My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 13: Follow and change

Xiao Nan

Hearing this name, Nagato was a little surprised.

Liu Haixia's reincarnation eyes flickered slightly, and the red-haired boy glanced at the girl subconsciously, finally matching the other party with an existence in his memory.

In the original fate of Nagato, his childhood will have two companions who depend on each other.

The girl in front of you is one of them!

"That's it"

Slightly pondering, Nagato's eyes soon looked at the boy who had lost his vitality and lay in the pool of blood not far from his side, thought with some surprise:

"Is this dead guy Yahiko?"

Seeing the shift of Nagato's eyes, Xiao Nan reacted from the shock.


I saw the panicked girl ran to the pool of blood, ignoring the blood, shaking the boy's body, "You wake up, Yahiko, don't scare me!"

"It's really Yahiko!"

Hearing Xiaonan's words, Nagato couldn't help feeling a bit emotional.

Since awakening the memories of the previous life, Nagato did not intend to follow his destined trajectory, so Nagato did not deliberately search for Yahiko and Xiaonan.

Originally, Nagato thought that even without himself, Yahiko and Xiaonan should embark on the path of the original and become disciples of the Toad Immortals in Sanren.

But now it seems that, let alone becoming a disciple, their survival has become a problem.

No, more correctly, Yahiko is dead.

And Xiao Nan almost suffered misfortune.

The butterfly effect brought about by Nagato's awakening of previous memories and making different choices has already played its role. Thinking of this, Nagato's mood is surprisingly good.

This is not that Nagato is gloating, but he is just happy that ‘the future is not destined’.

As a rebirth with prophecy, Nagato never fears the power of enemies. No matter how powerful an enemy is, in the eyes of Nagato who understands the future, he will eventually be surpassed.

The only worry for Nagato is probably the legendary story correction power.

The current situation clearly tells Nagato that the so-called plot correction power does not exist at all. This is really a good thing for Nagato.

In the good mood, the feet of the long door did not consciously exert force, and the fat man stepped on his feet yelled.

Xiao Nan, who was unable to accept the bad news of his partner's death, was also attracted.

"Your companion is dead!"

Nagato's gaze looked at the girl faintly, suggesting that the illusion quietly unfolded at this moment, "This is an indisputable fact, and it won't change even if you don't admit it."

"The question now is, do you want revenge?"

During the talk, Nagato's right hand lifted slightly, and Kangwu shot on the ground beside Xiaonan. "If you want, then pick Kangwu, and your enemy is here."

"No, no, don't!"

Hearing Nagato ’s words, Xiao Nan had n’t responded yet, and the fat man at his feet immediately struggled, “You ca n’t treat me like this, I am”


When the fat man was interrupted contemptuously, the foot of the long door slammed again. At the same time that the fat man spit out blood, a chakra burst from the foot of the long door and poured into the body of the fat man.

In an instant, the fat man was stiff and unable to move, and he could not even open his mouth.

"Okay, choose!"

After doing all this, Nagato's eyes turned to Xiao Nan, "kill him to avenge his companions, or escape from here, and then continue incompetence until the next nightmare comes."

The enchanting voice was like a devil, digging out the darkness hidden in Xiao Nan's heart.

For the first time, a gentle expression appeared on the gentle girl's face.

Then I saw the girl raised her right hand tremblingly, lifted the bitterness upside down, and then walked stiffly to the imprisoned fat man.

Holding his slender right hand high, Xiaonan cried and stabbed down!


The sound of bitterness reverberated, and Xiaonan waved the bitterness of the bitter hole through the fat man's throat.

The burst of blood splashed on the girl's face, like a baptism from the body to the soul, washing away Xiao Nan's weakness and radiating the girl's tenacity.


Seeing this scene, Nagato nodded with satisfaction.

If Nagato's feeling about Xiaonan was just a girl who inexplicably attracted her intuition, then now Xiaonan is the girl that Nagato appreciates.

What I thought about, Nagato didn't hide it, but said directly: "Have to say, you let my heart move, Xiao Nan, be my person!"

"it is good!"

Hearing Nagato's words, Xiaonan slowly raised his head and stared at Nagato for a while before saying, "It's just that you want to give me strength and pervasiveness"

"I will bury you, after all, we are also destined!"

Interrupting Xiao Nan's words, Nagato made some meaningful openings and secretly said in his heart. "Of course, this fate is in the original destiny."

Burying Yahiko is not a waste of time.

Or because the war has just passed, the legacy of the war period still affects this country, and the dead are usually simply buried.

In the view of the people of Kawa no Kuni, it is already an excellent result not to have to die without burial.

Just lay a rock tombstone in front of the cemetery.

After the burial of Yahiko, Nagato and Xiaonan lit a joss stick in front of Yahiko's tomb. After a little nostalgia, they left the scene and headed for the city of Chuan.

In this regard, even the sad Nan did not object.

The separation of life and death in this era is a normal melody, even Xiaonan has long been used to it!

However, what Nagato did not know was that shortly after he left, the whole body was black and white, and a nebula-like body emerged from Yahiko's grave. He also carried Yahiko's body.

"It's really amazing, the growth of the small long door is really too fast!"

Looking at the direction of the long door leaving, a rare solemn expression appeared on his face, "I hope it will not become unmanageable, no! It seems that we must find a way to curb it."

Speaking of which, Jue looked at the corpse on his shoulder, or the deadly Yahiko.

"It's hurt that this part can still retain a trace of vitality, maybe it is a good piece, forget it, take it back and let the spot look!"

As soon as the voice fell, he carried Yahiko and disappeared into place ...

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