My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 7: Departure and conversation

"Some, troublesome!"

In the slightly empty tent, the long door looked a little dignified.

After registering simple information such as name, origin, and specialties in the caravan resident, Nagato was arranged by members of the caravan to take a break in this independent space.

Before leaving, members of the caravan also specifically stated that this tent is a private space with a long door.

The other guards called were concentrated in another tent.

Nagato knew that the purpose of the other party's saying was to highlight the caravan's respect for themselves, and then to engender emotions such as gratitude in their hearts.

It's just obvious that instead of being grateful, Nagato's heart was born with fear.

As the saying goes, there is nothing to be diligent, if it is **** or theft!

The red-haired boy of the two worlds is very aware of the dangers of people's hearts. In this cruel world, unless you are the protagonist, don't be too naive.

Because it is naive, it will kill people!

But although there are some fears, Nagato is only somewhat afraid.

Because the current Nagato is no longer the weak man who could only follow the fate in the long river of fate a month ago, he already has the power to control his own destiny.

Thinking so, the long gate found a place in the tent, sat down and started a new practice.

To say ten thousand and ten thousand, all the tragedies in the world are caused by insufficiency of their own abilities. In order to prevent themselves from repeating the tragedies in the original plot, Nagato always seizes all the time to practice.

The red-haired boy's pursuit of power has become an instinct inscribed deep in his soul.

The recruitment of caravans lasted a whole day.

Perhaps it is because the number of places in the city of Chuan is so tempting, not only the warriors and ninjas in Weiming Town, but also in other rural towns around, many people rushed over.

It is said that during the recruitment process, there have been several conflicts, and some people have even lost their lives.

Until the end, only forty-nine people won.

Coupled with the Nagato, the guards recruited for a whole day are only half a hundred, and the proportion of all the callers is really too small, and these are more worthy of the Nagato's luck.

Under such circumstances, almost everyone looks a little strange to Nagato.

Many losers even shouted outside the caravan station to look good.

In the face of such a situation, Nagato did not choose to swallow his voice, but instead of saying a word, he sent the split dog directly and abused all the provocators, and succeeded again.

In particular, the split dogs split into hundreds of hounds in battle, which is very impressive.

Nagato's identity within the caravan has also improved a lot.

Time passed, and soon came the second day.

The caravan finally set off.

Rarely, Nagato did not practice, but sat on the wagon's cowl, looking at the surrounding environment indifferently, and seemed to be doing his best to do the guard work.

But in fact, the long door at this time was not as calm as he appeared.

Two months after awakening the memories of the previous life, the red-haired boy finally walked out of his town and started to go to the world. How can this kind of thing calm the red-haired boy!

There is a wonderful intuition in the long gate in the midst, it seems that as he leaves, the gear of fate begins to turn.

This is not a fantasy of the two, but from a more real feeling.

"Really, somehow!"

Thinking so in his head, the long door turned slightly, because the curtain of the carriage opened at this moment, a young man came out, sat on the other side of the cowl, and said at the same time:

"That, Mr. Nagato, I'm in charge here. Only Tibetans have invited you!"

"it is good!"

Sighing slightly, the long door nodded his answer.

Lifting the curtain of the car, the red-haired boy walked into the car immediately, and it turned out that it was not the middle-aged man he remembered but a man in black.

The reincarnation of Liu Hai's eyes moved slightly, the long door could feel it, and there was a soundproof junction attached to the inner wall of the car.

Sitting quietly in front of the man, the long door opened directly and asked, "Was it hidden?"


Hearing the inquiry from Nagato, the masked man's face was appreciative, "It is worthy of the supreme reincarnation eye"

"Boom !!!"

Cai Zang's words were not finished yet, and the air in the car suddenly seemed extremely depressed.

Some suffocating pressure spread from the red-haired boy, and the bangs of the long door without wind automatically revealed the purple eyes reflecting the concentric circles.

"Please don't get excited!"

Seeing the changes in Nagato's body, Wu Yincai immediately said, "Longmen Jun, I'm not malicious! I'm just going to communicate with you, please believe me!"

Listening to Cai Zang's words, Nagato's face didn't change, but his heart was full of surprise.

To be honest, Nagato did not feel that his reincarnation eyes could be kept secret for a long time, but it was discovered so quickly that it was somewhat unexpected.

Thoughts circulated in the brain, and the red-haired boy asked, "When did you know."

"When I met yesterday, I knew it."

Facing the inquiry from Nagato, Caizang didn't have any concealed opening and said, "It must have been found by Nagato Jun. My surname is very strange, Wuyin, which is exactly the same name as Wuyin Village in the five major ninja villages today."

"Actually, my ancestor was the first generation of water shadow to create Wuyin Village."

"Wuyin Village is named after our family's name, but because of some subsequent changes, our family left Wuyin Village, but I am not talking about this."

"Because of the status of the ancestors, our family knows many secret stories of the ninja world. Among them, the rumors about the six Dao fairy and his reincarnation eyes are still recorded in my family's oldest classics.

"However, I didn't believe it."

Speaking of which, Wu Yin was full of emotion and bragging, and finally looked at the long door, and said, "But now, I have to believe it!"

"That's it!"

Faced with such a detailed account of Wu Yin, Nagato could perceive the sincerity of the other party, and then said, "So, give you some time, say, what is your purpose?"

Hearing the long door, Cai Zang's expression immediately became solemn, and said:

"Longmen Jun, first of all I have to apologize. I conducted a survey on you before. I have to say that genius is indeed amazing. Who can think of you as an ordinary child two months ago."

"In just two months, you already have such amazing power."

"Here, I want to invite you to join us"

"Use your power to save this country!" ..

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