My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 15: Sanada Yukimura

Along with Wu Yin's narrative, Nagato gradually understood the whole story.

According to Caizang, the recently-named Daimyo Sanada is a very powerful hero.

When the Second Ninja War broke out and Konoha, Iwain and Fengyin were in agreement, and the country of Chuan was regarded as the battlefield, it was this big name that gave orders to let Yuyin Village's leader, Shanjiao Yubanzo, intervene forcibly.

You know, this is a war against three of the five ninja villages at the same time!

Where does the ordinary small country daming have such amazing courage?

Such a big name is indeed a good leader for the people of Chuan Zhiguo, but for other countries, especially the five major countries, it is not very popular.

Therefore, after the war in the territory of Kawa no Kuni ended, Konoha's ninja secretly found his eldest son, Shinada Nobuyuki.

Although Sanada Nobuyuki is the eldest son of Daimyo, the heir to Damei, but compared with the ambitious and talented Sanada Komura, Sanada Nobuyuki is too mediocre.

And Daming's love for Komura is much greater than Shinada's.

Under such circumstances, Sanada Shinko's heart will inevitably engulf him. Can Sanada Shinko really succeed in ascending the name of Daimyo after his abdication?

Over time, the shadow quickly turned into resentment, and finally broke out completely under the instigation of the wooden leaf ninja.

"With the help of the Konoha Ninja, Shinko's villain killed Daming. If Hakomura had been accumulating talents a few years ago, he now has a lot of power in his hands. I am afraid they have all been harmed."

Speaking of which, Wu Yin concealed an expression of resentment, as if Shinda Shinada was unforgivable.

Facing the performance of Wu Yin's hiding, Nagato remained silent, but his heart was undeniable.

If you exclude the factor of Konoha Ninja, Sanada Nobuyuki's performance is understandable, and he did it completely for self-preservation.

Not to mention, the strength of Sanada Yukimura alone can actually fight against Shinoda Shinko with the help of Konoha Ninja, which can fully explain how great the power accumulated by Sanada Yukimura.

Facing a younger brother with such amazing power, if Shinada does not act, I am afraid that he will only die.

It should be noted that there is no kinship in the house of Daming. Even if Sanada Yumura will not kill him, his men will also do it.

"In other words, if I didn't intervene and let things go, I would expect Sanada to be as good as Damei, and then think that he would become Muye's puppet by borrowing the power of Muye."

"Thinking this way, the collusion between the original Zhongshan Jiaoyu Banzhai Club and Muye's Tuanzang Club is logical!"

"So, I really can't let Sanada Shinko succeed!"

Just when Nagato was thinking, Wu Yincai had taken him to the courtyard of the mansion.

A tall cherry tree stands in the center of the courtyard. The sporadic cherry blossoms fall down with the breeze, which makes the uninhibited young people who are enjoying cherry blossom drinking under the cherry blossom trees even more extraordinary.

And standing behind the youth, it was the long-haired boy who had seen Longmen before, the first white-haired boy who shot first when the caravan was attacked.

"Yo, Caizang, you are finally back, come and drink with me in the bar!"

When he saw the appearance of Nagato and Wuyin Caizang, the young man first picked up a glass of wine and invited him to Wuyin Caizang, and then his gaze slowly turned to the body of the long door, a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

"Haha, you are the long-men who Caizang has always recommended to me. I didn't expect to be so small. Can you drink?"

"Adult Xingcun !!"

As soon as the youth's words fell, Wu Yincai immediately stepped forward and snatched his wine glass, and said aloud, "When is this, why are you still thinking about drinking!"

"Cai Zang, it is at this time that I have the intention to drink!"

Seeing that his wine glass was taken away, the youth, or Sanada Yumura, said with some helplessness, "The more dangerous the situation, the more you can't panic, the more you need to maintain an ordinary heart."

"Is that true?"

Listening to Sanada Xingcun's words, Wu Yin could not help but hesitate.

"That's it!"

During the talk, Sanada Yukimura immediately recaptured his wine glass from Wuyin Caizang and drank all the fine wine in it.


Seeing the interaction between Sanada Xingcun and Wu Yincai, a faint smile appeared at the corner of Nagato's mouth, and then stepped forward, "Since it's good wine, then pour me a glass."

"Yes, but the question is, Mr. Naomen, is your age too young?"

Although the words were said like this, Sanada Yukimura did not hesitate to take out a new wine glass, filled it up, handed it to Nagato, and poured a glass again.

The two touched the wine glass tacitly, and then each of them drank out the wine.


The feeling of drinking into the throat shocked the whole body of the Nagato, and then took a long breath and said, "It is indeed a good wine although I don't know how to taste wine."

"Haha, I don't know wine, how do you know that this wine is good!"

Hearing the words of Nagato, Sanada Yumura laughed a few times and then asked curiously.

"It feels personal!"

Facing the question from Sanada Komura, Nagato shrugged indifferently and said, "I feel comfortable, that is good wine, even if it is bad wine, then it must be good wine."

"Conversely, if I feel uncomfortable, even if it is a high-priced wine, it must not be good wine."

"This statement is really overbearing!"

Hearing what Nagato told, there was a thoughtful smile on the face of Sanada Yukimura. Through simple communication, he already knew the character and characteristics of the red-haired boy in front of him.

Despite the identity, from a personal standpoint, Xingcun likes the boy in front of him.


But at this moment, Nagato seemed to find something, and said with some doubt, "What is the matter, the dozen or so ninjas exuding murderous intentions outside the courtyard wall?"

"Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh !!!"

The words of Nagato just fell, and dozens of shadows jumped over the wall of the courtyard, and then dozens of hidden objects such as Kuwu and Qianben came out of the air, and the target was directed at Koda Sanada. ..

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