My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 4: First pot of gold

Time goes forward three minutes

The destructive power of Shenluo Tianzheng was somewhat beyond the expectation of the long gate, but for a moment, the red-haired boy lived for a month and was conveniently turned into a ruin.

In a trance, Nagato finally understood why he could single out Konoha in the original book.

It should be noted that the current Nagato is just a rookie who has just extracted Chakra, and Shenluo Tianzheng is an ability that increases with the strength of the body and Chakra consumption increases.

It is speculated that Nagato can imagine how terrifying Shenluo Tianzheng would be after he grew up.

No wonder in the original book, his super **** Luo Tianzheng can instantly destroy Konoha.

"Very good, the power is impressive."

Covering his nose with his right hand, the red-haired boy stood up from his place and felt Chakra who had recovered more than half of his body. The long door nodded with satisfaction.

"In addition to this recovery speed, the ability to continue fighting is not bad!"

Thinking like this, the red-haired boy began to march forward, preparing to get out of this smoky area.

Just when Nagato just walked out of the dust, he heard Yamada's questioning voice, and almost subconsciously, an emotion called anger appeared in Nagato's brain.

Yamada is the leader of this area, the bully on the head of the wanderers.

In the past month, Nagato has seen Yamada ’s bullying of the surrounding wanderers more than once, and even Nagato himself has been bullied by the other party.

At that time, Nagato almost couldn't help but waste his life and bombarded Yamada on the spot.

But for insurance, the red-haired boy finally swallowed that breath.

As a result, when he just had the strength and was about to leave here, Yamada appeared in front of him. Wasn't this the opportunity of revenge given to Nagato by God?

Nagato has never been a magnanimous person, and it is his practice that Jiushui must report.

Thinking of this, the red-haired boy took his steps, walked up, and while walking, said, "It's me, do you have any comments, Yamada."

Hearing the words of Nagato, Yamada turned and looked at it.

When he saw the red-haired boy, the middle-aged man with a stubborn face was shocked for a while, then he showed an angry expression and pulled out his sword from his waist:

"Your kid, it's called Nagato, are you living impatiently!"

During the speech, Yamada waved his sword in his hand. The sound of the blade piercing the air appeared particularly clear in this quiet morning, making the wanderers around withdraw slightly.

"I live impatiently, it's you, Shenluo Tianzheng!"

Strolling to a place less than two meters in front of Yamada, the long gate raised his right hand directly to display the Shenluo Tianzheng, and the actual repulsive field burst out from the red-haired boy.

As Nagato's right hand moved forward, the repulsion field showed a tendency to hit Yamada heavily.


During the roar, Yamada was directly penetrated by the repulsive field, spitting blood, and flew out.

Probably because the repulsion field is too large, not only the mountain fields, but also the wanderers around have flew out, but because they are not the main target, the injury is not serious.

Seeing this scene, Nagato could not help but frown with some dissatisfaction.

In essence, except for Yamada, Nagato does not intend to harm other wanderers, but it is clear that the current Nagato cannot use his power well.

"This is not enough, it is impossible to control the power of Ruyi, and it does not make much sense."

The thought flashed through his head. The long door stepped forward and picked up the Taidao that Yamada dropped on the ground. Then he wandered to Yamada's side.

At this time, the middle-aged man was already in a coma, and the flame of life continued to weaken.

Shenluo Tianzheng is not a simple repulsive ability, but a force field.

The attack of the force field is omnidirectional. The creatures attacked by Shenluo Tianzheng are not only injured on the surface, but everything in their bodies will also be attacked, similar to fighting in the mountains.

Under normal circumstances, even if a ninja is attacked positively by Shen Luo Tianzheng, he will still be injured.

As for ordinary people, there is probably only one way to go.


"Am I murdering?"

Such thoughts flashed in his head, but Nagato didn't care much.

Probably after having really experienced the past one month of adaptation, the red-haired boy has truly integrated into this world. In this era, there are no ordinary students.

After taking the scabbard from Yamada, Nagato put the sword in his hand into the scabbard.

After carrying Taiji on his shoulder, the red-haired boy seemed to remember something and began to search Yamada.

Within a short time, Nagato got hundreds of dollars from the other party.


Seeing the money, Nagato pouted a bit uncomfortably.

Nagato doesn't dismiss these small amounts of money. In fact, at the level of this era, hundreds of dollars have been the income of ordinary civilian families for several months.

Nagato was unhappy that Yamada had so much money that he still stayed in this place to become a hegemon.

However, this money is cheaper. Nagato originally planned to use his own reincarnation eyes to do some cost-free trading and harvest his first pot of gold in the new world.

Who ever thought that after not needing it, he now got the money he needed.

"Life is really unpredictable!"

With such emotion, Nagato left the scene on his own.

After leaving the area in the east of the town, Nagato first found a clothing store in the town and spent a lot of money to buy a few new sets of clothes.

Then Nagato found a hotel in the center of the town, booked a room, and cleaned it well.

The whole process was quite smooth. At least the bullying that Nagato had expected did not appear. Perhaps I think that the Nagato carrying the sword is not a good target.

But this situation is a good thing for Nagato.

After all, reincarnation eyes can be used if they are not needed before they actually grow up. It is best to hide them completely.

In short, after taking some actions, the money on Nagato's body suddenly consumed nearly half, but this is not without benefits. At least after doing all this, Nagato suddenly felt a sense of rebirth.

Finally, I bought some food, and after filling my stomach, the long door shut him in the hotel room.

With the initial capital, a new round of cultivation at Nagato officially started ..

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