My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 57: Uchiha spot

Looking at the old man in the field of vision, Nagato's mood fluctuated.

From the very beginning, the old man seemed to have covered the long door like a nightmare. If not for all kinds of accidents, he would even influence and manipulate the long door's life.

From this point alone, there is absolutely no room for compromise between Nagato and Uchiha spots.

And now, it is time for Nagato to sever this evil edge that was passed down from the original.

Thinking so, the red-haired boy gradually fell.

Not long after, Nagato had stood in front of Uchiha Spot and was observing his long-time enemy in close quarters. Nagato had to admit that he was too old and too old.

If the ordinary old man is compared to the candlelight that is about to go out, Uchiha spot is the candlelight that has already been extinguished.

Yes, he has been extinguished, but he continued his life by special means.

But even so, he was so ordered.

At this time, Uchiha spot was holding a large sickle, and with the old and thin body, it vaguely gave people a horror like death.

After watching it for a while, the long door finally broke the calm, and there seemed to be waves in the voice:

"Finally, the real owner of the reincarnation!"

"It's really surprising."

Hearing the words of Nagato, Uchiha's old cheek flashed an accident and said, "When did you know that the reincarnation eyes are not your eyes?"

"Probably, I knew it from the beginning!"

She seemed to shrug her shoulders indifferently, and the long door said lightly, "Part of the reason is some wonderful memories, and part of the reason is that I can feel it, and my eyes are a bit apart."

"Of course, that is over, now, the owner of the reincarnation eye is me!"

"That's really talented!"

A look of admiration appeared again on Ban's face, and then he said, "Although you may already know it, I still introduce myself, I am Uchiha Ban."

"I am the long door!"

Nagato's reply was very simple, but the slightly surging murderous intention finally could not restrain the opening germination between words, intertwined with the hot fighting intent, and showed a wonderful response.

Instantly, a deeper purple light appeared in the eyes of the red-haired boy.

Looking at this scene, Uchiha spots could not help but feel a little uneasy.

He knew that it was the intuition of the fighting instincts he had exercised in his life in the past, and the teenager in front of him seemed to have changed something he did not know.

But even so, he has only one choice.

That is--


The words of decisiveness began to change from Uchiha's mouth, the three-wheeled jade writing chakra in his eyes, and the three hooked jades turned wildly until they were finally connected.

The pupil force circulates in the eyes, inspiring the power of Uchiha spot left eye.

Its name-Tianzhao!

"not good!"

Almost at the moment Uchiha spotted his shot, Nagato's super-intuitive sense burst into a powerful reaction. Instinctively, Nagato exhibited the psychic technique with one hand.


The moment the white smoke burst, a huge crab appeared in front of the long gate.

Then the next moment, the whole crab ignited a black flame.

The sound of wailing poured out of the crab's mouth, and let the crab roll over, the flame on its body did not diminish, but it burned more and more, as if to burn everything.

"Humph! Shura's attack!"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Nagato frowned.

The faint words poured out from the mouth of the red-haired boy, and then an arm grew directly from his shoulder into a barrel shape, and the pure Chakra power condensed at the muzzle and fired!

The terrifying Chakra laser penetrated the crab in front of him, and slammed into Uchiha spot.

Such an unexpected attack, even Uchiha spot was a little amazed.

If he was young, there are countless ways for Uchiha spot to escape this kind of attack, but he is so old that he has absolutely no ability to avoid this kind of attack.

and so--


The strongest mystery derived from the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye after the writing wheel eye advanced was unfolded in the hands of Uchiha spot, and the dark blue color of Chakra emerged, condensing into a huge arm.

The current laser of Shura's attack was heavily bombarded on Chakra's giant arm.


The powerful collision burst out in the roar.

The Qi waves spread in all directions, Uchiha spot backed half a step, and then used the Chakra giant arm to counteract the Shura attack laser condensed from the long gate.

Then Chakra on Uchiha Spot appeared again, and the huge Chakra arm changed again.

From a single arm to a four-armed skeleton half body, then the skeleton is covered with meridians and flesh, wrapped in a coat-like chakra, and derived into armor and weapons.

Then Chakra giant condensed his lower body and feet, and stood upright.

With four Chakra swords in hand, Suzuno looked extremely fierce.

The spotted figure appeared directly on the giant's head!

At this time, the longmen's psychic beast crab had been completely burned out, stepping over the ashes left by the crab, and the longmen looked at the changes in Uchiha spot, suspended, and said:

"Obviously, all the lights have run out, and you still have this power."

In the memory of Nagato, the final meaning of the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, Suzuno, has several stages, and just now Uchiha spot's Suzuno has evolved directly from the initial stage to the mature stage.

In addition to Sasuke Uchiha who does not know whether it will appear in the future, only Ban can do this.

This was done without spotting using his real eyes.

Therefore, Nagato had to sigh Uchiha's power.


"Come on, Shenluo Tianzheng!"

In the face of his old enemy, Nagato exhibited the power of Shenluo Tianzheng, but this time he exhibited the Shenluo Tianzheng completely differently.

The repulsive force field is not spreading in all directions, but is bulging towards Suzuno like a cone.

The condensed repulsion field distorts the air and breeds a terrible edge.

In the face of Shen Luo Tianzheng, the red-haired teenager's changing form, the spot did not retreat. He manipulated Su Zuonenghu to leap backwards and pulled away a little distance.

Four arms waved, four tai knives pierced the air, and at the same time slashed towards Shen Luo Tian Zheng.


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