My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 21: Change and alliance

Time rushed, more than half a month passed.

Half a month ago, the battle ended with the retreat of Da She Wan. Even if there is a saying in the world of Ninja that ‘Mission is more important than Ninja ’s life’, Da She Wan would never be able to ignore the life of Ape Feixin.

This is not that Ape Fei Xinsuke is the son of Teacher Da She Wan, but because he is the son of Naruto.

There is a "class" in any world, even if the wood leaf ninja village described in the original is equal and free, but the identity of the child of Naruto is more respectable than ordinary ninjas.

After Oshemaru retreated, Sanada Yukimura killed his elder brother by means of thunder and obtained the position of Kawa no Kuni.

Later, at the expense of Ape Feixin's help in his own hands, Xingcun had a secret communication with Muye, and in addition to the removal of Mukoko in the country, he also demanded many benefits.

Throughout the process, Sanada Yukimura showed a surprising talent and completely stabilized some floating hearts in the country.

The reason why Xingcun ’s actions can be so smooth, in addition to his talent, because of the current situation, Muye really did not have much energy to worry about the country.

Although the battlefield of Kawa no Kuni is over, the second ninja war has not subsided.

The war was just a transition from a full-scale war to a local war. At this time, Muye was still entangled with the sand hidden village of the country of the wind, followed by other ninja villages.

Coupled with Xingcun's control of the good card of "Ape Fei Xinsuke", the senior executives of Muye agreed to his request.

Of course, it is foreseeable that the Konoha ninjas will take revenge after the war.

However, Sanada Komura does not care about these, because he is very clear, do n’t look at the current wooden leaves strong enough to be able to fight the other four ninja villages alone, but after the war, wooden leaves will definitely be greatly reduced.

At that time, Konoha still has the power to retaliate. This is to say hello to Sanada Yumura.


"Isn't there you Nagato Jun!"

When Nagato asked why Xingcun dared to offend Muye in such a way, the somewhat exaggerated guy directly wrapped the shoulder of the red-haired boy and said loudly:

"I believe in your potential and strength, so I will come to you by then!"

It must be said that Sanada Yukimura is indeed a very attractive monarch.

If it is the long-door in the original book who is soft-hearted, eager for peace, and has not experienced many painful transformations, he will really be convinced by him and become a general under the other party.

It's just that if there is no, the red-haired boy who has awakened his previous life is destined not to be anyone's subordinate.

Nagato will not let anyone dominate his life.

He is destined to stand on the top!

Of course, this will not affect the cooperation between Nagato and Yukimura, because at the point of ‘eager to change this chaotic world’, both Nagato and Sanada Yumura are from the heart.

In fact, since the initial meeting, Nagato and Komura have been in the form of allies.

Especially on a certain day, after a long night's talks, the two men clearly clarified each other's division of labor. Among them, Sanada Komura is responsible for the politics of the country, ordinary military affairs, and civil affairs. At first glance, Xingcun is responsible for what an ordinary daimyo will do.

But it is not.

In that candid conversation with each other, Nagato once presented the previous life in his memory to the front of Komura in another way.

As an ambitious name, Sanada Yukimura is naturally attracted by the world described by Nagato.

That world may also have darkness, but it is much better than this chaotic world of war everywhere, and this chaotic world does have the possibility of becoming that world.

Although the development of the so-called technology in the presence of Chakra has been greatly suppressed.

But repression does not mean stagnation.

At this time, many scattered technologies appeared in the world.

But what Xingcun has to do is to collect these technologies and secretly transform the country of Kawasaki into a modern country of science and technology.

As an ally of Komura, Nagato is to lead the ninja to **** the development of the country!

It's not easy to say this kind of thing, but it's really not easy, but it's easy, and it's easy. The main thing is that Nagato must have the powerful power to protect the country of Kawagawa.

But after a battle with Da She Wan, Nagato found that he still had many deficiencies.

At that time, the reason why Nagato was able to evenly compete with Da She Wan was that it had an intelligence advantage, and the power of the reincarnation eye was unexpected, otherwise there would be no such result.

If it were to fight Da She Wan again, Nagato might fall into the disadvantage.

After clearly recognizing this, in the more than half a month after the war, apart from occasionally communicating with Komura and teaching Xiaonan, he was studying the ninjutsu materials and self-study that was found from Koda Sanada.

In just over half a month, Nagato will naturally not make much progress, and at most Chakra has slightly increased.

It's just that the red-haired boy has some speculation about his anomalies.

Because in these days, Nagato finds that his control of the body is smoother, and in the process of this change, Nagato finally feels vaguely

What caused this change was the spiritual power contained in his Chakra.

"Mental power, in other words, the power of the soul!"

Such thoughts flashed in my head, and Nagato could not help but think of a possibility, "Is the reason for this change, my soul comes from a different world, different from the indigenous people of this world."

Although this possible reality is great, Nagato did not really make a final conclusion, but kept it in mind.

Nagato could vaguely feel that the conclusion should be correct, but not complete.

This contains some kind of change that I don't know about.

If you want to really understand all of this, Nagato knows that you need to move forward, move forward, and move forward! Now I am not standing high enough to understand these mysteries.

"So don't think about it now, continue to practice!"

In the other court donated by Sanada Komura, Nagato shook his head slightly, and after getting rid of the thoughts in his mind, he was about to continue to practice. At that moment, a powerful chakra appeared in Nagato's perception. ..

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