My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 147: Infinite future (end of text)

There is no concept of time in the mysterious dimension.

Nagato and the black robe Nagato have fought here for countless years. Their similar strength and excessively long time have made the battle between them completely a confrontation of willpower.

This is definitely the most difficult battle in Nagano's life.

The battle was extremely tragic. Nagato didn't know how many times he was reborn from the bones and bones. At the end of the war, Nagato felt that his perfect mind and will were on the verge of collapse.

Of course, the situation of the long gate is not good, and the same is true of the black robe.

It is just that the black robe long door eager to make up for his faults is filled with infinite hope and fighting spirit. Under such circumstances, the black robe long door even once prevailed.

But in the end, Nagato won the tug of war.

There are two main reasons.

One of them is that Nagato is not prepared to break his promise. He still remembers that before surrendering chaos, he had promised the wishes of those girls.

He was not fighting alone, he carried the will of his lover and daughters.

And the second one is more interesting.

In the latter part of the battle, Nagato actually got an inexplicable help, and after all, he found that it was actually the real universe itself that helped him.

-Those who come from the future will eventually be rejected by the universe.

"Is this God's will"

At the end of the battle, feeling his vitality is dying, the long black robe murmured to himself.

"It is inevitable!"

Faced with the end of the enemies of countless years of struggle, Nagato said straightly, "If it is really Nagato, you must never regret it. If you regret it, then you are not me."

Speaking of which, the long door turned straight and stepped out.

"Also, thanks for your help."

Yu Yin is insignificant, but the person has disappeared.


Hearing that, the black robe long door froze for a moment, then said self-deprecatingly, "So, am I still an arrogant?"

As soon as the voice fell, he disappeared directly into the void

Back in the infinite universe, Nagato discovered that time had not passed for a moment.

Reconnected to the infinite universe, and with the help of the growth of the entire universe, Nagato completed the breakthrough logically, and everything in his body became a mark.

At this time, Nagato realized what the so-called eternity is all about.

After all, all the essence of the world is the message of truth.

The essence of the mysterious dimension is just a gap.

Information gap between the ocean and the universe.

The universe is an island on the ocean.

Practice is the process of collecting information and condensing unique information with self-color, while eternity is condensing a self-information that is sufficient to travel in the ocean of information.

As soon as the eternal mark condenses, the long door feels the endless stream of information.

Not only that, he can also use the imprint to absorb the endless information in the ocean, and evolve the material, energy, and laws that allow his infinite universe to grow.

"Information ocean, universe island, Kazakhstan, the world is really big!"

Whispering secretly, Nagato finds that his infinite life is far from the end, and there are many wonderful things waiting for him to pursue and experience in the future.

"However, before that"

Many thoughts flashed in the mind, Nagato manipulated the power of the eternal imprint, drew innumerable information from the ocean of information, and evolved into a lot of energy, and matter and laws filled the infinite universe and the real universe.

Although the real universe is just an instinctive reaction, it does help Nagato.

And being born here and growing up here deserves something in return.

After doing all this, the red-haired boy came to the infinite universe and manipulated the universe heavenly path. He began to arrange the reincarnation of his lover and daughters, as well as the infinite civilization.

"By the way, they still have to satisfy their wishes, ah, really troublesome!"

With such words, a faint smile appeared in the corner of Nagato's mouth, and after an extremely long period of deadly fighting, he suddenly missed them a little.


"I have to look at the growth of the infinite universe, otherwise it will be distorted."

Such thoughts flashed in my head, and suddenly Nagato's eyes lit up, his vision penetrated the void, and he saw the real earth. "I want to come. I still have three apprentices."

In this way, time passed by, and in the blink of an eye, five thousand years passed.

The continuous penetration makes the infinite universe grow up completely. Gradually, the repulsive force between the infinite universe and the real universe is increasing, and it is about to separate.

Just like the birth of a fetus, the infinite universe is truly independent of the ocean of information.

And Nagato, after spending 3,000 years intensively studying the technique of picking up girls, finally became an old driver and chased back all her women.

Well, yes, women have no daughters.

In fact, more than that, the number of women has also shown an exponentially doubling trend-many women who failed to eat due to the big catastrophe problem, such as Han Cook, Black God, etc., have all become long-door women.

With her women, Nagato returned to the real universe.

Before his final farewell, he was going to continue to look at the universe where he was born and growing, and then he was surprised to find that after receiving his eternal mark for three thousand years, the real universe had undergone a huge change.

The laws of the universe have become loose, not as strict as in the past, and there is no longer only life on earth.

There are a large number of living planets everywhere in the universe.

With a curious mentality, Nagato took her women to take a look.

Then, including Nagato, everyone was a little ignorant.

Because most of the planets where life appears make them very familiar, there are planets where the incompetent **** and the demon coexist, there are planets competing with pirates and navy, and planets where vampires are in power

"What the **** is this!"

Rao Shilongmen couldn't help but whisper softly, and the women around were even more upset, but soon, the uproar turned into curiosity, and they were all curiously looking for the existence of another self.

Looking at the actions of the women, Nagato couldn't help but be curious, and then he saw another himself.

Also reborn in the world of Naruto, the same vortex long door.

It's just that there is no key to the world and the door to the other side.

"No, he is not me!"

After a closer look, Nagato still found that the other party and himself were completely two people-even the appearance was just similar, and the personality was very different.

In a sense, the other party is his own projection of this universe.

Thinking of this, Nagato couldn't help but think of the various gods he had seen in Chaos. Not to mention, there was more than one Athena in his harem.

"Perhaps, they are all projections of the everlasting ones and their followers."

"Ha, the world, it's really interesting!"

Thinking this way, Nagato suddenly remembered the eternal brand in the hands of the past immortal master, temporarily thinking, "Maybe I should leave something before leaving."

After groping for a few times, Nagato directly took out the tetrahedron with the seal of Xi.

Looking at the tetrahedron, Nagato sighed softly. Originally, he still had the intention to accept the girl inside, but he only remembered the experience of the black robe longdoor.

Made some hands and feet on the tetrahedron, and the long door directly threw it towards the ninja planet

After doing all this, Nagato felt that the stronger repulsive power in his body, and no more stay, Nagato disappeared into the universe directly with his women.

At the same time, the infinite universe finally broke away from the real universe and turned into an ark, traveling on the sea of ​​information

So far, Nagato and his women have stepped into an infinite future! ..

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