My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 22: First met demigod


Feeling this chakra, Nagato frowned slightly.

Although Nagato has a perception beyond ordinary people, he can almost understand all the actions of the enemy in battle, but he is not a perception ninja after all, and he has very limited perception of the range beyond the field of vision.

The place where Chakra is now is beyond the perception of Nagato.


Why can Nagato clearly perceive each other?

In fact, the reason is very simple, that is not the long door actively perceives, but the owner of Chakra actively releases his own chakra, and the long door passively perceives the existence of the other party.

In other words, the owner of this Chakra has deliberately attracted the attention of Nagato!

"That, lord"

At this moment, a soft voice rang in the ear of the long door.

The red-haired boy turned his head slightly and saw that under the cherry tree not far away, Xiao Nan, who was originally sitting and refining Chakra, had opened his eyes and looked at himself, his orange eyes flashing doubts.

"You, do you perceive anything?"

Seeing the doubt in Xiao Nan's eyes, the long door asked with some curiosity.

"Yes, it is!"

Hearing the question from Nagato, Xiaonan responded nervously.

"I didn't expect your perception talent to be good!"

A smile appeared on Nagato's face, but he unconsciously remembered that the positioning of the original Zhong Xiaonan did indeed sense the ninja. "As long as you practice well, you don't need to care about that chakra."


"So, you can practice yourself first, I will go out!"

Seeing Xiao Nan's dexterity, Nagato nodded with satisfaction, and then took out a silver half-mask from his arms and put it on his face.

Then the red-haired boy turned and left the other courtyard.

Just at the moment when he walked out of the other courtyard, the long door saw that the tenth-generation white-haired boy next to Sanada Yumura was jumping on the top of a different building and hurried towards the other courtyard where he was.

In less than a moment, the tenth generation figure appeared in front of the Nagato.


Looking at the white-haired boy in front of him, the long door couldn't help but frown, "I didn't expect you to come in person, is the guy who is showing off his sense of existence an important person?"

In the city of Chuan, the tenth generation and Wuyin Caizang are the personal guards of Sanada Komura.

Under normal circumstances, neither of them will leave Xingcun's side.

By the way, Hewuyin only has a history of the water shadow bloodline of the first generation of Wuyin Ninja Village, and the tenth generation also has an extremely glorious family history.

The tenth generation is just an abbreviation, and his full name is the tenth generation ape flying Sasuke!

Yes, Sasuke Sasuke!

This name is the same as that of the current father of Hiroki Akihito, but in fact the full name of the father of Hiroki Apei is the ninth generation Sasuke Saito, and the name alone shows that the two have a special connection.

And all this goes back to the ancient family of the Warring States period-the Apei family.

In that wilder and chaotic era, the Apei family formulated a terrible patriarch trial in order to survive. Only through the existence of that brutal trial can they become the patriarch and guide the survival of the family.

All the patriarchs of the ape-fei family who passed the trial are called ape-feisuke, and they are used to commemorate the first generation leader who established the family.

It was only with the passage of time, until decades ago that Qianshoujianjian and Uchiha spot established the Muye Ninja Village. At that time, the ninth generation of Saito Fesuke felt the cruelty of the family trial and decided to abolish the ancient system and join Wood leaves.

Although the move of the ninth generation has been recognized by most people, there are still some stubborn elements who are reluctant to agree.

In the end, the Apei family split up, most of the people stayed in Konoha, and a few left with an ancient heritage. The tenth generation is the new leader that these few people have cultivated after more than ten years of hard work.

As for why the tenth generation appeared beside Sanada Xingcun, it was not known to Nagato.

However, Nagato does not care about these trivial things. He is more concerned about how the people around Sanada Xingcun have a better one than the other. If Nagato counts itself, Xingcun is really like a protagonist.

"That is indeed a very important person!"

Facing the inquiry from Nagato, the tenth representative remained the same and said in a light tone, "Xingcun hopes you can have a good relationship with that one. After all, it is him who is supporting the spine of the country of Sichuan."

"Well, I think I know who that guy is."

Hearing the words of the tenth generation, Nagato was a little surprised, and then the red-haired boy ignored the tenth generation in front of him. The whole person jumped into the sky, and the psychic art was instantly unfolded, and white smoke bloomed.

The large vulture appeared in the sky, carrying the long gate, and flew towards the place where the chakra was.

Regarding the action of Nagato, the expression on the face of the tenth generation remained unchanged, and he galloped back toward the same path.

The vulture's flight speed is very fast, in a blink of an eye is hundreds of meters away.

Following the perceptual guidance of Nagato, less than a moment later, the vulture flew away from the city of Kawaguchi, and then quickly saw his target on the east side of the river outside a long river.

It was a huge jalapeno fish lying on the bank of a river. Its height of more than ten meters showed its strength.

On the head of Shanjiaoyu, there is a gritty figure standing leisurely.

"Sure enough, it's him!"

The moment I saw the figure, the pupil of Nagato shrank slightly, to be honest, the guy in front of him was more difficult than Dashe Wan for the present Nagato, and even a dangerous existence.

If you really engage in combat with each other, you can do nothing but ensure that you can escape smoothly after losing.

If possible, Nagato does not want to meet the other party now.

But since the other party has invited himself, then Nagato naturally has no reason to escape!

Thinking this way, Nagato drove the vulture under him slowly to the front of the giant jalapeno fish, and then Nagato really saw the posture of the other party. This is a ninja with a respirator and a sickle in hand.

The only eyes that appeared on his face shone with the domineering look of everything, as if not to put anyone in his eyes.

In this era, he does have capital that does not put anyone in the eye.

Because he is the leader of Yuren Village, the man who supports the backbone of the country of Chuanchuan, the ninja who is at the apex, and he uses his own strength to contend with the five gods of the Ninja Village, the half **** of the ninja world-Shanjiao Yuhanzo! ..

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