My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 5: Split dog

Time rushed, and in a flash it was a month.

In these days, Nagato has been staying in the hotel's room for practice, probably because the hotel is located in the center of the town, but it seems extremely calm.

If he is practicing in the wild, Nagato estimates that his life cannot be so peaceful.

However, staying in the hotel is indeed calm, but it also limits the practice of the Nagato. On weekdays, in addition to meditation and refinement of Chakra, the Nagato can do is to practice the three-body technique and study the reincarnation.

Other than that, Nagato can do nothing.

Not even the simplest Chakra-controlled practice, such as climbing trees or stepping on water.

Fortunately, Nagato has just stepped onto the path of spiritual practice. It is the most important thing to grow his own Chakra. The rest of the spiritual practice is not so urgent.

After a month of practice, Chakra of Nagato has surpassed the standard of ordinary tolerance.

The amount of Chakra that is far from normal is also not far away.

Of course, this is not to say that Nagato has surpassed Ninja and is not far away from it. In fact, the factor of reincarnation is eliminated, and the current combat effectiveness of Nagato is in the Ninja School.

The short duration of spiritual practice is, after all, a dead spot in the Nagato, and he needs time to grow.


"The conditions don't seem to be allowed!"

Sighing softly, Nagato shook his purse and threw the last coin on the table. "Sure enough, I hate less when I use the money. This is not enough for a meal."

Between words, the red-haired boy narrowed his eyes and began to think about his next path.

In all fairness, living in this cruel and chaotic era, Nagato had few options, and soon he made his own decision.

"Although there are some risks, let's go to the city of Sichuan!"

The city of Sichuan is the capital of the country of Sichuan.

On the land of the country of Sichuan that has been reduced to the battlefield of the big powers, if there is any place that is relatively safe and calm, then the city of Sichuan is the first to be pushed.

The reason for this is simple, because the name of Kawa no Kuni resides here.

Speaking of this, one must mention a deformed place in this ninja world, that is, the many ninja villages that control the power will willingly surrender to the nobility.

The reason for this is that the young Nagato is not yet clear.

But the red-haired boy knows that unless it is necessary, even in war, the ninjas will be careful to avoid hurting any big name.

Therefore, the city of Sichuan with its famous name is definitely one of the safest places in the whole country.

But because of this, the city of Sichuan is restricted to others.

However, since Nagato chose to go to the city of Sichuan, it naturally means that he has a way to enter, and the method of Nagato is very simple, that is, to become a guard of the caravan ready to return to the city of Sichuan.

Capital is very magical, as a great man in the long past has said:

"Once there is a proper profit, the capital will be emboldened; with 10% of the profit, it will be used everywhere; with 20%, it will be active; with 50%, it will cause active risk; with 100%, It will disregard all laws of the world; with 300%, it will dare to take the risk of strangulation. " As a chasing capital, merchants are also unique.

In this chaotic era, most people are eager to stay away from the battlefield. Do n’t be affected by the war, but a large number of businessmen have taken the initiative to enter the battlefield.

They formed caravans, took supplies, and exchanged a lot of gold from the places where the war raged.

In other words, these guys are making a fortune. Once the war is over, with the accumulation during the war, the merchants will soon rise and have a better future.

However, everything is relative, and there are advantages and disadvantages.

In the eyes of some wandering ninjas, thieves, and even regular ninja villages, these merchants trying to make a fortune in war are simply treasures that will move around.

Faced with these threats, the caravan's choice was naturally resistance.

In addition to the guards cultivated by the caravan, the merchants will continue to recruit samurai and ninjas as guards along the way, and their recruitment methods are also varied.

Just like now, the exit of Weiming Town.

A temporarily stationed caravan from the city of Kawasaki was rewarded with the ‘eligibility of the city of Kawasaki’, which attracted many wandering ninjas and samurai to sign up.

Holding a red-brown puppy, Nagato also came to sign up.


"Boy, this is not the place to let you play!"

Before the recruitment began, a samurai samurai who looked like she was flowing stood in front of the long gate. "I still have a puppy, which really makes people look down."

"Oh, you still have a knife. I happen to be a double knife. Just give me this knife!"

During the talk, the right hand of the samurai youth stretched out directly towards the sword on the shoulder of the long door, completely ignoring the will of the long door, or, in his eyes, the will of the long door did not matter.

Faced with such a catastrophe, the red-haired boy couldn't help but sigh.

It has to be said that he is indeed too young to be despised and even cause some trouble.

"Exactly, take advantage of it!"

The thought flashed through his head, and there was no movement at the Nagato. However, when the young man's hand was about to touch him, his puppy's eyes glowed purple, and immediately flew up.

In an instant, the puppy's body doubled and turned into a ferocious hound, biting the young man's right hand.


The young man screamed immediately and unconsciously waved his arms hard in an attempt to throw the hound away. As a result, not only was he unsuccessful, but his right hand was injured more seriously.

Immediately, the left hand of the samurai youth pulled out the sword from the waist and cut it sharply, cutting the hound's waist.

However, he was still not happy. The hound that was cut into two sections not only didn't die, but changed. From one hound to two, one of them still bit the young man's right hand.

Another hound slammed into the young man's left hand holding the knife.

Almost at the same time, the two hounds exerted their strength at the same time, and the powerful force directly overturned the young warrior to the ground. The sword in his hand flew up and was caught by the long door.

From the provocative shot of the youth to the success of the Nagato counterattack, the whole process took less than ten seconds.

The scene was suddenly silent, and everyone around was stunned ..

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