My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 12: Meet Xiaonan

The submerged repair of Nagato lasted more than half a year

When he stepped out of the old forest in the deep mountains and returned to human society, he discovered that the battle of fame and forbearance in the memory of the previous life had just passed for several months, and the war in the country of Sichuan was long over.

If this situation was known six months ago, Nagato might feel lucky.

But now, the red-haired boy feels nothing.

The reason is very simple, just because the results of submerged training are very amazing. At this time, he can't figure out his strength, but there is no doubt that he has no fear of war.

First of all, in half a year of intensive training, the amount of Chakra of Nagato has reached the level of tolerance.

But this is not something to be proud of.

As a family of Uzumaki, the amount of Chakra in Nagato is quite natural. The protagonist of the original book, Uzumaki Naruto, at the age of twelve, had four times as much Chakra as his teacher Ninja.

You know, this is also the case where Nine Tail, the strongest tail beast in Uzumaki Naruto, involves a large part of Chakra.

From this point, it can be seen exactly how much Chakra amount of the vortex family.

Secondly, Nagato's control of Chakra has increased to an alarming degree.

I don't know what the reason is. The Nagato seems to have amazing talents in controlling it. It takes less than a few days to complete the Nagato in climbing trees and water.

Afterwards, all kinds of chakra-controlled practice can be completed in the shortest time.

Even at the end, Nagato can cast Spiral Pills.

Immediately afterwards are the achievements in physical techniques.

After half a year of exercise, Nagato's physical quality has improved a lot, but compared to Nagato's achievements in body control, this improvement in physical quality is not very outstanding.

In terms of body control, Nagato can fully describe the movement of the body, and his perception and agility have been amazingly improved.

Then there is the ninjutsu and illusion. The long goalkeeper has learned all the skills of ninjutsu and illusion. Especially under the blessings of the mystery contained in the parsing technique, the longmen spell is more smooth and powerful.

The most important thing is that under the control of the printing speed brought by the extraordinary body control, even if there is no reincarnation, the strength of the long door will not be bad.

The last is the reincarnation eye of Nagato!

In the past six months, Nagato has awakened the power of Hell Road and Hungry Ghost Road, only the last Shura Road, Nagato can fully awaken the power of Samsara Eye.

But Nagato felt that Shura Dao was not so easy to awaken.

In the original plot, the ability revealed by Shura Dao was physical skill and missile attack. The whole body can be turned into a living weapon of various weapons, and it can become a three-headed six-arm form.

At first glance this may seem like a puppet technique, but it is not.

Nagato clearly remembered that the man who originally used Chakra to condense the Shura Dao missile directly, as can be seen from this, the essence of the Shura Dao is actually the use of Yin and Yang Dun to manufacture weapons.

In order to awaken Shura Dao in the eyes of samsara, Nagato needs to have enough understanding of the initial technique of Yin-Yang Dun.

This is still very difficult for the long-term contact with Chakra for about eight months.

But even if Shura Tao has not yet awakened, it is just that the reincarnation eyes of Wudao and Waidao are still very strong. Unless you really know the ability of reincarnation eyes, otherwise, even the shadow-level strong will fall under the reincarnation.

Such powerful eyes are matched with real strength. At this time, the Nagato is not afraid of anyone except Uchiha spots.

Therefore, the presence or absence of war has little effect on Nagato. "But it's better if it's over!"

Wandering on the streets of an unknown town, looking at the buildings being rebuilt on the left and right, Nagato sighed slightly, "This country has been crying for too long, it is time to end."

Thinking like this, the red-haired boy kept walking, heading straight out of the town.

After a few days of understanding outside the realm, the left and right longmen prepared to visit the city of Chuan. It happened that the longmen owed a love, and it was almost time to return.

"No, help!"

Just when Nagato just walked to a completely scrapped building area near the town entrance, a slightly anxious call for help instantly caught Nagato's attention.

This is not what Nagato's sense of justice germinated.

It's just that the long door suddenly flashed a strange intuition, it seems that the owner of the voice has nothing to do with himself.


The thought flashed through his head. The red-haired boy tapped the ground on his toes and leaped towards the source of the sound. He soon saw the scene of a very typical bully who captivated the girl.

The fat master with gorgeous clothes, four powerful warriors, a boy who fell in the pool of blood, and

Little girl with light blue and purple hair caught in arms by a fat man!

Nagato's eyes were naturally attracted by the little girl. It must be said that the fat man was indeed very visionary. Although the girl's clothes were a little dirty, she couldn't hide her beauty and cuteness.

However, compared to the other party's appearance, Nagato is more concerned about her special relationship with herself.

Why does her instinct react when her call sounds?

The appearance of the long gate naturally attracted the attention of the fat master and his samurai entourage. The four samurai entourages immediately surrounded the long gate, and only one of them said:

"This friend, we are"


I was simply too lazy to listen to the other party. The Nagato released a small god, Luo Tianzheng, and the four samurai surrounding him were repelled and hit the walls on four sides.

Then the red-haired boy flicked a hand, and four thousand books flew straight out, piercing the heads of four samurai.

The four warriors were killed on the spot without any resistance.


Seeing the action of the long door, the fat young man suddenly showed a frightened look, released his hand holding the girl's arm, and ran towards the distance in an embarrassment, trying to stay away from the long door.


"Vientiane Tian Yin!"

The left hand of Nagato didn't know when to lift it, and the invisible powerful gravitational force would grab the fat man who ran out of ten meters back, and then threw it on the ground in front of him.

He lifted his right foot and stepped directly on the fat man's stomach, screaming at the other party.

Then the long door looked at the girl and asked:

"Girl, your name!"

"Me, I am Xiao Nan!"

The girl reacted after hearing the inquiry from Nagato, and some stuttered back. ..

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