earth consciousness was the first to die.

Then the Federation soon followed.

However, the empire ruled by the monarch and evil still stands, and the reborn who has the power of his father has directly passed his accumulation period and has grown into a strong man who can take advantage of it.

Under the rule of a monarch, the empire rose strongly after the demise of the Holy See and the Federation.

Almost all the demon kings have become the spoils of the evil.

But in this era, Jun Xie is not the only dazzling existence. With two partners alone, he re-established an infinite kingdom on the wasteland of the Federation, and Ain Hart, who suppresses the Hai people, is not inferior to him.

Even if the impact of the aura brought a lot of arrogance, but no one can match them both.

Ten years later, humanity has once again become the master of this planet.

But even so, peace has not yet arrived.

Human civilization, which is extremely good at infighting, has once again started the struggle-between the empire and the infinite kingdom, in order to break away from the hegemony of the planet, open and repeated struggles have been launched.

In the end, after each of them suffered considerable losses, Jun Xie first issued a challenge letter to Einhardt.

Faced with the book of challenge from Jun Xie, Einhardt did not hesitate to face it.

The location of the decisive battle is in the Himalayas.

In the old era, this is the highest mountain range in the world, and in the new era, it is the same here, even higher and colder than the old era.

When Einhardt arrived on the battlefield, Jun Xie had been waiting at the top of the mountain for a long time.

Looking at the figure walking slowly and slowly, Jun Xie quietly sighed.

Once upon a time, he was so eager to get this beautiful person in front of him, and even used a lot of means for this, but in the end she finally stood on the opposite side of herself.

With a sigh, Jun Xie rose slowly from the snow, and the awe-inspiring momentum spread slightly.

At the same time, Einhardt came to him.

"long time no see!"

"It's been a long time!"

Saying something to each other, both Junxie and Einhardt found that the two sides didn't know what to say at all, after all, the only communication between them was the two or three days of the battle of Yingzhou Demon.

After that, Einhardt and his partners were thrown to the federal land by their master.

In the past ten years, both of them have been busy with their own affairs. In the first few years of that Aura impact, the world is constantly changing at an alarming rate.

So that they cannot leave their position at all, they can only lead their men to continue to struggle.

For a whole decade, they had no contact at all.

Although Junxie has the so-called rebirth memory, the problem is that in the rebirth memory, he has only seen Einhardt from afar, and there is no communication at all.

Under such circumstances, the two have nothing to tell the old.

Thinking of this, Jun Xie immediately said right:

"Miss Einhardt, if I can, I hope that the Infinite Kingdom can be incorporated into the empire. After all, you were originally a member of the empire. This is a matter of course, isn't it?"

"Of course? What a joke!"

Hearing Jun Xie's words, Einhardt couldn't help but sneered and said, "I said that I really owe the Empire a nurturing feeling, but that has already been returned to you."

"Otherwise, how do you think the Empire, the target of the Demon Clan, has lost so little in these years."

"Almost half of the demons are dealt with by you."

Speaking of which, Ain Hart paused, and then said, "The Infinite Kingdom is the trial that was given to me by the Master before he left. How could it be given to you!"

Hearing Einhardt's words, Jun Xie's face could not help sinking.

Although he has stood at the fixed point of the world, Jun Xie has never had any sense of superiority. He clearly remembers the powerless scene he saw in Yingzhou ten years ago.

Whether it is dawn or dark Gaia, it is a thorn in the heart of the evil.

Now when he heard the message from Einhardt, his disciple at dawn, he could not help but burst out an irresistible evil fire, and immediately the evil flame burst out.

"Ha, do you want to fight, then come!"

Seeing the evil flame spreading out from the whole body of Jun Xie, Ain Hart couldn't help but think of the battle between the two men ten years ago, and the fighting spirit was so high that the domineering domineering suddenly burst out.

"Let's finish the battle that had no results ten years ago, kill!"

The turbulent domineering swept out with the terrible murderous intention. Einhardt stepped out with his left foot and fisted with his right hand. The dark armed domineering covered it, condensing a terrifying power.

