My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 53: It's you

Xuanjiu Xinnai has never been a dull temperament.

After expressing his courtesy, the red-haired girl regained her carelessness, at least on the surface, and the girl regained her original carelessness, regardless of details.

Then she sat directly next to the long door and chatted with him.

Perhaps with the mind of understanding Nagato, Nine Sinai has many problems, from Nagato's birth preference, to future ideals and goals, to various problems in spiritual practice.

It also includes discussion about the vortex seal technique.

In the past few days, Jiu Xinnai has already known the identity of the Nagato kin. She will so easily surrender, and the identity of the Nagato kin has also played a significant role.

The girl who has experienced the death of her family is desperate for her loved ones, and she is also very close to Nagato.

If this is not the case, even if Nagato wants to subdue the opponent, even if there is a **** assist by Konoha, I am afraid it will take years of time to grind, and even use some small means.

As the conversation progressed, Nine Sinai's gaze looked at Nagato more and more differently.

The girl who had seen the long-door Tongtianweili knows that her younger brother of the same family is very young, but it is extraordinary, but she did not expect that the other party will be excellent to this point.

Regardless of her knowledge or her vision, or her attainments in spiritual practice, she far surpassed her imagination.

This is excellent, and no one in the entire Muye Ninja Village can match it. Even the girly teammate in the girl ’s memory, one of the three ninjas, and the apprentice who came from the same place, the same is the Feng Shui Gate.

Suddenly, Jiu Xinnai seemed to remember a question and asked:

"Master Nagato, speaking, why are we staying here for a few days now, and don't rush out of the country of fire, anyway, this is also the site of Muye."

Speaking of which, the red-haired girl's mind flashed, and she continued to say:

"Adult, are you worried about our whereabouts?"

"Yes, neither!"

Hearing Jiu Xinnai's words, Nagato could not help but chuckled.

The girl ’s inference is indeed very reasonable. The ninja world pays great attention to intelligence collection. Almost all large towns have Ninja Village ’s eyeliner and spy undercover.

Nagato and Jiu Xinnai might have been locked by Konoha if they were out of action these days.

In this way, the situation of the entire ninja world will not develop to this point.

It's just that Nagato and Jiu Nai stay here did have the purpose of avoiding the eyeliner of Konoha and other ninja villages, but his real purpose is not here.

As Nagato prepares to continue to say something, the super-intuitive sense suddenly reacts.

At the same time, he responded to the security barrier placed several kilometers away.

Immediately, a beautiful and excited smile appeared on the face of the red-haired boy: "Ha, finally came, I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

Realizing the feeling from the super-intuitive sense, Nagato knew that the battle of his own destiny was about to start.

And he is about to face the strongest enemy in the world of ninja!

"What's coming?"

Hearing the inexplicable words of Nagato, looking at the irresistible excitement and warfare on his face, a big question mark suddenly appeared on Jiu Xinnai's face.

"You don't need to bother for now, just go to bed first!"

Looking at the curiosity on the girl's face, Nagato said with a chuckle.

And the magic thing is, just after his words, Jiu Xinnai, who was still energetic, closed her eyes and lost consciousness, as if she had completely fallen asleep.

Holding the girl's collapsed body, the long door placed it on the bed of the room.

Started the guardian enchantment that I had arranged a few days ago.

"Oh, let's get started!"

The corner of his mouth opened slightly, and the long door turned and left the courtyard.

Walking out of the courtyard, the long gate began to gallop.

Chakra came out slightly on the soles of the feet, and the figure of the red-haired boy was like a residual image, but only a moment later came to the position where the security barrier was touched.

As soon as he arrived, the long gate saw a ninja who was kneeling halfway down to himself.

This ninja is not strong. He looks like a teenager. He wears the popular hats of Yu Nimura on his head and wears a dark mask on his face.

"you are?"

Looking at the ninja in front of him, a hint of sarcasm appeared in the corner of the mouth of the long door.

"Master Nagato, I am the dark part of Hanzang's master, zero!"

Hearing the enquiry from Nagato, the hate mask ninja said in a respectful words, "I am here to take you back to the village at the order of Hanban Tibetan. After all, the village needs you because of the situation in the world of ninja."

"Hanzang, he has a heart!"

After hearing this, Nagato could not help but sigh softly.

He understands that with the current situation in the world of ninja, Hanzang will indeed send people to come to him. After all, with the power of Hanzang, it may be possible to protect the village of Yuren and the country of rain, but this is only the case.

Only by adding the strength of Nagato can the two join forces to create a better future in this chaotic situation.


"do you know?"

Slowly walking towards the dark ninja in front of him, the young red-haired young voice said, "I joined Yuren Village under the name of Payne. No one in the village except Hanzo and Xiaonan knew that I was called Nagato!"

"not good!"

"Shen Luo Tian Zheng!"

The words of Nagato just fell, and the hat-shaven mask Ninja was horrified, but he didn't wait for him to respond. The red-haired young boy Shen Tianzheng came out instantly, and the powerful repulsive force capsized down.


In the violent roar, Dosa flew down, and the mask ninja hit the ground heavily.

After all this was done, the red-haired boy stood quietly in place, he had no other movements, so he looked at the mask ninja not far away.

In the perception of the teenager, after receiving a blow from Shen Luo Tianzheng, the vitality of the masked ninja was still strong.

Obviously, the enemy in front of me is not a general generation, but an enemy!

"Cough, it's really heavy!"

Halfway through, the mask ninja finally climbed up from the ground with a slight cough. With a ‘click’, the mask on the ninja ’s face slowly cracked, revealing a face that surprised the Nagato.

Under the orange hair is a slightly square face, looks quite immature, but fifteen or sixteen years old.

"It's you, Yahiko!"

Suddenly stopped, the long door slowly said the name of the boy in front of him. ..

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