My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 14: River City

"The city of Sichuan finally arrived!"

Looking at the wall that appeared in the field of vision, the long door subconsciously raised his hand and stroked the silver half mask that was used to cover the eyes of reincarnation.

The boy revealed a faint smile on his chin.

Hearing the words of Nagato, he was relieved to find Xiao Nanwei who was half a step behind him.

At this time, it has been two months since Xiaonan followed Longmen.

In the past two months, Nagato led Xiaonan on foot across most of the country of Sichuan. While measuring the land with his feet, he witnessed the reality of the country thoroughly.

Although there are long-term care along the way, this journey is still too difficult for Xiao Nan.

No matter the body or the mind, the girl at this time is quite tired.

So when he saw that he was about to arrive at his destination, Xiao Nan immediately felt a sense of relaxation.

"Oh, let's go!"

Yu Guang in the corner of his eyes saw Xiao Nan's performance, and Nagato was satisfied for a while.

He spent two months, while visiting the entire country of Sichuan, increasing his own experience, he also polished the small jade jade of Nan.

Perhaps the girl is not yet clear, whether she is physically or mentally different now than she was two months ago.

The original ordinary girl has now unconsciously reached the threshold of spiritual practice.

As long as you take a break, you can start to teach Xiao Nan the true Chakra practice.

Thinking of this, Nagato smiled and stepped forward.

The girl who did n’t know what Nagato thought was just habitually following behind Nagato, and she was still looking forward to what the legendary city of Kawagawa was like.

The entrance of Nagato and Xiaonan went smoothly.

If it is a period of war, you may still need to stay, but at the end of the war, ordinary visits will not cause too much trouble, as long as you pay some money.

Of course, if you are planning to live for a long time, you still need to be admitted.

Walking into the city gate, the two of Nagato seem to have come to a new world.

Unlike many cities and towns on the land of Kawasaki, which were affected by the war and became deserted, Kawasaki is very lively and prosperous.

The streets are full of people, and the buildings on both sides are full of lively shops.

Nagato first took Xiaonan to find a hotel in the city of Chuan, booked a room, threw Xiaonan inside to rest, and summoned the split dog psychic as a guard.

Then the red-haired boy walked alone in the city, ready to inquire about intelligence.

The purpose of Nagato's coming to the city of Chuan is very simple, that is, to have a meeting with the protagonist of Mizuki, Sanada Yukimura, but before that, Nagato needs some preparation.

To go without knowing anything is not a wise man.

Then soon, Nagato got an interesting news, that is-the famous name of the country of Kawagawa, who was clearly in his prime, Sanada Changxing suddenly died suddenly seven days ago.

Now is the time for the eldest son Shinada Shinko and the second son Sanada Yumura to compete for the title of daimyo.

"It's really speechless to watch this famous name!"

When he heard this news, Nagato felt speechless for a long time. He was clearly the highest state in the country, and he didn't even spread it when he died.

Nagato didn't know whether to think that this was the low status of Kawasaka's name, or that it was unhealthy.

The most important thing is that this so-called "death" is really worth thinking about.

"In the end, the two sons of Daming started to fight for the position of Daming, or Daming was not in good health, and he accidentally had problems, or other foreign forces did it."

Such doubts flashed through his head, and Nagato felt he needed more information.



Just when Nagato was thinking, a passerby walked past him, seeming to accidentally touch him, and then Nagato felt that he had an extra note in his palm.

The corner of the mouth under the mask was slightly raised, and the long door seemed to carelessly walk to the corner.

Spreading the paper, the long door only saw an address written on it.


With a chuckle, Nagato knew that it was an invitation, but he did not refuse it. Nagato would not act recklessly if the information was not clear.

But if it is an invitation from another person, the long door that thinks it is no longer weak will never escape.

Moreover, the red-haired boy vaguely knew who the invitation was.

With such thoughts, Nagato walked towards the address recorded on the note, and soon, Nagato came to a rather luxurious mansion.

And at the door of the luxurious mansion, Wuyin Caizang was waiting there.

"Long time no see, Nagato Jun!"

At the moment when he saw Nagato, Wuyin's eyes suddenly lighted up, and he stepped forward excitedly and said, "I know that you will definitely come here during this important period, Nagato-kun."

No, it just happened at the meeting!

Seeing Wu Yin hiding so excited, Nagato wanted to tell him that if he had n’t been here, he really did n’t know that this kind of thing happened to the upper level of the country.

But after thinking a little, the red-haired boy changed his mouth and said, "I wear masks, do you still recognize me?"

"This, how to say"

Hearing Nagato's words, Wu Yincai quickly calmed his emotions and said, "Nagato Jun, you have a very special quality that doesn't seem to belong to this world."

"This quality is more impressive than appearance."


Hearing the words, the red-haired boy's mouth showed a smile of interest, and said, "Tell me about the situation of the city of Sichuan. I just arrived today. I don't understand many things."

"The situation is very bad!"

Hearing the inquiry from Nagato, there was a flash of anger flashing on the face of Wu Yincai, "Kuye's man stepped in. The name was Muye and Shinada Shinoda's white-eyed wolf."

"Wait, talk on the road!"

Seeing Wuyin Caizang seems ready to tell here, Nagato interrupted a little helplessly, "I think your lord, that Sanada Yukimura must be waiting for us."

"Ha! That's right!"

Was reminded by Nagato, Wu Yincai immediately gave an embarrassed smile, and then introduced Nagato to the mansion, "Longmen, please, Lord Xingcun is waiting for you"

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