My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 35: Fully sublimated

The border of bear country, poison mist canyon.

After coming out of the mysterious realm of Miaomu Mountain, the non-stop walker finally arrived here, on the other side of the Lookout Canyon, his brows unconsciously wrinkled slightly.

As a ninja, Zilai's talent is not high. Without the inheritance of Miaomu Mountain, it would not be as good as it is today.

But when God closed a door for you, he certainly opened a window for you.

Zilai also has extraordinary instincts at some critical moments-although this instinct was made into a fool's instinct by two of his friends, Tsunamate and Da She Wan.

But it is undeniable that these instincts helped him survive many crises and come to the present.

And at this moment, his special intuition reappeared

An inexplicable sense of crisis sprang up in my heart.

"It seems dangerous."

A seemingly frivolous smile appeared in the corners of his mouth, but Zi Lai's eyes did not retreat in the slightest, and Zi Lai, who had experienced war baptism, was already a real ninja.

Such a person, if necessary, even if the sword is in flames, he will not retreat.

At the next moment, you will have to raise your feet when you come, and then the changes will appear.

It was a change that was invisible to the naked eye. There seemed to be some subtle things in the air, and there was a little depression in Zilai's perception.

It's just that these restlessness and depression are all flashing away, like an illusion.

If it is someone else, he may really think that it is an illusion, but it is also different. As a heir to Miaomu Mountain's immortality, he can still sense natural energy even if he has not really learned the fairy mode.

Therefore, he realized at the first time that the illusion-like changes just now were the restlessness of natural energy.

In the distance ahead, there seems to be a terrifying existence that is whaling natural energy.

His face was dignified, and without a word, he passed the Poison Fog Canyon directly.

Toward the place where the whale swallowed natural energy, rushed past.

Just then, Xingren Village.

Nagato has gradually controlled the effect of "Chakra Refining" breaking through the limit twice.

Feeling the continuous flow of natural energy from all directions, swallowed by it, and transformed into a more pure and strengthened new Chakra, a happy smile flashed on the young man's face.

At this time, Nagato truly broke through the limits of the current Chakra practice and reached another new level.

No longer blindly consuming life in exchange for strength.

On the contrary, during the process of absorbing natural energy to transform Chakra, the red-haired boy could clearly sense that his body was being fed back by the new Chakra.

Every cell is cheering, they are constantly drawing power from the new Chakrali to recover their depletion.

The whole body is constantly strengthening at a slow and firm speed.

Not only the body, but the spirit of Nagato has also been supplemented from New Chakrali, which has not been greatly improved.

The panel of the long door has changed significantly:

Name: Nagato

Age: 10

Spirit: 4.3+

Flesh: 2.1+

Reincarnation eye: lv7 (expand)

Chakra refinement: lv9 + 2

Three Body Technique: lv8

Water attribute: lv8

Wind attribute: lv7

Thunder attribute: lv5

Fire attribute: lv5

Soil attributes: lv5

Talent ability: Incomplete fairy, super perception, perfect control

Source energy: 26

Comprehensive Evaluation: Shadow-level peak, Super Shadow Intermediate combat power

The skyrocketing of comprehensive evaluation is completely an expected thing, after all, it has paid so much energy.

The improvement of physical and mental values ​​is also normal, and even this is just the beginning. After about a month, it is fully adapted to the new Chakra, and the body and spirit of Nagato can be strengthened by one or two grades.

In addition, perhaps because Chakra is the basic reason, other values ​​of Nagato have basically improved.

The abilities of the five attributes have been increased by at least one level, and the fire attribute has been increased by two levels.

Even the reincarnation eyes have improved by one level.

It is important to know that the reincarnation eye is not just a kind of ability, but the sum of the abilities of the seven levels. If the reincarnation eye is increased by one level, it is equivalent to the improvement of the seven systems in it.

Reincarnation eyes——

Heavenly Way: lv9

Derivative Skills: Shenluo Tianzheng, Chaoshen Luozheng, Earth Burst Star, Really Burst Star, Sky Blocks Shock Star

Shura Road: lv6

Derived Skills: Armor of the Organ, Wrist Rocket, Laser Cannon, Shura ’s Attack

Human path: lv8

Derivative skills: Mind dive, soul devour

Livestock Road: lv9

Derivative skills: psychic reincarnation eyes, increase psychic

Hell Road: lv6

Derivative skills: Necromancer's judgment, reincarnation

Hungry Ghost Road: lv9

Derivative Skills: Sealing Suction, Evil Strike

Outer Road: lv5

Derived Skills: Rebirth Skill, Alien Golem (No contract yet)

Clicking on the option of reincarnation, Nagato discovers that Heavenly Path, Animal Road, and Hungry Ghost Road have all achieved perfection, especially the various forces after the completion of Heavenly Path.

"However, these are not my biggest concerns."

With such words spoken softly in the mouth, Nagato's gaze slowly turned to the content of the talent ability, in addition to the two inherent talents of super-perception and perfect control, there was an additional talent.

-Incomplete type fairy!

In this ninja world, there are the concepts of fairy human body and fairy model.

The so-called immortal human body basically refers to the second son of the six Dao immortals-the descendants of Asura, such as the special physique that the Thousand-Handed Clan and the Whirlpool Clan can wake up.

This physique has strong vitality even if it is not awakened, and once awakened, it is even more so.

As for the fairy model, it refers to learning the methods of other creatures absorbing natural energy based on Chakra practice, introducing violent natural energy into their own body and mixing with Chakra.

As long as the ratio of natural energy to Chakra is correct, the violent will in natural energy will completely overwhelm the night will.

Under such circumstances, it is natural to produce a chakra that is more powerful than the usual chakra.

The incomplete immortal and immortal body of Nagato, and the immortal mode are different, or directly surpass these two gestures, and move closer to the gesture of the giant toad immortal in Miaomu Mountain.

A more correct statement is-

A long door that can directly absorb natural energy is basically no different from those of fairy people who have lived for at least a thousand years.

It's just that compared to the existence of Toad Fairy, White Snake Fairy, etc., Nagato is too young, he needs more time and more natural energy, and may also need some unique insights.

Even so, the life span of Nagato is different from ordinary people, at least doubled.

With the passage of time, his life is destined to last longer.

"That is to say, I started to live forever ?!"

Such thoughts flashed in his head, the smile on Nagato's face grew stronger, but soon, this strong smile was converged by the self-controlling red-haired boy himself.

Witnessing the final Yuanshi, Nagato's spirit has been raised to an amazing level.

Opening the road to longevity is indeed gratifying, but it is only euphoric.

Because Nagato has a bigger goal in mind.

Its name-eternity!

Thinking so, Nagato packed his mood and glanced at the debris left by the tetrahedral seal. He originally wanted to collect and study it, but just touched it, and the debris completely dissipated.

Realizing that his prototype had given him no help, and Nagato didn't care too much.

Turning straight around, the red-haired boy stepped out of the room where the meteorite was stored. ..

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