My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 3: Reincarnation

When Nagato woke up again, it was already the next morning.

There was still light rain falling in the unbreakable sky, and the cold morning wind blew in from the gap of the ruined house, causing the red-haired boy to feel excited and tired.

Secretly complaining, the long door sat up and began to feel Chakra on his body.

Speaking of which, Nagato is not as weak as his appearance in this cruel world.

There is no reason for him, just because his pair of purple eyes vaguely stamped with concentric circles.

Six reincarnation eyes!

The legendary ancestor of ninjutsu, the eyes of the six fairies.

But in the absence of Chakra, if you want to urge reincarnation, Nagato will have to give up her own vitality, even as a long-lived vortex family, Nagato will never waste life.

The two worlds are human beings, and Nagato understands the preciousness of life, and will not easily waste it.

Under such conviction, Nagato endured a month of poverty.

Today, the red-haired boy is clearly fed up.

So after extracting Chakra, he ca n’t wait to change his life status.

Thinking of this, Nagato's thoughts were suddenly messy, making it difficult to enter meditation.

But he quickly reacted and saw that the red-haired boy immediately took a few deep breaths and calmed down many thoughts in his heart. Then he entered meditation and felt his Chakra.

And this feeling, the red-haired boy was surprised to find that Chakra on his body seemed to be completely different from the Chakra that he felt from the memory of Konoha Ninja.

But the specifics are different, but Nagato is difficult to express in words.

Nagato only knew that as his Chakra moved through the meridians, his body was undergoing some wonderful changes at an extremely slow rate.

One of the most obvious changes is the reincarnation of Nagato!

Prior to this, the reincarnation eye was similar to a weapon with a powerful power, but it had to pay the price in addition to its role as a long door.

After connecting Chakra, although the reincarnation eye is still a weapon, it is more in line with himself.

If you use martial arts terms to describe the samsara eye as a sword, then the long door used to use samsara eyes is simply a sword, but now it gradually degenerates into a sword.

In a trance, Nagato realized that the reincarnation eye was gradually becoming his object under the influence of Chakra.

"Are my Chakras capable of assimilation ?!"

Such thoughts flashed in his head, and Nagato pondered for a while, and then gave up thinking, because there was no other reason. With the current knowledge of Nagato, it is difficult to get a correct conclusion.


"It feels like a good thing, doesn't it!"

Thinking so, Nagato focused his attention on the eyes of reincarnation.

Perhaps it is because of Chakra's assimilation effect. When Nagato's attention was focused on the reincarnation eye, the detailed information of the reincarnation eye naturally appeared in his mind.

The reincarnation eye at this time is only a semi-finished product, and many of the abilities that appear in the plot are not available.

The power of the reincarnation eye is mainly divided into six Dao and seven systems of outer Dao that control life and death.

What Nagato controls is only part of the abilities of the four systems of Heavenly Path, Human Path, Animal Path and Outer Path. The remaining Hell Path, Shura Path and Hungry Path are completely ignorant.

Among them, in the outer path, what Nagato can perform is a secret technique called samsara.

This mystery allows people to reverse life and death at the cost of a large amount of Chakra, and even their own lives-Uchiha spot entrusts the reincarnation eye to Nagato, in order to let him perform this technique in the future to resurrect him.

But for Nagato, Uchiha spot is just dreaming.

In terms of Heavenly Dao, Nagato can use the most basic Shenluo Tianzheng and Vientiane Tianyin. The essence of these two abilities is repulsion and gravity, which can be called the basis of other abilities of Heavenly Dao.

Regarding humanism, Nagato can use a mysterious technique called Mind Latent.

A few months ago, when the memory of the previous life had just awakened, the red-haired boy had inadvertently used this mystery technique to seize the memory of cultivation from the Konoha Ninja.

As for the final animal path, what Nagato can use is a mysterious technique called reincarnation.

The essence of this mystery is a psychic, but it is more advanced. It can summon psychic beasts without signing a blood contract, and can control the psychic beasts with pupil power.

It can even allow the psychic beast to share vision with the ontology and possess some of the abilities of the ontology.


After carefully understanding the power of the reincarnation eye, the long door slowly opened its eyes, and the deep purple eyes reflected an indescribable concentric circle.

"Shen Luo Tian Zheng!"

Along with a light whisper, Nagato clearly sensed that Chakra disappeared within one-fifth of his body instantly, as if a substantial transparent ripple burst into an endless repulsive force spreading in all directions.


The violent roar appeared out of thin air.

The house where the long gate was located shattered and the dust was flying.

Fortunately, the area east of the town where the red-haired boy is located is a desolate place due to war, otherwise the explosion will definitely lead to ninjas.

Although the ninja was not drawn, it attracted the attention of the homeless who also lived in the east of the town.

Perhaps it was thought that there was a disaster. The wandering figures rushed out of the broken building, and then they saw a broken house and smoke rising up.

Immediately, the wanderers couldn't help but talk, and the scene seemed a bit confusing.

It was just that the confusion soon stopped, because at this moment, a middle-aged scumbag man appeared wearing a trousers around his waist.

The man's name is Yamada, which was originally just an ordinary wanderer.

But he couldn't bear his luck. He picked up a Taiji when picking up wasteland. With a bit of cruelty and a Taiji in his hand, Yamada became the leader of this area in Zhendong.

"It seems that the ninja did not do it."

I saw Yamada looking around. When no trace of the ninja was found, he immediately pointed to the dusty ruins. "So, who of you will tell me who lives in that house."

"it's me!"

Still waiting for the wanderers around to answer, a slightly naive voice sounded from the smoke, "Do you have any opinions, Yamada!" ..

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