My Infinite Life

: Lord God Wanted Order 【上】

"Please note that No. 13078 God Selector, Activate the remnant breath of the No. 1 Wanted Lord of the Lord God!"

"I am requesting to connect with the space of the Lord God, and I am disturbed by unknown forces!"

"Reconnection is expected to be completed within seven days!"

"Ding! The **** chooser explores the task change. The mode is selected as the survival mission. Please choose the **** chooser to survive until the seventh day. You will get an s-level soul gem when the mission is completed. If you fail, you will erase it!

Standing on the cliff, looking at the sky-dense giant tree in the distance, the forest wind heard the sudden sound of the main god, and there was an urge to 'jump directly off the cliff'.

Have you made any mistakes? Obviously it is just an exploration task. How can it be related to the Lord's Wanted Order!

I already knew that the risk of randomly choosing to come to the unknown plane is very high, but Lin Feng still has a fluke mentality. Now it seems that it can't be greedy and cheap, and it hits the jackpot all at once!


The connection between the Lord and God is actually disturbed, which is really unimaginable!

The space of the main **** who has been displayed in front of Lin Feng in an omnipotent manner seems to be really not as powerful as he thought!

At this moment, such a thought suddenly flashed in the mind of the young man named Lin Feng, but he was immediately pressed to the bottom by the inexplicable hypnotic power, even he did not know it.

At this time, he was distressed by the command of the Lord God's space

The lord **** wanted order is one of the most special existences in the lord **** space. It has recorded the wanted orders of the chosen or indigenous people who have caused damage to the lord **** space in history. The number of people is very scarce, less than a few.

And the most special one is probably the No. 1 Wanted of the Lord God-Void Demon!

This is a kind of existence that is unknown to the main space.

There are three characteristics!

Red-haired magic eyes, smash the void, move instantly!

Because of its ability to favor space, it is named Void. Because it destroys the main **** space, it is known as the Devil. Therefore, the name on the wanted order is Void Demon!

It is said that the first generation of the main **** space was directly violently divided by this guy, resulting in a large loophole in the main **** space and had to be revised and upgraded.

Today's main **** space is the second generation main **** space

It is said that later wanted persons who exploited the loopholes of the main god's space were able to successfully cause damage to the main god, completely because the part divided by the number one wanted was too important for the entire main god's space, resulting in many reasons for the main god's loopholes.

"No wonder the Lord God Space is so anxiously corrupted, the rewards are so rich, and it is not allowed to fail. Just think about it, and then maybe you will face a cow who took the Lord God Space apart, and I feel guilty!"

"And, judging from the situation that the space of the Lord God has been disturbed just now, it seems that there are some reaction mechanisms corresponding to the chosen or traversal in this world. In this way, the probability of being discovered is very high!"

Lin Feng was a little worried and rubbed his temple. "I don't know if I can hide in the forest and go deep into the forest. After all, the less contact I have, the easier it is to get through the difficulties?"

Bang! !

The sudden roar made the youth stunned for a moment, with a surprised expression, Lin Feng turned his head, and saw several mutated monsters constantly fighting, but the violent roar came from the mouth of a strange-shaped monster The sound of a small flame ball hitting the rock.

Of course, Lin Feng has a very important problem, that is-you are sure that it is only a small fireball, not something like a super bomb!

"Well, maybe the idea just now is not a good idea!"

The young man changed his mind instantly. These are all on the edge of the forest. There are even such terrifying monsters. If I go deeper, Lin Feng, who has experienced four missions, said that he is just a newcomer and ca n’t stand such a toss!


The skills of the main **** space exchange instantly came out, and under the sunlight, Lin Feng's figure suddenly disappeared in place.

At this time, in a mysterious base thousands of kilometers below the planet, in a unique room, Saya in a pajamas was awakened by the alarm sound in the ear.

"what's up!"

The pure white girl rubbed the corners of her eyes lazily and put the psp she had been holding in her palm aside, while the virtual image screen appeared in front of the girl.

"Sir No. 568, this is a picture suddenly discovered by Honghou 1009. This is an existence that is not in the registered database!"

Along with the inorganic sound that I don't know where it came from, the picture in front of Saya showed all the processes that had just passed from the advent of the forest wind to the disappearance of stealth.

"The conclusion!"

At this time, the spirit in Sayya's eyes recovered, and a sensible breath appeared on the pure white girl!

"Conclusion one, this is the existence of the demographic remnants of that year. After calculation, the possibility is very small!"

"Conclusion two, this is a traverser who strayed into this world from other worlds. After face observation, this person lacks the confusion gesture necessary to traverse the world. The possibility of calculation is very small!"

"Conclusion three, this is an existence that is deliberately coming from other worlds. Having talked about face observation, it even seems to be related to a certain existence. It is extremely likely to be an unstable factor!"

Inorganic voices analyze their own conclusions one by one. If Lin Feng heard it here, he would be speechless!

"Directly lock the third conclusion. Generally speaking, in the world we completely conquer, Brother Nagato will spend some time attaching a large net composed of the power of time and space and the force of cause and effect to the crystal wall of the world. News of outsiders breaking through! "

When a certain world is completely conquered and Nagato becomes the absolute protagonist, when these two highest-level forces are used to act on the crystal walls of the world, they will not be rejected by the world!

After closing his eyes and feeling for a while, Saye said, with a smile in his eyes, "And it is still the familiar God space we are familiar with"

"Understood! Conclusion three is locked, please ask Lord Saye to order, how to deal with it!"

Saya got up quietly, dressed neatly, and then looked at the youth in the picture with an excited smile, "Red Hou No. 1009, pay close attention to the guy's information, and report to me at any time, some interesting things finally appeared in this world Now! "

"Now, I finally have a toy that looks good!" ..

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