My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 146: Battle of ego

Regarding the eternal robbery, Nagato has always expected.

When he achieved the eternal realm, he had gained insight into the mysteries of chaos and the real universe, and he could not understand only the so-called rebirth.

In other words, he has the same level of power to hide the so-called rebirth truth.

In view of this, he has a consciousness. If there is anything else that can give him a robbery, it must be the same level of strength as himself, that is, the shady of the rebirth.

Just recalling the question of the rebirth, Nagato was able to perceive a strange look.

That is the existence of the rebirth completely shielded himself.

Without the appearance of the rebirth, which attracted most of the attention of the real earth consciousness, Nagato felt that his original lurking action on the earth would never be so smooth.

Real earth consciousness cannot be underestimated, whether it is in the real universe or endless chaos, it has a deep background.

Therefore, the rebirth gave Nagamon the feeling that someone was deliberately helping him—there was no time to kill the rebirth, but he was vaguely aware of this situation.

But now, looking at the figure that came out of the ripples in front of him, the long door was a little bit suddenly.

If the rebirth is the self, then everything is logical.

Yes, the shadow of the rebirth is Nagato himself!

Looking at the red-haired boy wearing a black robe in front of him, he looks exactly like himself, and then thinks of the inexplicable loss of his connection with the infinite universe, and Nagato naturally came to this conclusion.

After all, only the appearance of two selves will make the infinite universe unable to determine which one is its owner.

In turn, the connection between Nagato and the infinite universe is lost.

Thinking of this, Nagato could not help but sigh slightly.


Seeing the long door sigh, the black robe long door just came out of the ripples in space and said indifferently, "Seeing my existence, don't you want to ask anything?"

"Does it make sense?"

Hearing this, Nagato asked faintly.


"Then fight!"

With such words, Nagato directly opened a door to the mysterious dimension in the air, "Go to that dimension and fight, so as not to destroy the infinite universe."

After talking, Nagato took the lead and walked in.

Watching the long door walk into the door, the black robe long door also followed, but before stepping into the door, his consciousness swept through the entire infinite universe, and there was a look of anticipation in the indifferent mouth.

The battle broke out completely in the mysterious dimension.

Nagato and the black robe Nagato displayed their full strength in the first time. Without any temptation, they concentrated all their strength on their fists and feet. The two started the most positive melee.

What emerged from Nagato's heart was an incomprehensible terrible murder.

He dare to guarantee that he has never attempted to kill a person like this-as if he did not kill the person in front of him, his existence could not be guaranteed.

Thinking of this, Nagato suddenly felt a sudden blow at the enemy, and said:

"You, want to replace me?"


Speaking of such words, the black robe long door also burst out an indescribable murderous opportunity, stepped out, the distance directly became an illusion, and the fist that condensed the terrifying murderous intention went out.

"Who is afraid of who!" In the face of the enemy ’s fist, Nagato did not show any weakness, and also threw a punch full of murderous opportunities.


The hurricane-like shock spread from the two people's bodies in all directions.

Maintaining a banging posture, the Nagato and the black robe can't help but stunned. The same existence, the same level, plus the same murderous and frightening, made them resonate a little.

In an instant, the two passed through each other's life.

Immediately, Nagato knew where the black robe in front of him came from-he was nothing else, and it was himself who came across time from the future.

In his own memory of the future, all his chaotic experiences are the same as his own.

But starting from lurking to the real earth is quite different.

There is no rebirth in the memory of the other party-after all, the rebirth is his work, but it is precisely because there is no rebirth, he quickly matches the real earth consciousness.

After that, he failed to complete the layout, and could only sublimate himself in the battle from beginning to end.

Only after he defeated all the enemies, the real earth consciousness detonated the Yuanshi space. At that time, he did not promote the eternal realm. He could only watch the real universe completely broken.

Not only that, his love and his daughters disappeared in the big explosion of Yuanshi space.

Faced with this situation, he could only cry in the universe alone.

Then, in the long years, he grew up step by step, his heart was promoted to eternity, but he found that chaos is no longer, and the broken universe of the primitive space is not enough to support his promotion to eternity.

After a long period of planning and power collection, he looked at his goal in the past.

Using the rebirth as a chess piece and a coordinate medium, help the past to complete the layout, and then achieve eternity, and then come to the past and replace it before the other party achieves eternity.

"Really, interesting plan!"

Looking back from the long memory, Nagato stepped back slightly and looked at the black robe in front of him, "It's just a pity that I won't lose to you as a loser."

"The loser?"

"The guy who lost his lover and daughter is not a loser!"

"How dare you say that!"

A trace of disdain appeared in the corner of the mouth, and the black robe long door slowly said, "If it wasn't for my secret help, you would fall to such a point."

"Will not!"

Hearing the black robe long door, the long door said firmly, "Even without your help, I will win, and finally, the most perfect victory."


"you are not me!"

Boldly interrupted the words of the place, and the killing on the face of Nagato madly appeared, "I absolutely do not admit that you are me, I am the Nagato, and I will never regret it."

"The loser, die!"

As soon as the voice fell, the long door traversed the time and space, and a punch hit the other party's face.

It is very strange that the black robe long door actually failed to react.


In the violent roar, the black robe long door flew hundreds of thousands of miles directly to stop his body, raised his right hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, he slowly said:

"As you say, your identity, I have to decide!"

"Then come!"


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