My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 8: Thinking and attacking

With Cai Zang's account, Nagato understands the causes and consequences.

It turned out that Wuyin Caizang was the last descendant of the first generation of water shadows in the Wuyin Ninja Village, only because of some things that went to other countries, and finally became the son of the famous name of the country of Sichuan, the man of Koda.

As the future daimyo, Sanada Yumura has great ambitions.

The man wanted to bring real hope and peace to the country of Chuanzhi, which is crying under the turmoil of several great powers.

Adhering to the will of Sanada Xingcun, Wu Yin only disguised as the leader of the caravan and walked on the land of the country of Sichuan.

There are two purposes for him, one of which is to be the eyes and ears of Sanada Yumura to see the truth of the world for him, and the other purpose is to help Sanada Yumura to recruit talents.

Nagato is the best talent that Wuyin only hides and seeks. No, Nagato's talent cannot even be expressed by genius.

Only the vocabulary of ‘demon’ can reluctantly depict the possibilities that Nagato has!

So after checking the life history of Nagato, it was impossible to hide the showdown.


"Why not wait for the showdown in the city of Sichuan?"

After thinking for a while, Nagato didn't respond to the invitation from Caizang the first time, and said, "Are you afraid of messing up, let me dismiss the idea of ​​going to the city of Sichuan?"

"How to say, my judgment is that the showdown is now the best!"

Hearing the inquiry from Nagato, he shrugged his shoulders and said, "It's better not to be deceived when communicating like you, and we may not be able to return to the city of Sichuan safely."

"What do you mean ?!"

"It's nothing, but my identity seems to have leaked."

"Your sister!"

Hearing the words, Nagato's face suddenly became cold.

Originally, the red-haired boy chose to go to the city of Chuan for a comfortable environment. As a result, he didn't expect people to be as good as the sky, and his own plan seemed to have failed.

"I will consider your invitation, when will I go to the city of Sichuan, and I will reply to you!"

Standing up from his position, the long door turned and walked out of the carriage, but before lifting the curtain, the red-haired boy seemed to remember something and turned his head and asked:

"Right, you are also a ninja, don't you want my reincarnation eyes?"

"It's impossible not to want!"

Hearing the inquiry from Nagato, a shadow of bitter smiles and fears flashed on Wu Yincai's face, "Because of my own special characteristics, I have a strong hunch about life and death. My instincts almost suffocated me. I am still young and don't want to die so early. "

"It turns out that I understand."

His eyes narrowed slightly, and Nagato subconsciously remembered that Nagato in the original story called out the alien golem because of the death of his friend, and he nodded.

With the current strength of Nagato, if it is time for life and death, he can indeed summon the alien golem.

But by that time, I am afraid that Nagato's own vitality will also be evacuated.

I am afraid it is for this reason that when Nagato usually calculates his hole cards on weekdays, he often ignores the outside Tao Golem subconsciously.

"So, I'm leaving now!"

Thinking about it, the long door turned and lifted the curtain and went out.

It was only a short time before the red-haired boy lifted the curtain again and walked in. This made the fog hidden in the carriage looked at him a little confused.

"I just remembered a question. Since you want to draw me in, then there must be a so-called meeting ceremony. Then, apart from some secret techniques, you know all the knowledge of ninjutsu.

"In order to control reincarnation eyes, I need a deeper understanding of the essence of ninjutsu and Chakra!"

Fog is hidden: ""

In the following days, the caravan's journey was smooth.

Except for a few thieves with short eyes and some dangerous places, there are few obstacles encountered.

But in the eyes of half of the insiders, this was nothing but the tranquility before the storm. The fangs in the darkness were slowly emerging, waiting for a fatal blow.

Under such circumstances, Nagato naturally did not continue to practice, but chose to rejuvenate.

Speaking of which, Nagato can't help but say that the practice system of Chakra is really okay. You must know that the practice in the memory of Nagato's previous life is an evolution of self.

But Chakra's practice is to constantly kill the spirit and physical potential, making people short-lived.

Almost all ninjas will lose their peak when they are old.

Especially as Nagato continued to digest and absorb the Chakra knowledge he got from Wuyin Caizang, Nagato was increasingly puzzled by Chakra's practice system.

As a glorious rebirth, Nagato naturally knows many opportunities.

He even knows how to complement his six reincarnation eyes.

On the condition of a long gate, if there is enough time, he can fully trace the source of Chakra through the many opportunities in his memory to achieve the true rebirth of the six Dao.


"That's really good?"

Such thoughts came to mind, and Nagato did not know the answer.

It seemed that there was a kind of wonderful intuition in Mingming, which seemed to guide the long door to continue to think, but before the long door continued to think, the psychic beast in his arms suddenly called.

All the thoughts dissipated at this moment, and the eyes of the reincarnation under the bangs of the long door could not help revealing a touch of light.

"Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh !!!"

At this moment, dozens of sufferings flew out of the forest on both sides of the road, killing several people in an instant, and then a dozen of black tights and masked ninjas appeared in the sky.

Among them, the fox mask ninja quickly engraved his hands, and his body leaned back slightly.

"Art fire escape **** fireball!"

In an instant, a huge fireball with a radius of two meters appeared in the air, and at this moment, a white-haired boy as young as 11 or 12 years old appeared in front of the big fireball.

"Don't be too proud of me, Tu Dun-the return of Tulu!"

I saw the hands of the teenager seal at an incredible speed. In less than a moment, a huge rock rose from the ground in front of him, blocking the huge fireball.


In the violent roar, a large amount of smoke spread out, and it was in this smoke that the attacking ninjas and caravan guards started the fight. ..

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