My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 54: Yahiko's wooden escape


War orphans of the second ninja war Yuyin Village.

After meeting Xiaonan and Nagato, they followed Nilai and learned ninjutsu together. When they grew up, they established "Xiao" to realize the ideal of world peace, and later they were killed by Nagato to protect their companions.

His body was made into the "Heavenly Way" among the "Pain Six Ways" by his best friend Nagato.

Of course, this is just Yahiko's experience in the original story.

In the real memory of Nagato, the guy in front of him did not have the slightest intersection with himself, even when he first saw each other, he was already dead.

Humble death in the hands of a noble fat man who bullied the good people.

It's just that Nagato didn't expect to see him again here.

"Fate is really wonderful!"

The purple eyes narrowed slightly, and the long door looked at the teenager with short orange hair in front of him. He slowly said, "It's a surprise that you will be born again after you died."

"Ah, this one can only be said to be lucky."

Hearing the words of Nagato, Yahiko's right hand couldn't help but touch the back of her head. "But anyway, I did come alive. By the way, thank you for taking care of Xiaonan, Nagato."

"I can't feel any thanks from your actions."

There was no slight change in Nagato's face, but his mind was running at an alarming speed.

He vaguely understood that he might have been brought back to life by Uchiha Spot or Heiju.

No, maybe not a resurrection, but a rescue!

As for why Uchiha Mobori or Heiju must do this, I am afraid that Yahiko is inextricably linked to herself and wants to make some articles.

In other words, saving Yahiko is a free move.

Many thoughts flashed in my head, and the long door still said lightly, "Forget it, since you have become my enemy, then what I have to do is very simple."

As soon as the words fell, the right hand of Nagato slowly raised.

"and many more!"

Seeing the Nagato to start again, Yahiko immediately said aloud, "Nagato Jun, please believe me, I am not malicious, I am indeed the ninja of the Yubu Village."

Hearing the words, the action of the long door stagnate, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

"Hazan, you stupid!"

I couldn't help flashing such thoughts in my mind, and Nagato didn't expect Yu Ninja Village to be infiltrated to this point, and even the dark part became a **** in Uchiha Spot or Hei Jue.

The red-haired boy immediately decided to come back to Yu Ninja Village for a large-scale cleaning.

Thinking so, his eyes burst into amazing surprise.

"Vientiane Tian Yin!"

The great gravitational force burst out with the right palm of the red-haired boy as the core, and directly caught Yahiko, not far away, and grabbed it and flew to where he was.

"not good!"

I was caught by Vientiane Tianyin, even though Yahiko had a special physique, I felt quite a headache.

The ubiquitous gravity almost made him unable to resist.

In addition to this, Yahiko's headache is why Nagato does not talk to himself. Through the years of lurking under Shanjiaoyu Hanzo, Yahiko has always felt that Nagato and Hanzo will be their companions. Yahiko has always wanted to persuade Nagato and Hanzo to join himself and the adult ’s plan.

With the help of both of them, a peaceful future is almost just around the corner.

It is precisely because of this consideration that when the adult was about to take action against Nagato, Yahiko grabbed the right of first trial and was ready to try to persuade Nagato.

But now it seems that if you want to persuade Nagato, you must first subdue the other party.



A flash of warfare finally flashed in Yahiko's eyes, so powerful that Chakra passed out like a substance, and Yahiko's hands broke free of the gravitational control of Vientiane.

With both hands in the air to form a mark!

"Mu Dun-the tree is buried forever!"

Almost at the same time, huge trees appeared behind the long door, twisting the body that grabbed the long door and burying it deep underground.

"It's so funny, it's really fun!"

Faced with this situation, a surprise appeared in Nagato's eyes.

Sighing slightly, he gave up Vientiane Tianyin.

"Shen Luo Tian Zheng!"

The repulsive force field, which is still extremely powerful, permeated, slamming the giant wood behind the long gate directly into pieces, not to mention bombing toward Yahiko in front.

But without the control of Vientiane, Yinyan jumped back immediately, avoiding the power of repulsion.


Seeing such a result, Nagato has the intention to increase its output. It is just that such an idea has just emerged and dissipated that the real enemy has not yet appeared.

At the same time, in the dark and deep underground space.

A little fluctuation, the black figure slowly extended from the wall, looking at the giant Golem standing not far away, and the elderly man sitting in front of the Golem, said:

"Ban, Nahiko's kid and Nagato are at war, and even Mu Dun used it."

"It's normal!"

Halfway through, the elderly man on the throne said slowly, "But the guy at the Nagata has the reincarnation eyes that I have spent half my life to open. Without Mu Dun, Yahiko couldn't be the enemy."

"The same is true, just why, let Yahiko go out."

Echoing this Uchiha spot, Hei couldn't help but express his doubts in his heart, "Even if there is a wooden escape, Yahiko should not be the opponent of Nagato."

"Just let him defeat, and then I will personally defeat Nagato!"

In the face of the dark, Uchiha spot did not conceal his thoughts, and said, "This way, the naive kid will understand that my Uchiha spot is powerful."

"Only in this way will he feel at ease to be his pawn, not to have any other ideas."

"Oh, your purpose is for Yahiko to replace Nagato as part of the plan!"

Hearing this, Hei Jue suddenly felt that Yahiko was indeed a very suitable candidate for planning. After all, he was so naive, and he was also stubborn that ordinary people did not have.

Then Hei Jue seemed to remember something, and said, "Yes, spot, the guy at Nagato got the force of Nine Tails, according to the courtyard where he originally stayed, you see."

"Wait for me when I fight with him!"

After thinking for a while, Uchiha spot slowly said, "Nine tails are sent to the door, naturally there is no reason to miss it. In order to ensure that Jiuwei will not run away, you personally shot.

"Yes!" ..

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