One punch was enough to burst the ground and the sky.

"Evil Flame Transformation-Great Evil King!"

The evil flame of Junxie's body became more and more prosperous, directly swallowing a large piece of ground under his feet, and then condensed into a long knife that looked extremely strange.

"God cry out!"

Armed with a long knife, Jun Xie cracked hard at the incoming punch.

The wicked swords are in the sky, and endless visions emerge from it. That is the ups and downs of the sea of ​​bitterness in the world, chaos turned upside down, attacked by one another, and a chaotic killing image.


Daomang and Quan Jin had an extremely strong collision, which caused a terrible impact.

The Himalayas caused a great avalanche in this shock.

It's just that the changes around it can't attract the attention of Jun Xie and Ein Hart. They are at the top of the world and they have reached the fifth turn of the professional system, Dongtian Realm.

In this state, the environment will not affect them at all.

In this way, the battle continued.

Einhardt brandished his iron fist without any special attack. With the purest iron fist, he traveled his own way of the hegemony. He did not retreat, dodge, and attacked head-on.

In contrast, Jun Xie has exhibited an extremely large number of moves and connotations.

Heaven is crying and extinct, the Buddha is forgotten, the four defeats are all empty, six turns, the magic fan is like a ruthless man, and the thunder is moving for nine days.

There are a variety of moves, there are this pair of flesh, there are these pairs of souls, but also against the soul

The gap between the two of them was not large, and the battle quickly entered a stalemate.

One day, two days, three days

For a full ten days, the Himalayas were completely reduced to the ground directly in the battle between the two, but even so, the battle still did not end.

at this time--


The wonderful wave flashed between the two's spiritual consciousness.

Tacitly stopped the fight, Junxie and Einhardt stepped back a long distance respectively, and then concentrated their perception to capture the inexplicable fluctuation.

Not long after, Einhardt had a glimpse of it.

Because at this moment, the girl vaguely captured the trace of her master from her perception, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and the girl couldn't help but feel a burst of joy.

Slightly looked up at Jun Junxie, the girl wanted to see if he had any gains.

Then she saw the wicked evil flame in the whole body, the monarch with closed eyes.

What the girl did not know was that the monarch was at an extremely dangerous state at this time, and there was no time in his consciousness when there was a dark figure all over his body.

"who are you?!"

Junxie ’s thoughts condensed into an entity and looked at the dark figure in front of him, and at the same time manipulated his own consciousness sea power, trying to kill this dark shadow that made him feel extremely dangerous.

Just when the thought just moved, he was shocked to find that the Consciousness Sea didn't react at all.

"Of course there is no response!"

Seeming to understand the horror of the monarch evil, the dark shadow said indifferently, "Your rebirth is entirely by my power, and everything, including the soul, belongs to me."

"Use my strength to deal with me, it's a joke"

In this way, the sea of ​​monarch evil trembles slightly, and a force directly emerges to wipe out the monarch evil consciousness.

The moment before the complete disappearance, Jun Xie suddenly felt sad and sad. Unexpectedly, he was just a chess piece laid by others from beginning to end, and he always just danced in the hands of others.

After the monarch evil consciousness disappeared, the black shadow directly dyed the entire sea of ​​consciousness to a dark color.

What is manifested is that the appearance of the monarch and evil has gradually changed.

The black hair gradually turned into red, and the eyes gradually turned into purple, and the wicked evil flame directly turned into a dark robe, blessing the changed monarch.


Seeing what the monarch changed after, Einhardt, who is a generation of hegemons, could not help but exclaim, because the monarch after change was not someone else, but her master.

It was only soon that the girl noticed something strange, and the man's breath was a little strange in front of her.

"No, you are not a master, who are you?"

"No, I am your master!"

Answering Einhardt's question indifferently, the black robe long door waved his hand, directly letting the girl fall into a deep sleep, and then directly laying a guardian enchantment.

After doing all this, his eyes turned to the sky, or beyond time and space.

Stepping out, the long black robe door disappeared directly. ..

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