My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 34: Chakra Road

Chakra refinement!

This is the first and most basic practice of the ninja.

In the final analysis, all kinds of ninja's extraordinary powers are derived from the energy of Chakra. If Chakra is lost, even the legendary figures who reach the extreme of the ninja world are just a slightly stronger human being.

Therefore, when seeing the super-perceptual prompt, the most important thing to improve is when Chakra refines, Nagato is surprised first, and then understands.

Without much hesitation, the red-haired boy began to improve the level of Chakra refinement according to the information in his mind.

The skills presented on the panel are based on level nine. Each level up only needs to consume a point of the value of the source. The level nine is completed. If you want to break through the limit, each level will consume ten times the source energy of the previous level.

Nagato did not rush to break the limit, but spent three points of source energy to upgrade the "Chakra Refinement" to nine levels of consummation.

Suddenly, many thoughts of Chakra's cultivation practice appeared in Nagato's mind.

Not only the sentiment, but also Chakra flowing inside the long door was constantly purified.

Chakra's quality immediately improved to an astonishing point.

Although it has not been tested, Nagato instinctively knows that the amount of Chakra required to perform his ninjutsu has been greatly reduced. Not to mention, its power has increased a lot.

As a result, the overall combat effectiveness of the red-haired boy has improved a lot.


"this is"

Frowning, he could not help but realize that Chakra's long door in his body gradually felt something wrong, as if there were some disgusting impurities in his very high-quality Chakra body.

After careful perception, the red-haired boy quickly learned the true face of the so-called impurities.

It was a seemingly insignificant but tenaciously willful will.

It is said to be insignificant because its sense of existence is too small. If Chakra, who is not the long gate, becomes extremely pure, he cannot find it out with his sense of ability.

And it is said that it is tenaciously tenacious, because this will is tenaciously occupied in the generation mechanism of Nagamen Chakra.

"Datongmu, Huiye!"

Quietly speaking the body of the will, all the information about Chakra in the long door of the mind immediately completed the integration.

At this point, the chakra and ninja practice system is no doubt confusing for Nagato.

Long ago, Nagato knew that Chakra did not exist in this world. It was just that the **** tree came and absorbed the natural energy diffused from the planet into a different form of energy, Chakra.

Later, Shenshu and Datong Muhuiye merged together. Presumably at that time, Datongmu Huiye's will became Chakra's will.

Since Hui Ye was later sealed by her own son, the Six Dao Immortals, her will is still scattered in Chakrali of Ninja.

Datong Muhuiye is the ancestor of Chakra, the highest end of the ninja practice.

The ninja, or Chakra's practice, originated from the Six Daxian.

Its essence is based on the Chakras passed down by the Six Daxian, which simulates the mechanism of Chakra generation, and gathers physical energy and spiritual energy into that mechanism, thereby extracting new Chakras.

The so-called Chakra refining technique is just an imitation of the chakra generation process.

As for ninjutsu, illusion, and blood succession limits, it is just Chakra's application in all aspects. Even body surgery requires the increase of Chakra in vivo to reach the non-human level.

From a macro perspective, the chakra and ninja practice systems are incomplete.

As the so-called manpower is exhausted, the world is endless. Ninja's cultivation system is undesirable to extract Chakra from its own body and spirit. Such behavior is completely overexisting the existence of life itself in exchange for extraordinary power.

If it develops according to normal conditions, the ninja's spiritual system should have the next stage.

It is as if the warriors in the martial arts penetrated the double bridge of heaven and earth in the realm of the acquired world, and achieved the innate strongman who drew the spirit of heaven and earth.

Ninjas should also evolve from simulating the Chakra generation mechanism to controlling the generation of Chakra, from blindly absorbing the energy of the body and spirit to the natural energy between heaven and earth to generate Chakra.

But the existence of Datong Muhuiye, her will permeated in Chakrali, cut off the road that should have appeared.

As long as Dahui Muhuiye's will still exists, the Ninjas can't say they are promoted to the next stage of spiritual practice, that is, Chakra, which is refined at this stage, can't be completely controlled in their own hands.

"Ninja, it's really hard to exist!"

After understanding the problems of the Chakra system, Nagato could not help but sigh softly.

In a sense, Chakra is not a spiritual practice at all, and even the power of cultivation does not belong to his own spiritual practice. What kind of spiritual practice is entirely a wedding dress.

At the same time, the red-haired boy also understood the true meaning of what Shanjiao Yuhanzo said about the true movie level.

It is a state of accomplishing the sublimation of one's own spiritual will by going out of the barriers of the predecessors. Under this state of mind, the will of the ninja will penetrate Chakra and suppress the Huiye will.

Stepping out of the barriers of our predecessors is quite difficult for Nagato at this stage.

After all, reincarnation eyes are one of the highest achievements of ninja practice.

But now Nagato has a new choice!

And it is a better choice.

That is--

"Take the Chakra road cut by Hui Ye!"

Such a determination flashed in my mind, and Nagato's heart moved, and the ten-point source energy disappeared, and Chakra Refining, who was already full, instantly broke his own limit and was promoted to level 10.


Sudden noise burst from the body of the red-haired boy.

His will swelled in an instant, intertwined with Chakra, who was pure and pure, and penetrated his own limbs and corpses, expelling the will of Hui Ye hidden in the depths of Chakra.

Not only was Hui Ye's will, but even the traces of Uchiha spots remaining in the eyes of the red-haired boy were washed away.

Chakra, who contained his own will, unified the whole body of the red-haired boy completely.

The whole process was completed in less than three seconds. The long door seemed to have taken off a pair of heavy armor. While the whole body was relaxed, he clearly sensed that the surrounding air was filled with thin natural energy.

"The body instinctively desires natural energy."

Such thoughts flashed in his head, and Nagato carefully felt the changes in himself and came to such a conclusion, but now that although he has completely controlled his own Chakra, he still has no clue how to absorb natural energy.

If you can find any Xianshu Chakra's cultivation method, the red-haired boy may be able to easily cultivate it in the shortest time.

It's just that he is under the chasing of Uchiha Spot, and he may not have much time.

and so


Looking directly at the "Chakra Refinement" option on the panel, Nagato's heart moved again, and hundreds of original energies disappeared. The Chakra extraction, which just broke the limit, once again broke the boundaries and was promoted to a higher level.

In an instant, a more violent transformation burst into the body of Nagato.

All natural energies within a thousand miles are agitated.

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