My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 9: Take the opportunity to leave

As soon as the battle started, Nagato moved away from the caravan.

Ever since communicating with Wuyin Caizang, Nagato knew that his idea of ​​preparing to arrive in the city of Sichuan with the caravan was probably impossible.

Now he is too weak, even with a hole card, it is not suitable to participate in the game between the big forces.

What Nagato needs now is just the time to grow up.

As for the others, you must stand aside!

Under such circumstances, Nagato naturally has no idea of ​​fighting for the caravan.

The reason why he still stays in the caravan is that it is inconvenient for the red-haired boy to leave in the eyes of the public, and now the battle is really the best time to leave the long door.



As soon as Nagato broke away from the battlefield, the sound of breaking the sky sounded in vain.

In the smoke behind him, a sharp knife flashed, cutting the red-haired boy at the waist.

Only the next moment, with the sound of "Bang", the figure of the long door turned into a white smoke, replaced by a brown puppy cut by the waist, which fell on the ground.

The real Nagato appeared on the tree trunk not far away at the same time.

"Ah, it's really dangerous!"

The left hand subconsciously touched a small crack in the clothes around his waist, and the long door couldn't help but fear.

If I had just used the avatar technique subconsciously, I am afraid I would be cut off!

For the first time, Nagato realized the danger of fighting.

Only in the face of this danger, in addition to the initial fear, the red-haired boy's heart was full of warfare, as if a beast sleeping deep in his heart woke up.

The slightly excited mental state dominated Nagato's thoughts, allowing him to instantly enter the best fighting state.

Even the reincarnation eyes under the cover of Liu Hai became more active at this moment.

The illusion of perplexity expanded instantly to a radius of about 10 meters around the center of the self, and the corner of the mouth of the long door showed a curvature that he did not know.

Looking up at where he was originally, the long door clearly saw that a ninja with a black mask holding a sword was standing there, looking at him with murderous eyes.

"In other words, can't it be regarded as not seeing me?"

The right hand was lifted, and a seal was formed in front of him, the long door said softly.

Hearing the words, the ninja was unmoved, and just jumped with his sword.

"Exactly, I was just scared, and I want to return!"

Seeing the behavior of the black-faced ninja, Chakra was running inside the long gate, and in an instant, the puppy that was cut into two parts by the waist of the ninja mask expanded instantly, turned into two hounds, and jumped on the ninja.

The actions of the two hounds were unexpected, but the reaction of the black-faced ninja was also extremely alarming.

"Boom !!"

With the sudden noise, the black-faced ninja instantly turned into green smoke and branches, and then his figure appeared beside the two hounds, waving in a sharp hand.

The sharp knife light instantly cut the two hounds into four sections, and the black-faced ninja would then rush up again.

From beginning to end, the goal of the black-faced ninja is only one, that is the long door.

It's just obvious that he didn't know the characteristics of the split dog, because at the next moment, the split dog's ability was activated again, expanded and regenerated, and split into four.

Then the four hounds came out again, and surrounded the black-faced ninja with a siege.


This is the first time a black-faced ninja has spoken.

His speech was full of surprise and anger. As the voice just fell, the black-faced ninja combined the instantaneous technique and the avatar technique to escape from the surrounding of four hounds.

Seeing this scene, Nagato frowned.

Although the ability of the split dog is troublesome, the lethality is insufficient.

In the face of experienced ninjas, the shortcomings became apparent at once, and the deterrent power of the split dogs was really poor when the number did not split to a certain limit.

"It seems that it needs to be improved, but now Vientiane Tianyin!"

The thought flashed through his head. The right hand of Nagato was lifted, and invisible gravity burst out, "capture" the black-faced ninja who had just escaped from the hound.

"What, can't move!"

The figure of the black-faced ninja stopped in midair directly, and after exclaiming involuntarily, his body flew straight towards the location of the long gate.

The right hand was pressed directly on the head of the black-faced ninja, and the Nagato instantly demonstrated the ability of humanity.

The blood-successful limit-secret mystery called Mind Latent Operation immediately, the soul of the black-faced ninja was immediately pulled out by the Nagato, and a lot of useful memories and information were read by the Nagato.

"What, actually a Konoha Ninja!"

With the reading, a slight change gradually appeared on Nagato's face. It turned out that the ninja in front of him was a dark organization named Root from the wood leaf ninja village.

As the root of guarding Konoha in the dark, its leader naturally noticed the existence of Sanada Komura.

In their eyes, the rise of Sanada Komura is not in the interest of Konoha.

Therefore, the root chose to cut off the wings and minions of Sanada Komura.

"Ha, sure enough, Muye and I were naturally guilty!"

The thought flashed in his head, and Nagato released his right hand. At this time, the reading of memory had ended, and the life of the black-faced ninja had reached the end, and the soul returned to the underworld.

"Let's go, don't stay long!"

Ignoring the black-faced ninja, Nagato looked at the four hounds that had come together, and the hands were sealed, and in an instant, the four split dogs merged into a large hound with a height of two meters.

The figure of the red-haired boy jumped down and sat on the body of the hound, disappearing into the forest instantly.

Ten minutes later, the battle on the main battlefield was over.

Although Wuyin Caizang and others had already been prepared, they still underestimated the strength of the attackers, and only a small number of people finally fled with their prepared hands.

Then, while cleaning the battlefield, the battlefield of Nagato and the black-faced ninja was discovered.

Soon, several ninjas wearing different masks appeared beside the black-faced ninja. One of the female ninjas crouched down and carefully checked the situation of the black-faced ninja.

A moment later, she said, "The black face is dead. Before the death, people used spirit ninjutsu."

As soon as this statement came out, the atmosphere of the surrounding environment suddenly showed a little depression.

"Huh, although it's just a lucky one, Muye's information can't be leaked!"

Leng snorted, and the masked Ninja headed, said, "I will continue to chase down Wuyin before hiding them, ghost fox, white face and worm girl, you go chase, be sure to kill each other!"


Along with the answer, the sound of "Bang", three ninjas with different masks disappeared in place. ..

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