My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 36: The most undesirable situation

At this time, it had been several hours since Nagasaki contacted the meteorite.

When the red-haired boy walked out of the room, including the ordinary residents, the entire Star Ninja Village had disappeared, leaving only an empty village and some flying birds that fell on the building.

Obviously, it may be that Nagato was killed after getting the meteorite, and the Ninjas have given up their village.

Of course, they may also just transfer temporarily, and the Nagato will return when they leave.

"Really, is my instrument so small ?!"

Secretly whispered, the red-haired boy was about to leave this matter behind, what the Star Ninja Village would do in the future, even the former Nagato did not care about Star Ninja Village, let alone now.

Standing on the spot, Nagato could not help thinking about what he was going to do next.

It is to continue the experience I originally planned.

still is

"Find an opportunity to kill Uchiha spot!"

Such an idea emerged in the mind of Nagato, as if it had taken root, he was never a half-hanger who did not dare to tamper with the plot, but was good at being proactive.

Based on the plot of the original book in the mind of the long door, the current Uchiha spot is already in its old age, and life is like a candlelight.

His combat effectiveness is absolutely inferior to the peak period.

At this time, the power that Uchiha spot can use is just writing chakra eyes and wood escape ninjutsu. Among them, writing chakra eyes is because his eyes that have evolved into reincarnation eyes have been transplanted into the long door. Neither the eternal eye is.

As for Mu Dun, with the vitality of Uchiha Spot, Nagato cannot believe how much power he can exert.

Taken together, the strength of Uchiha Spot is the most elementary level of Super Shadow.

With the strength of Nagato now transformed, I dare not say that I can definitely beat the opponent, but as long as I go all out, I still have a chance of about 6% or 70% to win the final victory.

With such a high probability of winning, even if it is not the gambler's long door, it feels worth a try!

Just how to do it, Nagato felt that he still had to think long.

After all, there is only one chance to kill the opponent.

If you let Uchiha run away, with his strength, as long as he does not die, it will cause great trouble to the long door.

However, waiting for Nagato to come up with a good idea, he sensed something, and looked up, and saw that at the end of the field of vision, a white-haired ninja was stepping on the roofs and galloping.

"That's it, come too ?!"

When approaching the Star Ninja Village, Zilai was also surprised.

About Xing Ninja Village, I do n’t know much, or very little, from this village, mainly from this village, and even the bear country where it is located is too far away from the world, relying on the Poison Mist Canyon to shut down the country.

In addition, the bear country's position in the entire ninja world is very remote and delicate.

Although it is located in the middle of the water country and the fire country, if two big powers go to war, 90% of them will use the vortex country as the battlefield, so the intelligence of the bear country is often ignored by outsiders.

But even if I don't understand it, Zilai also understands that the Star Ninja Village can be recognized, and it must have a lot of power.

Under such circumstances, looking at the sky pit at the gate of the Star Ninja Village, feeling the quiet, apparently no-one village, the surprise and even the shock in the heart is completely imaginable.

Secretly be vigilant, Zilai rushed into Star Ninja Village without looking back.

Not long after, he saw that on the back street of Xing Ninja Village, a young man with a silver mask was standing, his light yet extraordinary posture, which made people look awkward.

What surprises Zilai most is the vague natural energy that pervades the youth.

Obviously, the young man in front of him is the one that makes the natural energy restless.

Not only that, he also came from Miaomu Mountain to search for it. The key to the change of fate-there is no reason, and the intuition of Ziye has determined this.

Stepping on the roofs of buildings, Zilai's figure soon fell not far away from the other party.


"Hello boy!"

He made a gesture that would make adults feel unnatural, and he was very proud to say, "In Xiamiaoshan, the toad elf is a Taoist person, and the toad fairy is also known."


Looking at the scene in front of him, the long door couldn't help being speechless.

Although from the so-called original story, the red-haired boy also knew the virtue of the so-called toad fairy in front of him, but when actually facing this guy, he still couldn't help but want to cover his face.

Then, Nagato laughed, clutching his silver mask, and could not help laughing softly.

"If you want to make me laugh, you must admit that you won!"

Speaking of such words, Nagato slowly stopped his smile, looked at the Zilai in front of him, and said, "It ’s also the lecherous fairy, I know, my name is Payne."

"Hey, what a lustful fairy, I am a toad fairy!"

Hearing the words of Nagato, he couldn't help but refute, but soon, the color of laughter on his face faded away, revealing a solemn look, and he thought about it and said:

"Are Pain hurt, this name is not for young people like you!"

"I think it's appropriate!"

Faced with the words of Lai Ye, Nagato's thoughts turned quickly.

To be honest, it's quite surprising for Nagato to see it here. If it wasn't enough power a few years ago, it might be that Nagato would directly apprentice.

After all, in the so-called original story, this man is the master of Nagato.

But now, Zilai is just a strong man for him.

Just looking at each other's appearance, it seemed that it was not an encounter with myself, but rather a special turning of thoughts, and Nagato couldn't help but think of the secret realm of Miaomu Mountain behind him.

"According to the story of the original story, the giant toad fairy in Miaomu Mountain can predict the future."

"It's just that I don't believe that he can foresee the existence of the eternal. Also, I, who left traces in Yuanshi, are not the existence that he can foresee, so, I will never be able to predict the future again.

"And the Star Ninja Village at this time must have become the beginning of all unknowns, and the toads could not sit still!"

Suddenly, the Nagato who understood the origin of the coming came slightly open his hands, as if to embrace the world. "My name symbolizes the status quo of this world, and the pain caused by the big country to the small country."

Hearing, Zilai's face sank slightly-the most undesirable situation still appeared! ..

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