My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 20: Determination and stop

Dark space

Deepness and silence are the main melody.

When Uchiha spot woke up, the pipe connecting his body and the weird giant tree behind him swelled slightly, making a sound like swallowing.

After a long period of baptism, the spot from the brutal Warring States era has reached its limit.

Had he not been supported by the huge vitality of the alien golem, he had already fallen into a dead country.

In other words, the current spot is nothing more than a lingering breath.

Once the golem is lost, his death will come.

But such a thing as death is not so terrible for Bian, even Bian regards death as a kind of spiritual practice in his life, and he looks forward to going further when he is resurrected.

It was just the original re-expectation that he should be able to continue to live for more than ten years and cultivate more backers.


"Nagato's growth is too fast!"

Slowly opened his eyes, and Uchiha said with a slightly hoarse voice toward the black and white absolute side, "I just felt that the alien golem has appeared strange and has begun to resonate with the reincarnation eyes."

"Indeed, it's too abnormal."

Hearing the spot, Black and White was silent for a moment, and then replied, "I just heard the information from the White Doppelganger, and Nagato fought the Da She Wan in the city of Kawagawa, and it seemed to be comparable."

Wen Yan, Uchiha's spot pupil shrinking, refreshed his knowledge of Nagato once again in his heart.

Although Uchiha Ban hopes that the host of the reincarnation eye is a genius, who can develop the reincarnation eye more perfectly, but to the extent of the genius to the long door, he is somewhat against it.

There is no other reason, just because of such a long door, it is too easy to lose control!

"Is the little guy you found some time ago prepared?"

"It's almost like that, the boy named Yahiko and the cell between Qianshouzhu unexpectedly fit."

"Well, after that, let him go and try it."

Speaking of which, it seems to be insufficient. Uchiha spotted black and white, and added, "You just cling to him and see what happens. If necessary, you can do it."

"Anyway, the people of the Vortex family still don't have to take risks on the long door."


River City

The violent shock gradually subsided, and the violent smoke quietly dispersed.

Looking down from the sky, the city of Chuan is centered on the Damingzizi mansion. The ground with a radius of hundreds of meters is turned into a huge basin, and everything is destroyed.

Standing in the center of the basin, Nagato gasped slightly, guarding everything around him.

Although Nagato is very confident in his attacking moves, he is limited by his age and the amount of chakra.

The biggest output of the original Nagato, the Shenluo Tianzheng, that is, the super Shenluo Tianzheng, is completely a city destruction attack.

But now the longest output of the Nagato Shenluo Tianzheng can only reach a few hundred meters.

The gap between the two is too big!

Under such circumstances, Nagato doesn't think that his attack can kill the shadow-level powerhouses, especially the survivable shadow-level powerhouses like Da She Wan.

Of course, Nagato will not be presumptuous.

He knew that Da She Wan was definitely hurt.

Today's big snake ball is not the wooden leaf rebellion that can't die in the memory of Nagato. Although he has just entered the realm of the movie level, he is powerful, but it is only limited to the level of the ordinary movie level.

Looking at the performance since the beginning of the war, Dashe Pill used only ordinary ninjutsu except psychic.

All kinds of forbidden techniques, body transformation, etc. in the original story are not there!

Fortunately, the big snake ball is still too tender. If it is the big snake ball in the original story period, Nagato will be troubled by the real battle, and Nagato finds that he still has many deficiencies.

In fact, since completing half a year of submerged repairs, Nagato's mentality has expanded somewhat.

But this is also normal.

After all, Nagato's time to gain power is too short, and his power increase rate is too abnormal. It is common for some psychological imbalances to appear in a short time.

Even without this battle, with the passage of time, the red-haired boy will gradually understand.

"In this way, fighting really promotes human growth!"

Such thoughts flashed in the brain, the perception of the long door spread out, and everything around, even the flow of air, reflected in the heart of the red-haired boy.

Then, at a moment later, a ripple flashed between the hearts of the long door.

Subconsciously, the long door jumped straight up!


Almost at the same moment, a ground spur suddenly appeared on the ground where Nagato was originally, and at the next moment, the big snake pill appeared slightly embarrassed from the ground.

"Evil snake snakes!"

Without saying anything, I saw that Da She Wan's hands were sealed again, and he performed psychic again, summoned a serpentine giant snake, and rushed towards the long gate in midair.


At this moment, the vultures hovering in the sky did not know when they had swooped down. After carrying the long gate, the two claws protruded, and the incoming giant snake grasped tightly.

In the realm of the air, the snake is far from the opponent of the vulture!


Seeing this scene, Da She Wan was unhappy on his face.

However, just as he was preparing to continue his hands, dozens of figures appeared on the edge of the battlefield of the basin, led by no one else, and it was Sanada Yukimura.

"Longmen Jun, and Lord Snake Pill!"

Far away towards the Nagato and Oshemaru waved, Sanada Yumura shouted, "Look at my face, stop it, the city of Kawagawa can't stand the toss of both of you."

As soon as the words fell, Sanada Yumura clapped his hands, and then a dozen figures came out behind him.

These people carry a comatose ninja in their hands. Among them, the tenth-generation white-haired boy is carrying the current Huo Ying, the son of Moye Ninja Village, the son of the ape flying sun, and the help of ape flying new!

Seeing this, there was a smile of interest in the corner of the long door.

Almost subconsciously, his eyes turned to Da She Wan, and then Nagato saw it. Da She Wan was staring at Yukimura Sanada with a black face on his face, which seemed extremely unwilling.

It's just no matter how unwilling he is, he can't ignore the help of Ape Feixin.

All in all, this battle is over! ..

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